# 安装 Nvidia OFED 驱动 本文将介绍如何通过以 Kubernetes 和 手动 的方式在节点安装英伟达 OFED 驱动. ## 环境检查 - 请确保主机具备 Mellanox 系列网卡,可通过在主机终端执行以下命令确认: ```shell $ lspci -nn | grep Eth | grep Mellanox 3b:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Mellanox Technologies MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] [15b3:1017] 3b:00.1 Ethernet controller [0200]: Mellanox Technologies MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] [15b3:1017] ``` 以上输出表示主机具备两张 Mellanox 系列网卡, 其型号是 ConnectX-5。 - 确认主机是否已经正确安装 OFED 驱动 ```shell $ ofed_info -s MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.07- ``` 以上输出说明当前主机已经安装 OFED 驱动,如果提示命令不存在则说明未安装。如果有以上输出进一步检查 RDMA 设备是否正确识别: ```shell $ rdma link show link mlx5_0/1 state ACTIVE physical_state LINK_UP netdev enp4s0f0np0 link mlx5_1/1 state ACTIVE physical_state LINK_UP netdev enp4s0f1np1 $ ibdev2netdev mlx5_0 port 1 ==> enp4s0f0np0 (Up) mlx5_1 port 1 ==> enp4s0f1np1 (Up) ``` 以上输出说明该主机的 RDMA 环境已经就绪。否则先检查网卡的物理状态(比如是否正常接入到交换机等等)。 如果物理链路没问题,按照下面的步骤安装 OFED 驱动。 ## 安装驱动 主机的操作系统不同,安装的方式也所不同。为了尽量满足不同的环境安装驱动,下面分别介绍通过 Kubernetes 和 手动两种方式安装 OFED 驱动。 ### 通过 Kubernetes DaemonSet 安装 我们可以通过在集群中创建一个 DaemonSet, 由这个 DaemonSet 来帮助安装驱动,但需要注意以下几点事项: - 目前支持镜像列表只支持 Ubuntu22.04、Ubuntu20.04、Ubuntu18.04 以及 Centos8、RHEL8、RHEL9 系列的操作系统版本。 并且只支持 x86 架构。对于其他操作系统和架构,可按照手动安装 OFED 驱动章节。 | OS | 内核版本 | 镜像名称 | | ------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ubuntu22.04 | 5.15 | `daocloud.io/nvidia/mellanox/mofed:23.10-` | | ubuntu20.04 | 5.4 | `daocloud.io/nvidia/mellanox/mofed:23.10-` | | ubuntu18.04 | 4.15 | `daocloud.io/daocloud/mellanox-mofed:23.07-` | | RHEL9 | 5.14.0 | `daocloud.io/daocloud/mellanox-mofed:23.10-` | | RHEL8/Centos8 | 4.18.0 | `daocloud.io/daocloud/mellanox-mofed:23.10-` | - 集群不同节点的操作系统或架构可能是不同的,同一个镜像可能无法适用于集群所有节点。这种情况下, 我们应该确保 Pod 运行在指定的节点。否则因为节点操作系统和架构的不同而导致安装驱动失败。 下面是 DaemonSet 的部署清单文件,注意修改 nodeSelector 字段以确保 Pod 调度到需要安装驱动的节点上: 这里以节点的操作系统为 Ubuntu22.04,架构为 x86 为例: ```yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: mofed namespace: kube-system spec: selector: matchLabels: driver-pod: mofed-22.04- metadata: name: mofed labels: app: mofed-ubuntu22.04 driver-pod: mofed-22.04- nvidia.com/ofed-driver: "" spec: containers: - image: nvcr.io/nvidia/mellanox/mofed:23.10- imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: mofed-container securityContext: privileged: true seLinuxOptions: level: s0 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /run/mellanox/drivers mountPropagation: Bidirectional name: run-mlnx-ofed - mountPath: /etc/network name: etc-network - mountPath: /host/etc name: host-etc - mountPath: /host/usr name: host-usr - mountPath: /host/lib/udev name: host-udev - mountPath: /host/lib/modules name: host-lib-modules hostNetwork: true volumes: - hostPath: path: /run/mellanox/drivers type: "" name: run-mlnx-ofed - hostPath: path: /etc/network type: "" name: etc-network - hostPath: path: /etc type: "" name: host-etc - hostPath: path: /usr type: "" name: host-usr - hostPath: path: /lib/udev type: "" name: host-udev - hostPath: path: /lib/modules type: "" name: host-lib-modules ``` !!! note 创建后可通过查看 mofed Pod 的日志查看驱动安装过程 如果安装驱动失败,Pod 会不断重启尝试重新安装驱动。 如果安装成功,Pod 将会无限期 Sleep, 可进入到 Pod 执行 `ofed_info` 查看驱动安装情况。 ### 手动安装 对于无法通过 Kubernetes 安装驱动的场景: 比如镜像不支持等。