function setEventingPolyfills(obj) { obj.addEventListener = obj.addEventListener || function(name, handler) { this.attachEvent('on' + name, handler); }; obj.removeEventListener = obj.removeEventListener || function(name, handler) { this.detachEvent('on' + name, handler); }; } setEventingPolyfills(window.Element.prototype); setEventingPolyfills(window.document); setEventingPolyfills(window); ; (function() { function setDispatchPolyfills(obj) { /* this is IE8 only */ if (!obj.dispatchEvent) { obj.dispatchEvent = function(evt) { var clone = {}; for (var m in evt) { clone[m] = evt[m]; }; if (! { evt = clone; = this; } evt.currentTarget = this; var handlers = (this.customEventHandlers || {})[evt.type] || []; for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) { handlers[i].call(this, evt); } if (evt.bubbles && this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.dispatchEvent(evt); } }; obj.addEventListener = (function(attach) { return function(type, handler, capture) {, type, handler, capture); this.customEventHandlers = this.customEventHandlers || {}; this.customEventHandlers[type] = this.customEventHandlers[type] || []; this.customEventHandlers[type].push(handler); };})(obj.addEventListener); obj.removeEventListener = (function(detach) { return function(type, handler, capture) {, type, handler, capture); if (!this.customEventHandlers || !this.customEventHandlers[type]) { return; } for (var i = this.customEventHandlers[type].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.customEventHandlers[type][i] === handler) { this.customEventHandlers[type].splice(i, 1); } } };})(obj.removeEventListener); } } setDispatchPolyfills(window.Element.prototype); setDispatchPolyfills(window.document); setDispatchPolyfills(window); window.CustomEvent = (typeof(window.CustomEvent) === 'function') ? window.CustomEvent : function(name, params) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false }; if (window.document.createEvent) { var evt = document.createEvent('Event'); evt.detail = params.detail; evt.initEvent(name, params.bubbles, params.cancelable); return evt; } if (window.document.createEventObject) { var evt = window.document.createEventObject(window.event); evt.type = name; evt.detail = params.detail; evt.bubbles = params.bubbles; evt.cancelable = params.cancelable; return evt; } } })(); ; (function() { var staparent = document.createElement('div'); function wirePolyfill(context) { context.matches = context.matches || context.matchesSelector || context.webkitMatchesSelector || context.mozMatchesSelector || context.msMatchesSelector || context.oMatchesSelector || function(selector) { var rigparent = !this.parentNode, container = (rigparent ? staparent : this.parentNode); if (rigparent) { staparent.appendChild(this); } var matches = container.querySelectorAll(selector), i = -1; while(matches[++i] && matches[i] != this); if (rigparent) { staparent.removeChild(this); } return !!matches[i]; }; } wirePolyfill(window.Element.prototype); })(); ; (function() { /* Behaviors */ var settings = { attributes: { behaviors: 'data-behavior', configuration: 'data-{name}-config' } } /**************************** Behavior Functionality ******************************/ var __log = (!window.console || !window.console.log) ? function() {} : window.console.log; var __source = (!window.jQuery) ? {} : window.jQuery.fn; var __wired = false; if (!window.Element || !window.Element.prototype) { __log('ALERT: InteractionLib not enabled. Missing window.Element.prototype'); return false; } /* Caches the length to "count" for performance as some collections re-evaluate for each call to .length */ function countOf(collection) { collection._cachedCount = collection._cachedCount || collection.length; return collection._cachedCount; } function findAll(behavior, container) { container = container || window.document.body; if (!container || !container.querySelectorAll) { return []; } var selector = '[' + ((!behavior) ? settings.attributes.behaviors : settings.attributes.behaviors + '~=' + behavior) + ']'; var containerMatches = (!behavior) || (container.getAttribute(settings.attributes.behaviors) || '').indexOf(new RegExp('\b' + behavior + '\b')) >= 0; var results = (!containerMatches) ? [] : [container]; var finds = window.behaviors.extensions.toarray(container.querySelectorAll(selector)); for (var i = 0; i < countOf(finds); i++) { results.push(finds[i]); } return results; } function wireBehavior(behavior, element) { if (document.body && document.body.contains && !document.body.contains(element)) { return; } element[' applied-behaviors '] = element[' applied-behaviors '] || {}; if (element[' applied-behaviors '][behavior]) { return false; } var func = __source[behavior]; if (!func) { return false; } element[' applied-behaviors '][behavior] = true; var configAttr = settings.attributes.configuration.replace('{name}', behavior.toLowerCase()); var config = element.getAttribute(configAttr); if (!config) {; } else {, window.behaviors.extensions.jsonish(config)); } return true; } function wireElement(element) { var behaviors = (element.getAttribute(settings.attributes.behaviors) || '').split(/\s+/gi); if (!behaviors[0]) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < countOf(behaviors); i++) { wireBehavior(behaviors[i], element); } return true; } function wireContainer(container, behavior) { var matches = findAll(behavior, container); for (var i = 0; i < countOf(matches); i++) { if (behavior) { wireBehavior(behavior, matches[i]); } else { wireElement(matches[i]); } } } window.Element.prototype.behaviors = function(name) { wireContainer(this, name); } window.Element.prototype.behaviors.add = function(name, behavior) { __source[name] = behavior; if (!