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Standard Unreal Object Definition

The header file below is taken from the Publicly Released 432 Header Files, Component of the Engine, Inc. Folder. These files are downloaded from the Epic Games Website.

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Tim Sweeney, UnObject Header File
Standard Unreal Object Definitions, Engine

    UnObj.h: Standard Unreal object definitions.
    Copyright 1997-1999 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Revision history:
        * Created by Tim Sweeney

    Forward declarations.

// All engine classes.
class       UBitmap;
class           UTexture;
class               UFont;
class       UPalette;
class       USound;
class       UMusic;
class       UPrimitive;
class           UMesh;
class           UModel;
class       UPolys;
class       ULevelBase;
class           ULevel;
class           UPendingLevel;
class       UPlayer;
class           UViewport;
class           UNetConnection;
class       UConsole;

// Other classes.
struct FTextureInfo;
class  AActor;
class  ABrush;
class  FDecal;
class  ADecal;
class  FScan;


// Flags associated with a Bsp node.
enum EBspNodeFlags
    // Flags.
    NF_NotCsg           = 0x01, // Node is not a Csg splitter, i.e. is a transparent poly.
    NF_ShootThrough     = 0x02, // Can shoot through (for projectile solid ops).
    NF_NotVisBlocking   = 0x04, // Node does not block visibility, i.e. is an invisible collision hull.
    NF_PolyOccluded     = 0x08, // Node's poly was occluded on the previously-drawn frame.
    NF_BoxOccluded      = 0x10, // Node's bounding box was occluded.
    NF_BrightCorners    = 0x10, // Temporary.
    NF_IsNew            = 0x20, // Editor: Node was newly-added.
    NF_IsFront          = 0x40, // Filter operation bounding-sphere precomputed and guaranteed to be front.
    NF_IsBack           = 0x80, // Guaranteed back.

    // Combinations of flags.
    NF_NeverMove        = 0, // Bsp cleanup must not move nodes with these tags.

// Identifies a unique convex volume in the world.
struct ENGINE_API FPointRegion
    // Variables.
    class AZoneInfo* Zone;          // Zone actor.
    INT              iLeaf;         // Bsp leaf.
    BYTE             ZoneNumber;    // Zone number.

    // Constructors.
    FPointRegion( class AZoneInfo* InLevel )
    :   Zone(InLevel), iLeaf(INDEX_NONE), ZoneNumber(0)
    FPointRegion( class AZoneInfo* InZone, INT InLeaf, BYTE InZoneNumber )
    :   Zone(InZone), iLeaf(InLeaf), ZoneNumber(InZoneNumber)

// FBspNode defines one node in the Bsp, including the front and back
// pointers and the polygon data itself.  A node may have 0 or 3 to (MAX_NODE_VERTICES-1)
// vertices. If the node has zero vertices, it's only used for splitting and
// doesn't contain a polygon (this happens in the editor).
// vNormal, vTextureU, vTextureV, and others are indices into the level's
// vector table.  iFront,iBack should be INDEX_NONE to indicate no children.
// If iPlane==INDEX_NONE, a node has no coplanars.  Otherwise iPlane
// is an index to a coplanar polygon in the Bsp.  All polygons that are iPlane
// children can only have iPlane children themselves, not fronts or backs.
class FBspNode // 64 bytes
    enum {MAX_NODE_VERTICES=16};    // Max vertices in a Bsp node, pre clipping.
    enum {MAX_FINAL_VERTICES=24};   // Max vertices in a Bsp node, post clipping.
    enum {MAX_ZONES=64};            // Max zones per level.

    // Persistent information.
    FPlane          Plane;          // 16 Plane the node falls into (X, Y, Z, W).
    QWORD           ZoneMask;       // 8  Bit mask for all zones at or below this node (up to 64).
    INT             iVertPool;      // 4  Index of first vertex in vertex pool, =iTerrain if NumVertices==0 and NF_TerrainFront.
    INT             iSurf;          // 4  Index to surface information.

    // iBack:  4  Index to node in front (in direction of Normal).
    // iFront: 4  Index to node in back  (opposite direction as Normal).
    // iPlane: 4  Index to next coplanar poly in coplanar list.
    union { INT iBack; INT iChild[1]; };
            INT iFront;
            INT iPlane;

    INT             iCollisionBound;// 4  Collision bound.
    INT             iRenderBound;   // 4  Rendering bound.
    BYTE            iZone[2];       // 2  Visibility zone in 1=front, 0=back.
    BYTE            NumVertices;    // 1  Number of vertices in node.
    BYTE            NodeFlags;      // 1  Node flags.
    INT             iLeaf[2];       // 8  Leaf in back and front, INDEX_NONE=not a leaf.