我们可以选择手动方式安装: - 检查主机操作系统和版本和 CPU 架构 ```yaml Static hostname: 10-20-1-20 Icon name: computer-server Chassis: server Machine ID: 12998dac94434e66aaf6546cb42b9c93 Boot ID: 852a0d1c0382438a98e84591f322fc36 Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.15.0-91-generic Architecture: x86-64 Hardware Vendor: Lenovo Hardware Model: -_7X06CTO1WW_- ``` - 在[英伟达官网](https://network.nvidia.com/products/infiniband-drivers/linux/mlnx_ofed/)下载主机架构、操作系统对应的 OFED 驱动版本: ![下载驱动](../../../images/nvidia_ofed.png) !!! note 注意目前需要匹配到主机的发行版、架构以及操作系统版本。 如果想要下载早期版本,请点击 Archive Version 切换。 - 安装 OFED 驱动时,可能会通过 `apt install` 在线安装一些依赖,如果您是离线环境,无法访问外网, 可参考该步骤获取所有需要的依赖。 | OS Version | Architecture | File Size | Package | Update Date | |----------|--------------|-----------|---------|----------| | Ubuntu 22.04 | AMD 64 | 165.25 MB | [:arrow_down: ubuntu22.04-ofed-driver-offline-deb.tar.gz](https://qiniu-download-public.daocloud.io/DaoCloud_Enterprise/ubuntu22.04-ofed-driver-offline-deb.tar.gz) | 2024-07-29 | 获取离线依赖包后,请解压并加载对应的 deb 包 ```shell mkdir ubuntu22.04-ofed-driver-offline-deb && tar -zxvf ubuntu22.04-ofed-driver-offline-deb.tar.gz cd ubuntu22.04-ofed-driver-offline-deb dpkg -i *.deb apt-get install -f ``` - 本文以下载 iso 文件为例,下载文件并上传到主机。挂载到 `/mnt` 路径并执行安装命令。 ```shell root@10-20-1-20:~/install# mount MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10- /mnt/ mount: /mnt: WARNING: source write-protected, mounted read-only. root@10-20-1-20:/mnt# ./mlnxofedinstall --with-nvmf --with-nfsrdma --all Logs dir: /tmp/MLNX_OFED_LINUX.86055.logs General log file: /tmp/MLNX_OFED_LINUX.86055.logs/general.log Below is the list of MLNX_OFED_LINUX packages that you have chosen (some may have been added by the installer due to package dependencies): ofed-scripts mlnx-tools mlnx-ofed-kernel-utils mlnx-ofed-kernel-dkms iser-dkms isert-dkms srp-dkms mlnx-nfsrdma-dkms mlnx-nvme-dkms rdma-core libibverbs1 ibverbs-utils ibverbs-providers libibverbs-dev libibverbs1-dbg libibumad3 libibumad-dev ibacm librdmacm1 rdmacm-utils librdmacm-dev mstflint ibdump libibmad5 libibmad-dev libopensm opensm opensm-doc libopensm-devel libibnetdisc5 infiniband-diags mft kernel-mft-dkms perftest ibutils2 ibsim ibsim-doc ucx sharp hcoll knem-dkms knem openmpi mpitests dpcp srptools mlnx-ethtool mlnx-iproute2 rshim ibarr This program will install the MLNX_OFED_LINUX package on your machine. Note that all other Mellanox, OEM, OFED, RDMA or Distribution IB packages will be removed. Those packages are removed due to conflicts with MLNX_OFED_LINUX, do not reinstall them. Do you want to continue?[y/N]: ``` !!! note 1. 输入 y 开始安装驱动,大概需要 20 分钟,请耐心等待 2. '--with-nvmf' 和 '--with-nfsrdma' 是可选参数,按需配置。可输入 --help 查看详情 - 如果您的网卡固件版本低于当前驱动固件版本,则会自动更新固件。 当驱动安装成功后,提示重启驱动 `/etc/init.d/openibd restart` ```shell ... Device (86:00.0): 86:00.0 Infiniband controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] Link Width: x16 PCI Link Speed: 8GT/s Device (86:00.1): 86:00.1 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] Link Width: x16 PCI Link Speed: 8GT/s Device (af:00.0): af:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] Link Width: x8 PCI Link Speed: 8GT/s Device (af:00.1): af:00.1 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] Link Width: x8 PCI Link Speed: 8GT/s Installation passed successfully To load the new driver, run: /etc/init.d/openibd restart Note: In order to load the new nvme-rdma and nvmet-rdma modules, the nvme module must be reloaded. ``` - 重新启动驱动 ```shell $ /etc/init.d/openibd restart Unloading HCA driver: [ OK ] Loading HCA driver and Access Layer: [ OK ] ``` 如果执行失败,可参考以下错误: 1. 