import fs from "fs"; import path, { dirname } from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import Arweave from "arweave"; import csv from "csv-parser"; import dotenv from "dotenv"; dotenv.config(); const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); const results = []; const initOptions = { host: "", // Hostname or IP address for a Arweave host port: 443, // Port protocol: "https", // Network protocol http or https timeout: 20000, // Network request timeouts in milliseconds logging: false, // Enable network request logging }; const getNftName = (name) => `SolMeet DAO #${name}`; const getMetadata = (name, imageUrl, attributes) => ({ name: getNftName(name), symbol: "SolMeet", description: "SolMeet DAO", seller_fee_basis_points: 100, external_url: "", attributes, collection: { name: "SolMeet", family: "DAO", }, properties: { files: [ { uri: imageUrl, type: "image/png", }, ], category: "image", maxSupply: 0, creators: [ { address: "3bnAKgVhM1MihYpJQ6hK83BirWhVFbyhkvvCQqJ8tZ25", share: 100, }, ], }, image: imageUrl, }); const getCollectionMetadata = (name, family, imageUrl) => ({ name, symbol: "SolMeet", description: "SolMeet DAO", seller_fee_basis_points: 100, external_url: "", collection: { name, family, }, properties: { files: [ { uri: imageUrl, type: "image/png", }, ], category: "image", maxSupply: 0, creators: [ { address: "3bnAKgVhM1MihYpJQ6hK83BirWhVFbyhkvvCQqJ8tZ25", share: 100, }, ], }, image: imageUrl, }); // run localy // npx @textury/arlocal const initOptionsLocal = { host: "localhost", // Hostname or IP address for a Arweave host port: 1984, // Port protocol: "http", // Network protocol http or https timeout: 20000, // Network request timeouts in milliseconds // logging: false, // Enable network request logging }; const arweave = Arweave.init(initOptions); let key = JSON.parse(process.env.KEY); const runUpload = async (data, contentType, isUploadByChunk = false) => { const tx = await arweave.createTransaction({ data: data }, key); tx.addTag(...contentType); await arweave.transactions.sign(tx, key); if (isUploadByChunk) { const uploader = await arweave.transactions.getUploader(tx); while (!uploader.isComplete) { await uploader.uploadChunk(); console.log( `${uploader.pctComplete}% complete, ${uploader.uploadedChunks}/${uploader.totalChunks}` ); } } // Do we need to post with uploader? await; // console.log("url", `http://localhost:1984/${}`); // console.log("url", `${}`); return tx; }; const folder = "./public/images/"; let metadataCollection = {}; let metadataUri = []; let metadataCollectionUri = []; const getAttributes = (props) => { // map attributes to the proper key/value objects const attrs = Object.keys(props).map((key) => { return { trait_type: key, value: props[key], }; }); return attrs; }; const iterateOverItems = async () => { try { for (const row of results) { // get separately name and props const { Name: name, ...props } = row; console.log("name", name); const nameByNumber = Number.parseInt(name); const filePath = folder + nameByNumber + ".png"; console.log("filePath", filePath); let newItem = {}; try { const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath); // if (!data) console.warn(`Can't find file: ${filePath}`); const contentType = ["Content-Type", "image/png"]; const { id } = await runUpload(data, contentType, true); const imageUrl = id ? `${id}` : undefined; console.log("imageUrl", imageUrl); const attributes = getAttributes(props); const metadata = getMetadata(name, imageUrl, attributes); // console.log(metadata); const metaContentType = ["Content-Type", "application/json"]; const metadataString = JSON.stringify(metadata); const { id: metadataId } = await runUpload( metadataString, metaContentType ); const metadataUrl = id ? `${metadataId}` : undefined; console.log("metadataUrl", metadataUrl); newItem = { [nameByNumber]: { name: getNftName(name), uri: metadataUrl, }, }; metadataUri.push(metadataUrl); } catch (error) { newItem = { [nameByNumber]: undefined, }; } // update collection with new item metadataCollection = { ...metadataCollection, ...newItem }; } // Collection const collectionFilePath = folder + "../collection-logo.png"; const collectionLogo = fs.readFileSync(collectionFilePath); const contentType = ["Content-Type", "image/png"]; const { id } = await runUpload(collectionLogo, contentType, true); const imageUrl = id ? `${id}` : undefined; const collectionName = "SolMeet NFT DAO"; const collectionFamily = "DAO"; const metadata = getCollectionMetadata( collectionName, collectionFamily, imageUrl ); const metaContentType = ["Content-Type", "application/json"]; const metadataString = JSON.stringify(metadata); const { id: metadataId } = await runUpload(metadataString, metaContentType); const metadataUrl = id ? `${metadataId}` : undefined; console.log("metadataUrl", metadataUrl); const newItem = { collection: { name: collectionName, uri: metadataUrl, }, }; metadataCollectionUri.push(metadataUrl); metadataCollection = { ...metadataCollection, ...newItem }; // All images iterated console.log(metadataCollection); // Save data to json in /public/ const data = JSON.stringify(metadataCollection); fs.writeFileSync("./public/arweave-images.json", data); const uris = JSON.stringify(metadataUri); fs.writeFileSync("./public/arweave-uris.json", uris); const collectionUris = JSON.stringify(metadataCollectionUri); fs.writeFileSync("./public/arweave-collection-uris.json", collectionUris); } catch (e) { // Catch anything bad that happens console.error("We've thrown! Whoops!", e); } }; const readCsv = async () => { // Consider to use local wallet instead of generated one. //. I'm not sure how this works, since newly generated wallet have 0 balance. 🤷🏻‍♂️ //. So, I comment out this line for now. // key = await arweave.wallets.generate(); fs.createReadStream(path.resolve(__dirname, "public", "data.csv")) .pipe(csv()) .on("data", (data) => results.push(data)) .on("end", () => { // console.log(results); // { // Name: '0000', // 'Background Color': 'palegreen', // 'Head Color': 'lightblue', // 'Neck Color': 'lightslategray', // ... // }, iterateOverItems(); }); }; readCsv();