    // Functions.
    UBOOL IsCsg( DWORD ExtraFlags=0 ) const
        return (NumVertices>0) && !(NodeFlags & (NF_IsNew | NF_NotCsg | ExtraFlags));
    UBOOL ChildOutside( INT iChild, UBOOL Outside, DWORD ExtraFlags=0 ) const
        return iChild ? (Outside || IsCsg(ExtraFlags)) : (Outside && !IsCsg(ExtraFlags));
    ENGINE_API friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FBspNode& N );

// Properties of a zone.
class ENGINE_API FZoneProperties
    // Variables.
    AZoneInfo*  ZoneActor;      // Optional actor defining the zone's property.
    FLOAT       LastRenderTime; // Most recent level TimeSeconds when rendered.
    QWORD       Connectivity;   // (Connect[i]&(1<<j))==1 if zone i is adjacent to zone j.
    QWORD       Visibility;     // (Connect[i]&(1<<j))==1 if zone i can see zone j.

    // Serializer.
    friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FZoneProperties& P )
        return Ar << *(UObject**)&P.ZoneActor << P.Connectivity << P.Visibility;
        Ar << P.LastRenderTime;


// Information about a convex volume.
class FLeaf
    // Variables.
    INT iZone;          // The zone this convex volume is in.
    INT iPermeating;    // Lights permeating this volume considering shadowing.
    INT iVolumetric;    // Volumetric lights hitting this region, no shadowing.
    QWORD VisibleZones; // Bit mask of visible zones from this convex volume.

    // Functions.
    FLeaf( INT iInZone, INT InPermeating, INT InVolumetric, QWORD InVisibleZones )
    :   iZone(iInZone), iPermeating(InPermeating), iVolumetric(InVolumetric), VisibleZones(InVisibleZones)
    friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FLeaf& L )
        return Ar << AR_INDEX(L.iZone) << AR_INDEX(L.iPermeating) << AR_INDEX(L.iVolumetric) << L.VisibleZones;


// One Bsp polygon.  Lists all of the properties associated with the
// polygon's plane.  Does not include a point list; the actual points
// are stored along with Bsp nodes, since several nodes which lie in the
// same plane may reference the same poly.
class FBspSurf

    // Persistent info.
    UTexture*   Texture;        // 4 Texture map.
    DWORD       PolyFlags;      // 4 Polygon flags.
    INT         pBase;          // 4 Polygon & texture base point index (where U,V==0,0).
    INT         vNormal;        // 4 Index to polygon normal.
    INT         vTextureU;      // 4 Texture U-vector index.
    INT         vTextureV;      // 4 Texture V-vector index.
    INT         iLightMap;      // 4 Light mesh.
    INT         iBrushPoly;     // 4 Editor brush polygon index.
    SWORD       PanU;           // 2 U-Panning value.
    SWORD       PanV;           // 2 V-Panning value.
    ABrush*     Actor;          // 4 Brush actor owning this Bsp surface.
    TArray<FDecal>  Decals;     // 12 Array decals on this surface
    TArray<INT> Nodes;          // 12 Nodes which make up this surface

    // Functions.
    ENGINE_API friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FBspSurf& Surf );