由于 opensm 仍然在运行导致重启驱动失败。 ```shell $ /etc/init.d/openibd restart Please stop "opensm" and all applications running over InfiniBand. Please stop the following applications still using Infiniband devices: opensm(1632) user root is using device issm0 opensm(1632) user root is using device umad0 Error: Cannot unload the Infiniband driver stack due to the above issue(s)! Once the above issue(s) resolved, run: # /etc/init.d/openibd restart ``` 手动执行 `systemctl stop opensmd` 可修复这个问题。 2. 内核 module 正被引用,无法移除导致重启失败 ```shell $ /etc/init.d/openibd restart Unloading mlx_compat [FAILED] rmmod: ERROR: Module mlx_compat is in use by: nvme_core nvme_fabrics ``` 通过 lsmod 查看 module: nvme_core 和 nvme_fabrics 之间相互依赖关系,按顺序依次卸载这些 modules 后,解决这个问题。 ```shell $ rmmod nvme_fabrics $ rmmod nvme_core $ rmmod mlx_compat $ /etc/init.d/openibd restart Unloading HCA driver: [ OK ] Loading HCA driver and Access Layer: [ OK ] ``` - 检查驱动是否安装成功 ```shell $ ofed_info MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10- (OFED-23.10-1.1.9): clusterkit: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/clusterkit-1.11.442-1.2310055.src.rpm dpcp: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/dpcp-1.1.43-1.2310055.src.rpm hcoll: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/hcoll-4.8.3223-1.2310055.src.rpm ibarr: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/ibarr-0.1.3-1.2310055.src.rpm ibdump: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/ibdump-6.0.0-1.2310055.src.rpm ibsim: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/ibsim-0.12-1.2310055.src.rpm ibutils2: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/ibutils2-2.1.1-0.1.MLNX20231105.g79770a56.2310055.src.rpm iser: mlnx_ofed/mlnx-ofa_kernel-4.0.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit a675be032c722b022cd9166921fbc6195e7fe8ff isert: mlnx_ofed/mlnx-ofa_kernel-4.0.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit a675be032c722b022cd9166921fbc6195e7fe8ff kernel-mft: mlnx_ofed_mft/kernel-mft-4.26.1-3.src.rpm knem: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/knem- libvma: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/libvma-9.8.40-1.src.rpm libxlio: /sw/release/sw_acceleration/xlio/libxlio-3.20.8-1.src.rpm mlnx-dpdk: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/mlnx-dpdk-22.11.0-2310.1.0.2310055.src.rpm mlnx-en: mlnx_ofed/mlnx-ofa_kernel-4.0.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit a675be032c722b022cd9166921fbc6195e7fe8ff mlnx-ethtool: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/mlnx-ethtool-6.4-1.2310055.src.rpm mlnx-iproute2: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/mlnx-iproute2-6.4.0-1.2310055.src.rpm mlnx-nfsrdma: mlnx_ofed/mlnx-ofa_kernel-4.0.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit a675be032c722b022cd9166921fbc6195e7fe8ff mlnx-nvme: mlnx_ofed/mlnx-ofa_kernel-4.0.