# Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed # under the Apache License Version 2.0. # This product includes software developed at Datadog (https://www.datadoghq.com/). # Copyright 2016-present Datadog, Inc. # Datadog Agent install script for macOS. set -e install_script_version=1.4.0 dmg_file=/tmp/datadog-agent.dmg dmg_base_url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/dd-agent" etc_dir=/opt/datadog-agent/etc log_dir=/opt/datadog-agent/logs run_dir=/opt/datadog-agent/run service_name="com.datadoghq.agent" systemwide_servicefile_name="/Library/LaunchDaemons/${service_name}.plist" if [ -n "$DD_REPO_URL" ]; then dmg_base_url=$DD_REPO_URL fi upgrade= if [ -n "$DD_UPGRADE" ]; then upgrade=$DD_UPGRADE fi # Root user detection if [ "$(echo "$UID")" = "0" ]; then sudo_cmd='' else sudo_cmd='sudo' fi apikey= if [ -n "$DD_API_KEY" ]; then apikey=$DD_API_KEY fi site= if [ -n "$DD_SITE" ]; then site=$DD_SITE fi agent_dist_channel= if [ -n "$DD_AGENT_DIST_CHANNEL" ]; then agent_dist_channel="$DD_AGENT_DIST_CHANNEL" fi if [ -n "$DD_AGENT_MINOR_VERSION" ]; then # Examples: # - 20 = defaults to highest patch version x.20.2 # - 20.0 = sets explicit patch version x.20.0 # Note: Specifying an invalid minor version will terminate the script. agent_minor_version=${DD_AGENT_MINOR_VERSION} # Handle pre-release versions like "35.0~rc.5" -> "35.0" or "27.1~viper~conflict~fix" -> "27.1" clean_agent_minor_version=$(echo "${DD_AGENT_MINOR_VERSION}" | sed -E 's/-.*//g') # remove the patch version if the minor version includes it (eg: 33.1 -> 33) agent_minor_version_without_patch="${clean_agent_minor_version%.*}" if [ "$clean_agent_minor_version" != "$agent_minor_version_without_patch" ]; then agent_patch_version="${clean_agent_minor_version#*.}" fi fi arch=$(/usr/bin/arch) if [ "$arch" == "arm64" ]; then if ! /usr/bin/pgrep oahd >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "\033[31mRosetta is needed to run datadog-agent on $arch.\nYou can install it by running the following command :\n/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license\033[0m\n" exit 1 fi fi # Cleanup tmp files used for installation rm -f /tmp/install-ddagent/system-wide function find_latest_patch_version_for() { major_minor="$1" patch_versions=$(curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/dd-agent?prefix=datadog-agent-${major_minor}." 2>/dev/null | grep -o "datadog-agent-${major_minor}.[0-9]*-1.dmg") if [ -z "$patch_versions" ]; then echo "-1" fi # first `cut` extracts patch version and `-1`, e.g. 2-1 # second `cut` removes the `-1`, e.g. 2 # then we sort numerically in reverse order # and finally take the first (== the latest) patch version latest_patch=$(echo "$patch_versions" | cut -d. -f3 | cut -d- -f1 | sort -rn | head -n 1) echo "$latest_patch" } function prepare_dmg_file() { dmg_file_to_prepare=$1 $sudo_cmd rm -f "$dmg_file_to_prepare" $sudo_cmd touch "$dmg_file_to_prepare" $sudo_cmd chmod 600 "$dmg_file_to_prepare" if stat --help >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Handle differences between GNU and BSD stat command file_owner=$(stat -c %u "$dmg_file_to_prepare") file_permission=$(stat -c %a "$dmg_file_to_prepare") file_size=$(stat -c %s "$dmg_file_to_prepare") else file_owner=$(stat -f %u "$dmg_file_to_prepare") file_permission=$(stat -f %OLp "$dmg_file_to_prepare") file_size=$(stat -f %z "$dmg_file_to_prepare") fi if [[ "$file_owner" -ne 0 ]] || [[ "$file_permission" -ne 600 ]] || [[ "$file_size" -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\033[31mFailed to prepare datadog-agent dmg file\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi } systemdaemon_install=false systemdaemon_user_group= if [ -n "$DD_SYSTEMDAEMON_INSTALL" ]; then systemdaemon_install=$DD_SYSTEMDAEMON_INSTALL