// Flags describing effects and properties of a Bsp polygon.
enum EPolyFlags
    // Regular in-game flags.
    PF_Invisible        = 0x00000001,   // Poly is invisible.
    PF_Masked           = 0x00000002,   // Poly should be drawn masked.
    PF_Translucent      = 0x00000004,   // Poly is transparent.
    PF_NotSolid         = 0x00000008,   // Poly is not solid, doesn't block.
    PF_Environment      = 0x00000010,   // Poly should be drawn environment mapped.
    PF_ForceViewZone    = 0x00000010,   // Force current iViewZone in OccludeBSP (reuse Environment flag)
    PF_Semisolid        = 0x00000020,   // Poly is semi-solid = collision solid, Csg nonsolid.
    PF_Modulated        = 0x00000040,   // Modulation transparency.
    PF_FakeBackdrop     = 0x00000080,   // Poly looks exactly like backdrop.
    PF_TwoSided         = 0x00000100,   // Poly is visible from both sides.
    PF_AutoUPan         = 0x00000200,   // Automatically pans in U direction.
    PF_AutoVPan         = 0x00000400,   // Automatically pans in V direction.
    PF_NoSmooth         = 0x00000800,   // Don't smooth textures.
    PF_BigWavy          = 0x00001000,   // Poly has a big wavy pattern in it.
    PF_SpecialPoly      = 0x00001000,   // Game-specific poly-level render control (reuse BigWavy flag)
    PF_SmallWavy        = 0x00002000,   // Small wavy pattern (for water/enviro reflection).
    PF_Flat             = 0x00004000,   // Flat surface.
    PF_LowShadowDetail  = 0x00008000,   // Low detaul shadows.
    PF_NoMerge          = 0x00010000,   // Don't merge poly's nodes before lighting when rendering.
    PF_CloudWavy        = 0x00020000,   // Polygon appears wavy like clouds.
    PF_DirtyShadows     = 0x00040000,   // Dirty shadows.
    PF_BrightCorners    = 0x00080000,   // Brighten convex corners.
    PF_SpecialLit       = 0x00100000,   // Only speciallit lights apply to this poly.
    PF_Gouraud          = 0x00200000,   // Gouraud shaded.
    PF_NoBoundRejection = 0x00200000,   // Disable bound rejection in OccludeBSP (reuse Gourard flag)
    PF_Unlit            = 0x00400000,   // Unlit.
    PF_HighShadowDetail = 0x00800000,   // High detail shadows.
    PF_Portal           = 0x04000000,   // Portal between iZones.
    PF_Mirrored         = 0x08000000,   // Reflective surface.

    // Editor flags.
    PF_Memorized        = 0x01000000,   // Editor: Poly is remembered.
    PF_Selected         = 0x02000000,   // Editor: Poly is selected.
    PF_Highlighted      = 0x10000000,   // Editor: Poly is highlighted.   
    PF_FlatShaded       = 0x40000000,   // FPoly has been split by SplitPolyWithPlane.   

    // Internal.
    PF_EdProcessed      = 0x40000000,   // FPoly was already processed in editorBuildFPolys.
    PF_EdCut            = 0x80000000,   // FPoly has been split by SplitPolyWithPlane.  
    PF_RenderFog        = 0x40000000,   // Render with fogmapping.
    PF_Occlude          = 0x80000000,   // Occludes even if PF_NoOcclude.
    PF_RenderHint       = 0x01000000,   // Rendering optimization hint.

    // Combinations of flags.
    PF_NoOcclude        = PF_Masked | PF_Translucent | PF_Invisible | PF_Modulated,
    PF_NoEdit           = PF_Memorized | PF_Selected | PF_EdProcessed | PF_NoMerge | PF_EdCut,
    PF_NoImport         = PF_NoEdit | PF_NoMerge | PF_Memorized | PF_Selected | PF_EdProcessed | PF_EdCut,
    PF_AddLast          = PF_Semisolid | PF_NotSolid,
    PF_NoAddToBSP       = PF_EdCut | PF_EdProcessed | PF_Selected | PF_Memorized,
    PF_NoShadows        = PF_Unlit | PF_Invisible | PF_Environment | PF_FakeBackdrop,
    PF_Transient        = PF_Highlighted,


// A shadow occlusion mask.
class ENGINE_API FShadowMask
    AActor* Owner;
    TArray<BYTE> ShadowData;
    friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FShadowMask& M )
        return Ar << *(UObject**)&M.Owner << M.ShadowData;

// Describes the mesh-based lighting applied to a Bsp poly.
class ENGINE_API FLightMapIndex
    INT     DataOffset;
    INT     iLightActors;
    FVector Pan;
    FLOAT   UScale, VScale;
    INT     UClamp, VClamp;
    BYTE    UBits, VBits;
    friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FLightMapIndex& I )
        Ar << I.DataOffset;
        Ar << I.Pan;
        Ar << AR_INDEX(I.UClamp) << AR_INDEX(I.VClamp);
        Ar << I.UScale << I.VScale;
        Ar << I.iLightActors;
        return Ar;


// Results from FPoly.SplitWithPlane, describing the result of splitting
// an arbitrary FPoly with an arbitrary plane.
enum ESplitType
    SP_Coplanar     = 0, // Poly wasn't split, but is coplanar with plane
    SP_Front        = 1, // Poly wasn't split, but is entirely in front of plane
    SP_Back         = 2, // Poly wasn't split, but is entirely in back of plane
    SP_Split        = 3, // Poly was split into two new editor polygons

// A general-purpose polygon used by the editor.  An FPoly is a free-standing
// class which exists independently of any particular level, unlike the polys
// associated with Bsp nodes which rely on scads of other objects.  FPolys are
// used in UnrealEd for internal work, such as building the Bsp and performing
// boolean operations.
class ENGINE_API FPoly
#if 0 //WDM -- remove this...?
    // The changes to these values allow things like the 2D shape editor and brush clipping
    // to create large polys with many sides if they need to.
    enum {MAX_VERTICES=32}; // Maximum vertices an FPoly may have.
    enum {MAX_VERTICES=16}; // Maximum vertices an FPoly may have.
    enum {VERTEX_THRESHOLD=MAX_VERTICES-2}; // Threshold for splitting into two.

