alternative_term has_exact_synonym imported from assay assay measuring scientific observation assay isolation of cell population single cell isolation isolation of cell population isolation of cell population library preparation library construction library preparation nucleic acid library construction nucleic acid library preparation DNA assay RNA assay DNA-seq DNA sequencing experimental process Experiment assay by high throughput sequencer high throughput sequencing assay assay by molecule assay by instrument assay by sequencer sequencing assay cDNA library construction cDNA complementary DNA cDNA library construction ATAC-seq chromosome conformation capture assay Hi-C CEL-seq DroNc-seq Drop-seq inDrop MARS-seq Quartz-seq scATAC-seq (Microfluidics) single cell ATAC-seq (Microfluidics) scBS-seq scChIP-seq Seq-Well scATAC-seq (cell index) single cell ATAC-seq (cell index) sci-ATAC-seq Smart-seq Smart-seq2 STRT-seq spatial transcriptomics 10X sequencing 10X 10x enrichment process sample dissociation sample enrichment fluorescence-activated cell sorting FAC sorting FACS magnetic affinity cell sorting MAC sorting MACS Ficoll-Hypaque method Ficoll WBC Isolation Ficoll gradient laser capture microdissection LCM LMD laser-assisted microdissection density gradient centrifugation cell separation by density gradient centrifugation density gradient enzymatic dissociation mechanical dissociation CITE-seq cellular indexing of transcriptomes and epitopes by sequencing 10X v2 sequencing 10x v2 10x_v2 10XV2 cell size selection 10x v1 sequencing 10X v1 10XV1 10x v3 sequencing 10X v3 10XV3 10X 3' v2 sequencing 10X 3' v2 10X 5' v2 sequencing 10X 5' v2 10X 3' v1 sequencing 10X 3' v1 SPLiT-seq split-pool ligation-based transcriptome sequencing 10x 5' v3 sequencing 10X 5' v3 10x 3' v3 sequencing 10X 3' v3 ligation-free chromosome conformation capture assay single cell Hi-C SCRB-seq Single cell RNA barcoding and sequencing CEL-seq2 assay by Fluidigm C1 microfluidics platform Fluidigm C1-based dissociation Fluidigm C1-based library preparation DNA library construction EasySep cell separation EasySep live/dead separation droplet-based cell isolation cell picking mouth pipette single cell library construction single cell library preparation single-cell library preparation single-cell library construction Smart-like sci-RNA-seq 10X Immune profiling 10X VDJ Chromium Single Cell V(D)J 10X V(D)J 10X TCR enrichment 10X Ig enrichment 10X BCR enrichment scATAC-seq single cell ATAC-seq ATAC-seq (single cell) single cell assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing single-cell ATAC-seq single cell ATAC-sequencing Visium Spatial Gene Expression 10X Visium Visium barcoded plate-based single cell RNA-seq barcoded plate-based single-cell RNA-seq