netdata netdata/netdata host bash false stable Stable Netdata releases edge Edge (Nightly) releases Real-time performance monitoring, done right! Real-time, per second updates, snappy refreshes! 300+ charts out of the box, 2000+ metrics monitored! Zero configuration, zero maintenance, zero dependencies! Live demo: Tools: Status:Stable http://[IP]:[PORT:19999] --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor=unconfined --log-opt max-size=200m --log-opt max-file=1 1583539426 Thanks for the coffee Real-time performance monitoring, done right! Real-time, per second updates, snappy refreshes! 300+ charts out of the box, 2000+ metrics monitored! Zero configuration, zero maintenance, zero dependencies! Live demo: host /proc /host/proc ro /sys /host/sys ro /var/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock ro 281 PGID 0 DO_NOT_TRACK 281 1 /proc /sys /var/run/docker.sock /etc/os-release /etc/passwd /etc/group /mnt/user/appdata/netdata/config /mnt/user/appdata/netdata/lib /mnt/user/appdata/netdata/cache ###2023.09.28 - added config, lib, and cache mounts under appdata to match the official docker - added added path mappings for os-release, passwd, and group files to match official docker - hid all path and volume mappings under "show more settings" since most people will not need these - added variables needed for claiming docker for netdata cloud - added branch section for selection between stabled and edge - reformated change-log on template to markdown - cleaned up formatting in overview and description - fixed demo link ###2020.05.02 - removed config dir. See support forum for example of configuring netdata ###2020.03.07 - change to official docker repo - added variable to opt out of anonymous tracking - added group id to get access to doker stats - fixed some links - updated logo again ###2019.05.05 - change volume mapping from /mnt/cache/netdata to /mnt/user/netdata - change to new logo - updated some links to the new urls ###2018.05.07 - change volume mapping from /etc/netdata to /etc/netdata/override ###2018.03.18 - added /var/run/docker.sock to transalate docker IDs to names ###2016.06.06 - added config mapping - added "log rotation" for 6.2 ###2016.06.03 - Initial release of the netdata template