    FVector     Base;           // Base point of polygon.
    FVector     Normal;         // Normal of polygon.
    FVector     TextureU;       // Texture U vector.
    FVector     TextureV;       // Texture V vector.
    FVector     Vertex[MAX_VERTICES]; // Actual vertices.
    DWORD       PolyFlags;      // FPoly & Bsp poly bit flags (PF_).
    ABrush*     Actor;          // Brush where this originated, or NULL.
    UTexture*   Texture;        // Texture map.
    FName       ItemName;       // Item name.
    INT         NumVertices;    // Number of vertices.
    INT         iLink;          // iBspSurf, or brush fpoly index of first identical polygon, or MAXWORD.
    INT         iBrushPoly;     // Index of editor solid's polygon this originated from.
    SWORD       PanU,PanV;      // Texture panning values.
    INT         SavePolyIndex;  // Used by multiple vertex editing to keep track of original PolyIndex into owner brush
    UBOOL       bFaceDragSel;

    // Custom functions.
    void  Init              ();
    void  Reverse           ();
    void  SplitInHalf       (FPoly *OtherHalf);
    void  Transform         (const FModelCoords &Coords, const FVector &PreSubtract,const FVector &PostAdd, FLOAT Orientation);
    int   Fix               ();
    int   CalcNormal        ( UBOOL bSilent = 0 );
    int   SplitWithPlane    (const FVector &Base,const FVector &Normal,FPoly *FrontPoly,FPoly *BackPoly,int VeryPrecise) const;
    int   SplitWithNode     (const UModel *Model,INT iNode,FPoly *FrontPoly,FPoly *BackPoly,int VeryPrecise) const;
    int   SplitWithPlaneFast(const FPlane Plane,FPoly *FrontPoly,FPoly *BackPoly) const;
    int   Split             (const FVector &Normal, const FVector &Base, int NoOverflow=0 );
    int   RemoveColinears   ();
    int   Finalize          (int NoError);
    int   Faces             (const FPoly &Test) const;
    FLOAT Area              ();

    // Serializer.
    ENGINE_API friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FPoly& Poly );

    // Inlines.
    int IsBackfaced( const FVector &Point ) const
        {return ((Point-Base) | Normal) < 0.f;}
    int IsCoplanar( const FPoly &Test ) const
        {return Abs((Base - Test.Base)|Normal)<0.01f && Abs(Normal|Test.Normal)>0.9999f;}

// List of FPolys.
class ENGINE_API UPolys : public UObject

    // Elements.
    TTransArray<FPoly> Element;

    // Constructors.
    : Element( this )

    // UObject interface.
    void Serialize( FArchive& Ar )
        Super::Serialize( Ar );
        if( Ar.IsTrans() )
            Ar << Element;
            Element.CountBytes( Ar );
            INT DbNum=Element.Num(), DbMax=DbNum;
            Ar << DbNum << DbMax;
            if( Ar.IsLoading() )
                Element.Empty( DbNum );
                Element.AddZeroed( DbNum );
            for( INT i=0; i<Element.Num(); i++ )
                Ar << Element(i);


// One vertex associated with a Bsp node's polygon.  Contains a vertex index
// into the level's FPoints table, and a unique number which is common to all
// other sides in the level which are cospatial with this side.
class FVert
    // Variables.
    INT     pVertex;    // Index of vertex.
    INT     iSide;      // If shared, index of unique side. Otherwise INDEX_NONE.

    // Functions.
    friend FArchive& operator<< (FArchive &Ar, FVert &Vert)
        return Ar << AR_INDEX(Vert.pVertex) << AR_INDEX(Vert.iSide);


// Decal associated with a surface
class FDecal
    // Variables.
    FVector Vertices[4];    // Vertices of decal on surface (offset from the surface base).
    ADecal* Actor;          // ADecal actor associated with this decal.
    TArray<INT> Nodes;      // The FBspNode indices on which this decal lies.

    // Functions.
    friend FArchive& operator<< (FArchive &Ar, FDecal &Decal)
        if( !Ar.IsLoading() && !Ar.IsSaving() )
            Ar << *(UObject**)&Decal.Actor;
        return Ar;

    The End.

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