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit a675be032c722b022cd9166921fbc6195e7fe8ff mlnx-ofa_kernel: mlnx_ofed/mlnx-ofa_kernel-4.0.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit a675be032c722b022cd9166921fbc6195e7fe8ff mlnx-tools: https://github.com/Mellanox/mlnx-tools mlnx_ofed commit d3edfb102ad4c3103796192b3719a5f9cd24c7f9 mlx-steering-dump: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/mlx-steering-dump-1.0.0-0.2310055.src.rpm mpitests: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/mpitests-3.2.21-8418f75.2310055.src.rpm mstflint: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/mstflint-4.16.1-2.2310055.src.rpm multiperf: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/multiperf-3.0-3.0.2310055.src.rpm ofed-docs: docs.git mlnx_ofed-4.0 commit 3d1b0afb7bc190ae5f362223043f76b2b45971cc openmpi: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/openmpi-4.1.7a1-1.2310055.src.rpm opensm: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/opensm-5.17.0.MLNX20231105.d437ae0a-0.1.2310055.src.rpm openvswitch: https://gitlab-master.nvidia.com/sdn/ovs mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit c5eb44be9b4d8ee0f6b367b439c582f3487cc741 perftest: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/perftest-23.10.0-0.29.g0705c22.2310055.src.rpm rdma-core: mlnx_ofed/rdma-core.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit 6c404a661569eb130be94df67f8a98e6794c0c35 rshim: mlnx_ofed_soc/rshim-2.0.17-0.g0caa378.src.rpm sharp: mlnx_ofed_sharp/sharp-3.5.1.MLNX20231116.7fcef5af.tar.gz sockperf: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/sockperf-3.10-0.git5ebd327da983.2310055.src.rpm srp: mlnx_ofed/mlnx-ofa_kernel-4.0.git mlnx_ofed_23_10 commit a675be032c722b022cd9166921fbc6195e7fe8ff ucx: mlnx_ofed_ucx/ucx-1.16.0-1.src.rpm xpmem-lib: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/xpmem-lib-2.7-0.2310055.src.rpm xpmem: /sw/release/mlnx_ofed/IBHPC/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-23.10-0.5.5/SRPMS/xpmem-2.7.3-1.2310055.src.rpm Installed Packages: ------------------- ii dpcp 1.1.43-1.2310055 amd64 Direct Packet Control Plane (DPCP) is a library to use Devx ii hcoll 4.8.3223-1.2310055 amd64 Hierarchical collectives (HCOLL) ii ibacm 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 InfiniBand Communication Manager Assistant (ACM) ii ibarr:amd64 0.1.3-1.2310055 amd64 Nvidia address and route userspace resolution services for Infiniband ii ibdump 6.0.0-1.2310055 amd64 Mellanox packets sniffer tool ii ibsim 0.12-1.2310055 amd64 InfiniBand fabric simulator for management ii ibsim-doc 0.12-1.2310055 all documentation for ibsim ii ibutils2 2.1.1-0.1.MLNX20231105.g79770a56.2310055 amd64 OpenIB Mellanox InfiniBand Diagnostic Tools ii ibverbs-providers:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 User space provider drivers for libibverbs ii ibverbs-utils 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Examples for the libibverbs library ii infiniband-diags 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 InfiniBand diagnostic programs ii iser-dkms 23.10.OFED. all DKMS support fo iser kernel modules ii isert-dkms 23.10.OFED. all DKMS support fo isert kernel modules ii kernel-mft-dkms all