#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Python script to transmit a file over UDP quickly in the presence of abnormally high packet loss that would normally kill the speed of any TCP connection. The Brown Fox was quick, even in the face of obstacles. ''' # TODO LIST: # - Send info about the file to receiver ahead of time # - Receiver stop once full file received # - Allow for interrupted transfer to be resumed # - Add timeouts # - Other connection modes, like STUN # - Retry handshake in case of packet loss # - Binary encode handshake # - Protection against spoofed packets # - AES Encryption # - Key exchange? # - Stateless implications # - Proxy server mode # - Support multiple clients # - rsync mode # - Optional zlib # - Heuristics to adjust speed for congestion that does not fuck up with # unrelated packet loss import sys, os import argparse import socket import struct, json import time import collections peer = None class HandShake(object): packet_type = 0 signature = b'brownfox' version = 1 def __init__(self, args=None): self.negotiated = False if args is None: return if args.in_file: self.mode = 'send' elif args.out_file: self.mode = 'recv' else: raise ValueError() self.rate = args.rate self.packet_size = args.packet_size def serialise(self): # Using a binary version here so we don't get locked into json # encoding this packet forever: packet = struct.pack('>BB8s', self.packet_type, self.version, self.signature) # json encoding the rest for flexibility during development. # Might keep this, might not: s = { 'mode': self.mode, 'rate': self.rate, 'packet': self.packet_size } packet += json.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=True).encode('ascii') # print(packet) return packet def deserialise(self, packet): if len(packet) < 10: raise ValueError('Protocol Mismatch: Short handshake') packet_type, version, signature = struct.unpack('>BB8s', packet[:10]) if packet_type != self.packet_type or version != self.version or signature != self.signature: raise ValueError('Protocol Mismatch') s = json.loads(packet[10:].decode('ascii')) self.mode = s['mode'] self.rate = s['rate'] self.packet_size = s['packet'] if self.mode not in ('send', 'recv'): raise ValueError('Protocol Mismatch: Unsupported mode') if type(self.rate) != int or type(self.packet_size) != int: raise ValueError('Protocol Mismatch: Bad type') def negotiate(self, other): if self.mode == other.mode: raise ValueError('Incompatible transfer modes') self.rate = min(self.rate, other.rate) self.packet_size = min(self.packet_size, other.packet_size) self.negotiated = True class FileChunk(object): packet_type = 1 overhead = 9 def __init__(self, fp = None, offset = None, size = None): if fp is None: return self.fp = fp self.offset = offset self.size = size - self.overhead self.sent = 0 def serialise(self): packet = struct.pack('>BQ', self.packet_type, self.offset) self.fp.seek(self.offset) return packet + self.fp.read(self.size) def deserialise(self, packet): if len(packet) < self.overhead: raise ValueError('Protocol Mismatch: Short data packet') packet_type, self.offset = struct.unpack('>BQ', packet[:self.overhead]) if packet_type != self.packet_type: raise ValueError('Wrong packet type') self.data = packet[self.overhead:] self.size = len(self.data) def write(self, fp): self.fp = fp fp.seek(self.offset) fp.write(self.data) class Ack(object): packet_type = 2 overhead = 2 def __init__(self, offsets=None): self.offsets = offsets def serialise(self): # TODO: Ack several recent packets to reduce resends in case an ack gets lost packet = struct.pack('>BB', self.packet_type, len(self.offsets)) for offset in self.offsets: packet += struct.pack('>Q', offset) # print(packet) return packet def deserialise(self, packet): if len(packet) < self.overhead: raise ValueError('Protocol Mismatch: Short ACK packet') packet_type, num_offsets = struct.unpack('>BB', packet[:self.overhead]) self.offsets = [] for i in range(num_offsets): off = self.overhead + (i * 8) self.offsets.append(struct.unpack('>Q', packet[off:off+8])[0]) if packet_type != self.packet_type: raise ValueError('Wrong packet type') def decode_packet(packet): if len(packet) < 1: raise ValueError('Invalid packet') p = { 0: HandShake, 1: FileChunk, 2: Ack, }[packet[0]]() p.deserialise(packet) return p def start_server(args): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((args.listen, args.port)) handshake = HandShake(args) while True: data, address = sock.recvfrom(4096) try: client_handshake = HandShake() client_handshake.deserialise(data) handshake.negotiate(client_handshake) except Exception as e: print('%s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) continue peer = address break print('Accepted connection from %s:%i' % peer) sock.sendto(handshake.serialise(), peer) return sock, peer, handshake def start_client(args): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) peer = socket.gethostbyname(args.server), args.port handshake = HandShake(args) # TODO: Retry handshake if no response received at all sock.sendto(handshake.serialise(), peer) # We don't wait for the server handshake here. Since we are expecting # packets to be dropped or arrive out of order we need to handle the # case where this happens to the handshake from the server, so just # move that out to the main transfer loop return sock, peer, handshake def establish_connection(args): if args.listen: return