__wired) { return; } wireContainer(false, name); } window.behaviors = window.Element.prototype.behaviors; /****************************************** extensions ***************************************************/ window.behaviors.extensions = {}; window.behaviors.extensions.toarray = function(obj) { var arr = []; if (!obj) { return arr; } if ('length' in obj) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { arr.push(obj[i]); } } // faster else { for (var i = 0; i in obj; i++) { arr.push(obj[i]); } } // slower return arr; }; /****************************************** jsonish ******************************************************/ window.behaviors.extensions.jsonish = function(str) { return readvalue({buff: str}); }; function readvalue(data) { if (data.buff.match(/^\s*('|")/g)) { return readstring(data); } if (data.buff.match(/^\s*\d+/g)) { return readnumber(data); } if (data.buff.match(/^\s*(true|false)\b/gi)) { return readbool(data); } if (data.buff.match(/^\s*\[/g)) { return readarray(data); } if (data.buff.match(/^\s*\{/g)) { return readobj(data); } } function isescaped(str, at) { var count = 0; while (--at >= 0 && str[at] === '\\') { count++; } return (count % 2) !== 0; } function readstring(data) { var at = -1; data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s+/g, ''); var delim = data.buff[0]; data.buff = data.buff.substr(1); while (++at < data.buff.length && data.buff[at] !== delim || isescaped(data.buff, at)) {} var value = data.buff.substring(0, at); data.buff = data.buff.substr(at + 1); return value.replace(/\\'/g, "'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); } function readnumber(data) { var str = data.buff.match(/^\s*\d+(\.\d+)?/g)[0]; data.buff = data.buff.substr(str.length); return parseFloat(str.replace(/^\s+/g, '')); } function readbool(data) { var str = data.buff.match(/^\s*(true|false)/gi)[0]; data.buff = data.buff.substr(str.length); return str.toLowerCase().indexOf('true') >= 0; } function readarray(data) { var arr = []; data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*\[/, ''); if (data.buff.match(/^\s*\]/g)) { data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*\]/g, ''); return arr; } do { data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*,/g, ''); arr.push(readvalue(data)); } while(data.buff.match(/^\s*,/g)); data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*\]/g, ''); return arr; } function readname(data) { var value = data.buff.match(/^\s*('|")/g) ? readstring(data) : false; if (value === false) { value = data.buff.match(/^\s*[^:\s]+/g)[0]; data.buff = data.buff.substr(value.length); value = value.replace(/^\s+/g, ''); } data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*:/g, ''); return value; } function readobj(data) { var obj = {}; data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*\{/g, ''); if (data.buff.match(/^\s*\}/g)) { data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*\}/g, ''); return obj; } do { data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*,/g, ''); var name = readname(data); var value = readvalue(data); obj[name] = value; } while (data.buff.match(/^\s*,/g)); data.buff = data.buff.replace(/^\s*\}/g, ''); return obj; } /****************************************** DOM Watcher Wireups *****************************************/ function useMutationObserver() { if (!window.MutationObserver) { return false; } var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { if (!mutations || !mutations[0]) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < countOf(mutations); i++) { var mutation = mutations[i]; if (!mutation.addedNodes || !mutation.addedNodes[0]) { continue; } var nodes = window.behaviors.extensions.toarray(mutation.addedNodes); for (var n = 0; n < countOf(nodes); n++) { wireContainer(nodes[n]); } } }); observer.observe(window.document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); return true; } function useMutationEvents() { var testResult = false; var testContainer = window.document.createElement('div'); testContainer.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function() { testResult = true; }); testContainer.appendChild(window.document.createElement('div')); if (!testResult) { return false; } window.document.body.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) { wireContainer(; }); return true; } function useMutationWrap() { /* for IE8 only */ if (!window.Element.prototype || !window.Element.prototype.attachEvent) { return false; } var append = window.Element.prototype.appendChild; window.Element.prototype.appendChild = function(node) {, node); infestDOM([node]); wireContainer(node); } var prepend = window.Element.prototype.insertBefore; window.Element.prototype.insertBefore = function(node, mark) {, node, mark); infestDOM([node]); wireContainer(node); } function infestDOM(nodes) { /* TODO: Add a disable for this */ nodes = window.behaviors.extensions.toarray(nodes); for (var i = 0; i < countOf(nodes); i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (!node.attachEvent) { continue; } node.attachEvent('onpropertychange', function(e) { var container = e.srcElement ||; if (e.propertyName !== 'innerHTML' || !container.childNodes) { return; } infestDOM(container.childNodes); wireContainer(container); }); } } infestDOM([document]); return true; } function startDomWatcher() { var status = useMutationObserver() || useMutationEvents() || useMutationWrap(); if (!status) { __log('ALERT: InteractionLib is not monitoring DOM mutations'); } } /**************************** Document Ready Wireups ******************************/ var onready = []; window.behaviors.onready = function(callback) { if (__wired) { callback(); } else { onready.push(callback); } } function onDocumentReady() { if (!window.document.body) { return; } window.document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onDocumentReady, false); window.removeEventListener('load', onDocumentReady, false); startDomWatcher(); wireContainer(); __wired = true; while (onready.length) { onready.shift()(); } } if (document.readyState === 'complete') { onDocumentReady(); } else { window.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onDocumentReady, false); window.addEventListener('load', onDocumentReady, false); } })();