# 微服务网关接入限流服务器 微服务网关支持接入第三方限流服务器,本文档演示使用默认的限流服务器的步骤。 ## 前提条件 - [创建一个集群](../../kpanda/user-guide/clusters/create-cluster.md)或[接入一个集群](../../kpanda/user-guide/clusters/integrate-cluster.md) - [创建一个网关](../gateway/index.md) ## 选用限流服务器 你可以选择默认的限流服务器,也可以自己接入一个。 ### 默认的限流服务器 直接应用提供的限流服务器模板,具体逻辑可参考[限流服务器代码](https://github.com/projectsesame/ratelimit)。 ```bash kubectl apply -f gateway-rls.yaml -n plugin-ns ``` ??? note "默认的限流服务器" ```yaml title="gateway-rls.yaml" --- # NOTE: this deployment is intended for demonstrating global # rate limiting functionality only and should NOT be considered # production-ready. apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: ratelimit name: gateway-rls spec: replicas: 1 strategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: # This value of maxSurge means that during a rolling update # the new ReplicaSet will be created first. maxSurge: 50% selector: matchLabels: app: ratelimit template: metadata: labels: app: ratelimit spec: affinity: podAntiAffinity: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - podAffinityTerm: labelSelector: matchLabels: app: ratelimit topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname weight: 100 containers: - name: redis image: release-ci.daocloud.io/skoala/redis:6.2.6 env: - name: REDIS_SOCKET_TYPE value: tcp - name: REDIS_URL value: redis:6379 - name: ratelimit image: release-ci.daocloud.io/skoala/envoy-ratelimit:v2 # latest a/o Mar 24 2022 ports: - containerPort: 8080 name: http protocol: TCP - containerPort: 8081 name: grpc protocol: TCP - containerPort: 6070 name: debug protocol: TCP volumeMounts: - name: ratelimit-config mountPath: /data/ratelimit/config readOnly: true env: - name: USE_STATSD value: "false" - name: LOG_LEVEL value: debug - name: REDIS_SOCKET_TYPE value: tcp - name: REDIS_URL value: localhost:6379 - name: RUNTIME_ROOT value: /data - name: RUNTIME_SUBDIRECTORY value: ratelimit - name: RUNTIME_WATCH_ROOT value: "false" # need to set RUNTIME_IGNOREDOTFILES to true to avoid issues with # how Kubernetes mounts configmaps into pods. - name: RUNTIME_IGNOREDOTFILES value: "true" command: ["/bin/ratelimit"] livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthcheck port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 volumes: - name: ratelimit-config configMap: name: gateway-rls --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: gateway-rls spec: ports: - port: 8081 name: grpc protocol: TCP - port: 6070 name: debug protocol: TCP selector: app: ratelimit type: NodePort --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: gateway-rls data: ratelimit-config.yaml: | domain: gateway-rls.skoala-dev descriptors: - name: test1 key: foo value: goo rate_limit: name: test1 unit: Minute requests_per_unit: 20 descriptors: - name: test2 key: foo1 value: goo1 rate_limit: name: test2 unit: Minute requests_per_unit: 15 descriptors: - name: test3 key: foo2 value: goo2 rate_limit: name: test3 unit: Minute requests_per_unit: 10 ``` ### 接入限流服务器 1. 获取上述步骤部署的 gateway-rls 的外部访问地址。 ```bash kubectl get svc -n plugin-ns ``` 限流服务器地址: 限流服务器配置地址: ```none NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE gateway-rls NodePort 8081:32003/TCP,6070:32004/TCP 1m ``` 2. 在插件中心创建全局限流插件。 - 限流响应头信息: 是否开启在响应头中打印限流相关信息。 - 快速成功: 当限流服务器无法正常访问时,是否允许继续访问请求。 - 接入地址: 限流服务器的地址,8081 端口对应的地址,协议为 GRPC。 - 负载均衡策略: 当存在多个限流服务器时,多个限流服务器的访问策略。 - 配置获取接口: 获取限流服务器配置的地址,为端口 6070 对应的地址,协议为 HTTP。 - 超时时间: 限流服务器响应的超时时间。 ![RATELIMIT插件](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/zh/docs/skoala/images/rls-plugin.png) 3. 网关配置全局限流插件。 ![网关配置全局限流插件](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/zh/docs/skoala/images/gateway-rls.png) 4. 创建域名并开启全局限流。 ![域名开启全局限流](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/zh/docs/skoala/images/virtualhost-rls.png) 5. 在网关下创建一个 API,`关联域名`填写刚才新创建的域名,匹配路径为 `/`,并将 API 上线。API 默认状态是应用域名的全局限流配置,也可以自定义限流规则。 ![API全局限流](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/zh/docs/skoala/images/api-rls.png) 6. 现在即可通过限流服务器访问该 API 了。 ```bash while true; do curl -w " http_code: %{http_code}" http://gateway.demo:30000/; let count+=1; echo " count: ${count}"; done ``` 访问结果如下,可以看到访问 10 次后,就被限流了。 ```none adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 1 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 2 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 3 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 4 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 5 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 6 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 7 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 8 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 9 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 10 http_code: 429 count: 11 http_code: 429 count: 12 http_code: 429 count: 13 http_code: 429 count: 14 http_code: 429 count: 15 http_code: 429 count: 16 http_code: 429 count: 17 http_code: 429 count: 18 http_code: 429 count: 19 http_code: 429 count: 20 ... ``` ### 基于 IP 的全局限流 !!! note IP 限流规则的 Key 必须填写 remote_address。 #### 针对所有 IP 进行限流 1. 编辑限流服务器的 configmap,在 descriptors 添加以下内容(注意格式): ```yaml data: ratelimit-config.yaml: | domain: gateway-rls.test descriptors: - name: ip-rls key: remote_address rate_limit: name: ip-rule unit: Minute requests_per_unit: 5 ``` 2. 限流服务器会热加载配置,等待配置生效即可,当然,也可以访问限流服务器的配置接口,出现以下配置即可。 ```bash $ curl gateway-rls.test.remote_address: unit=MINUTE requests_per_unit=5, shadow_mode: false ``` 3. 域名配置全局限流策略(当然,前提是网关需要开启全局限流插件)。 ![域名全局限流策略](https://docs.daocloud.io/daocloud-docs-images/docs/zh/docs/skoala/images/rls-ip-rule.png) 4. 基于该域名的 API 访问,执行以下命令访问。 ```bash while true; do curl -w " http_code: %{http_code}" http://ip.test:30000/; let count+=1; echo " count: ${count}"; done ``` 访问结果如下,可以看到访问 5 次后,就被限流了。 ```none adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 1 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 2 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 3 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 4 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 5 http_code: 429 count: 6 http_code: 429 count: 7 http_code: 429 count: 8 http_code: 429 count: 9 http_code: 429 count: 10 ... ``` #### 针对指定 IP 进行限流 1. 编辑 gateway-rls 的 configmap,在 descriptions 添加以下内容(注意格式): - 对所有 IP 进行限流,每分钟访问 10 次。 - 对 IP 限流每分钟访问 5 次。 - 对 IP本机)限流每分钟访问 3 次。 ```yaml data: ratelimit-config.yaml: | domain: gateway-rls.test descriptors: - name: ip-rls key: remote_address rate_limit: name: ip-rule unit: Minute requests_per_unit: 10 - key: remote_address value: rate_limit: unit: Minute requests_per_unit: 5 - key: remote_address value: rate_limit: unit: Minute requests_per_unit: 3 ``` 2. 限流服务器会热加载配置,等待配置生效即可,当然,也可以访问限流服务器的配置接口,出现以下配置即可。 ```bash $ curl gateway-rls.test.remote_address: unit=MINUTE requests_per_unit=10, shadow_mode: false gateway-rls.test.remote_address_10.6.222.90: unit=MINUTE requests_per_unit=5, shadow_mode: false gateway-rls.test.remote_address_10.70.4.1: unit=MINUTE requests_per_unit=3, shadow_mode: false ``` 3. 域名配置全局限流策略。 4. 基于该域名的 API 访问,执行以下命令访问。 ``` while true; do curl -w " http_code: %{http_code}" http://ip.test:30000/; let count+=1; echo " count: ${count}"; done ``` 在本机执行命令的访问结果如下,访问 3 次被限流。 ```none adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 1 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 2 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 3 http_code: 429 count: 4 http_code: 429 count: 5 http_code: 429 count: 6 http_code: 429 count: 7 http_code: 429 count: 8 http_code: 429 count: 9 http_code: 429 count: 10 ... ``` 在 主机执行命令的访问结果如下,访问 5 次被限流。 ```none adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 1 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 2 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 3 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 4 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 5 http_code: 429 count: 6 http_code: 429 count: 7 http_code: 429 count: 8 http_code: 429 count: 9 http_code: 429 count: 10 http_code: 429 count: 11 http_code: 429 count: 12 ... ``` 在其他未额外设置限流规则的主机执行命令的访问结果如下,访问 10 次被限流。 ```none adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 1 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 2 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 3 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 4 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 5 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 6 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 7 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 8 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 9 adservice-springcloud: hello world! http_code: 200 count: 10 http_code: 429 count: 11 http_code: 429 count: 12 http_code: 429 count: 13 http_code: 429 count: 14 http_code: 429 count: 15 http_code: 429 count: 16 http_code: 429 count: 17 ... ```