DKMS support for kernel-mft kernel modules ii knem amd64 userspace tools for the KNEM kernel module ii knem-dkms all DKMS support for mlnx-ofed kernel modules ii libibmad-dev:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Development files for libibmad ii libibmad5:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Infiniband Management Datagram (MAD) library ii libibnetdisc5:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 InfiniBand diagnostics library ii libibumad-dev:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Development files for libibumad ii libibumad3:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 InfiniBand Userspace Management Datagram (uMAD) library ii libibverbs-dev:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Development files for the libibverbs library ii libibverbs1:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Library for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP) ii libibverbs1-dbg:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Debug symbols for the libibverbs library ii libopensm 5.17.0.MLNX20231105.d437ae0a-0.1.2310055 amd64 Infiniband subnet manager libraries ii libopensm-devel 5.17.0.MLNX20231105.d437ae0a-0.1.2310055 amd64 Development files for OpenSM ii librdmacm-dev:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Development files for the librdmacm library ii librdmacm1:amd64 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Library for managing RDMA connections ii mlnx-ethtool 6.4-1.2310055 amd64 This utility allows querying and changing settings such as speed, ii mlnx-iproute2 6.4.0-1.2310055 amd64 This utility allows querying and changing settings such as speed, ii mlnx-nfsrdma-dkms 23.10.OFED. all DKMS support for NFS RDMA kernel module ii mlnx-nvme-dkms 23.10.OFED. all DKMS support for nvme kernel module ii mlnx-ofed-kernel-dkms 23.10.OFED. all DKMS support for mlnx-ofed kernel modules ii mlnx-ofed-kernel-utils 23.10.OFED. amd64 Userspace tools to restart and tune mlnx-ofed kernel modules ii mlnx-tools 23.10.0-1.2310119 amd64 Userspace tools to restart and tune MLNX_OFED kernel modules ii mpitests 3.2.21-8418f75.2310055 amd64 Set of popular MPI benchmarks and tools IMB 2018 OSU benchmarks ver 4.0.1 mpiP-3.3 ii mstflint 4.16.1-2.2310055 amd64 Mellanox firmware burning application ii openmpi 4.1.7a1-1.2310055 all Open MPI ii opensm 5.17.0.MLNX20231105.d437ae0a-0.1.2310055 amd64 An Infiniband subnet manager ii opensm-doc 5.17.0.MLNX20231105.d437ae0a-0.1.2310055 amd64 Documentation for opensm ii perftest 23.10.0-0.29.g0705c22.2310055 amd64 Infiniband verbs performance tests ii rdma-core 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 RDMA core userspace infrastructure and documentation ii rdmacm-utils 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Examples for the librdmacm library ii rshim 2.0.17-0.g0caa378.2310119 amd64 driver for Mellanox BlueField SoC ii sharp 3.5.1.MLNX20231116.7fcef5af-1.2310119 amd64 SHArP switch collectives ii srp-dkms 23.10.OFED. all DKMS support fo srp kernel modules ii srptools 2307mlnx47-1.2310119 amd64 Tools for Infiniband attached storage (SRP) ii ucx 1.16.0-1.2310119 amd64 Unified Communication X ``` 以上输出列出了安装的 OFED 驱动版本和已经安装的 package,这表明驱动已经被正确的安装。