start_server(args) if args.server: return start_client(args) def pr_bytes(rate): if rate < 1024: return str(rate) rate /= 1024 if rate < 1024: return '%iK' % rate rate /= 1024 if rate < 1024: return '%iM' % rate rate /= 1024 return '%iG' % rate def send_loop(sock, peer, handshake, args): if not handshake.negotiated: # FIXME: Client sending a file will always hit this case print('FIXME: handshake negotiation not complete - not starting transfer') return pps = handshake.rate / handshake.packet_size delay = 1 / pps print('Packets per second: %f' % pps) print('Packet interval: %f' % delay) # FIXME: Open this earlier to avoid late errors fp = open(args.in_file, 'rb') filesize = os.fstat(fp.fileno()).st_size pos = 0 in_flight_chunks = collections.OrderedDict() last_time_printed = time.time() last_total_sent = total_sent = unique_sent = resends = resends_size = chunks = 0 while True: sock.settimeout(None) if len(in_flight_chunks) and (len(in_flight_chunks) > 1000 or pos >= filesize): # Resend the oldest chunk and move it to the end of the # in flight list: chunk = in_flight_chunks.popitem(False)[1] in_flight_chunks[chunk.offset] = chunk resends += 1 resends_size += chunk.size elif pos < filesize: chunk = FileChunk(fp, pos, handshake.packet_size) in_flight_chunks[pos] = chunk pos += chunk.size # Do not use handshake.packet_size - overhead chunks += 1 unique_sent += chunk.size else: # Should send filesize ahead of time - receiver could miss this packet: sock.sendto(Ack([]).serialise(), peer) print('Transfer complete and acknowledged') break total_sent += chunk.size sock.sendto(chunk.serialise(), peer) cur_time = time.time() if cur_time - last_time_printed > 1: print('Sent: %s/%s %i%% (%i chunks, %i resends totalling %s, %i not acknowledged) @ %s/s' % \ (pr_bytes(unique_sent), pr_bytes(filesize), unique_sent/filesize*100, chunks, resends, pr_bytes(resends_size), len(in_flight_chunks), pr_bytes((total_sent - last_total_sent) / (cur_time - last_time_printed)))) last_total_sent = total_sent last_time_printed = cur_time delta = 0 while True: delta = time.time() - cur_time sock.settimeout(max(0, delay - delta)) try: data, address = sock.recvfrom(handshake.packet_size) except (socket.timeout, BlockingIOError): break if address != peer: continue try: packet = decode_packet(data) except Exception as e: print('%s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) continue if isinstance(packet, Ack): for offset in packet.offsets: if offset in in_flight_chunks: del in_flight_chunks[offset] def recv_loop(sock, peer, handshake, args): # TODO: Allow partial transfers to be resumed using e.g. a tree hash, # rsync like algorithm, or just a state file fp = open(args.out_file, 'wb') complete_chunks = set() last_time = time.time() last_total_received = total_received = unique_received = duplicates = chunks = 0 recent_offsets = [] while True: data, address = sock.recvfrom(handshake.packet_size) if address != peer: continue try: packet = decode_packet(data) except Exception as e: print('%s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) raise continue if isinstance(packet, HandShake): handshake.negotiate(packet) if isinstance(packet, FileChunk): packet.write(fp) if len(recent_offsets) > 15: recent_offsets.pop(0) recent_offsets.append(packet.offset) ack = Ack(recent_offsets) sock.sendto(ack.serialise(), peer) total_received += packet.size if packet.offset in complete_chunks: duplicates += 1 else: unique_received += packet.size chunks += 1 complete_chunks.add(packet.offset) cur_time = time.time() if cur_time - last_time > 1: print('Received: %s (%i chunks, %i duplicates) @ %s/s' % \ (pr_bytes(unique_received), chunks, duplicates, pr_bytes((total_received - last_total_received) / (cur_time - last_time)))) last_total_received = total_received last_time = cur_time if isinstance(packet, Ack): print('Transfer Complete') return def begin_transfer(s, args): sock, peer, handshake = s if args.in_file: return send_loop(sock, peer, handshake, args) if args.out_file: return recv_loop(sock, peer, handshake, args) def parse_rate(val): if val.isdigit(): return int(val) if len(val) < 2 or not val[:-1].isdigit() or val[-1] not in 'KMkm': raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%r is not a valid rate') return int(val[:-1]) * { 'K': 1024, 'M': 1024**2, 'k': 125, 'm': 125000, }[val[-1]] def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('server', nargs='?', help='Connect to another %s listening on the given server' % sys.argv[0]) group.add_argument('-l', '--listen', nargs='?', const='', help='Listen for incoming connections on this address') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=2063, # Who is geeky enough to get the reference? help='Port to use') parser.add_argument('-r', '--rate', type=parse_rate, required=True, #default='200K', # TODO: Dynamically adjust rate, just not the way TCP does help='Transfer rate to send packets at (optional suffix: K=kilobytes, k=kilobits, M=megabytes, m=megabits)') parser.add_argument('-m', '--packet-size', type=int, default=4096, help='UDP packet size to use') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('-i', '--in-file', help='File to send') group.add_argument('-O', '--out-file', help='Where to save retrieved file') return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = parse_args() s = establish_connection(args) begin_transfer(s, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()