if [ -n "$DD_SYSTEMDAEMON_USER_GROUP" ]; then systemdaemon_user_group=$DD_SYSTEMDAEMON_USER_GROUP else printf "\033[31mDD_SYSTEMDAEMON_INSTALL set without DD_SYSTEDAEMON_USER_GROUP\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi if ! echo "$systemdaemon_user_group" | grep "^[^:]\+:[^:]\+$" > /dev/null; then printf "\033[31mDD_SYSTEMDAEMON_USER_GROUP must be in format UserName:GroupName\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi if echo "$systemdaemon_user_group" | grep ">\|<" > /dev/null; then printf "\033[31mDD_SYSTEMDAEMON_USER_GROUP can't contain '>' or '<', because it will be used in XML file\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi systemdaemon_user="$(echo "$systemdaemon_user_group" | awk -F: '{ print $1 }')" systemdaemon_group="$(echo "$systemdaemon_user_group" | awk -F: '{ print $2 }')" if ! id -u "$systemdaemon_user" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then printf "\033[31mUser $systemdaemon_user not found, can't proceed with installation\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi # dscacheutil -q group output is in form: # name: groupname # password: * # gid: 1001 # users: user1 user2 # so we use `grep` and `awk` to get the group name if ! dscacheutil -q group | grep "name:" | awk '{print $2}' | grep -w "$systemdaemon_group" >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "\033[31mGroup $systemdaemon_group not found, can't proceed with installation\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi fi if [ "$systemdaemon_install" != false ]; then mkdir -p /tmp/install-ddagent touch /tmp/install-ddagent/system-wide fi macos_full_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion) macos_major_version=$(echo "${macos_full_version}" | cut -d '.' -f 1) macos_minor_version=$(echo "${macos_full_version}" | cut -d '.' -f 2) agent_major_version=7 if [ -n "$DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION" ]; then if [ "$DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION" != "6" ] && [ "$DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION" != "7" ]; then echo "DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION must be either 6 or 7. Current value: $DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION" exit 1; fi agent_major_version=$DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION else echo -e "\033[33mWarning: DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION not set. Installing Agent version 7 by default.\033[0m" fi dmg_version= if [ "${macos_major_version}" -lt 10 ] || { [ "${macos_major_version}" -eq 10 ] && [ "${macos_minor_version}" -lt 12 ]; }; then echo -e "\033[31mDatadog Agent doesn't support macOS < 10.12.\033[0m\n" exit 1 elif [ "${macos_major_version}" -eq 10 ] && [ "${macos_minor_version}" -eq 12 ]; then if [ -n "${clean_agent_minor_version}" ]; then if [ "${agent_minor_version_without_patch}" -gt 34 ]; then echo -e "\033[31mmacOS 10.12 only supports Datadog Agent $agent_major_version up to $agent_major_version.34.\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi else echo -e "\033[33mWarning: Agent ${agent_major_version}.34.0 is the last supported version for macOS 10.12. Selecting it for installation.\033[0m" agent_minor_version_without_patch=34 agent_patch_version=0 fi elif [ "${macos_major_version}" -eq 10 ] && [ "${macos_minor_version}" -eq 13 ]; then if [ -n "${clean_agent_minor_version}" ]; then if [ "${agent_minor_version_without_patch}" -gt 38 ]; then echo -e "\033[31mmacOS 10.13 only supports Datadog Agent $agent_major_version up to $agent_major_version.38.\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi else echo -e "\033[33mWarning: Agent ${agent_major_version}.38.2 is the last supported version for macOS 10.13. Selecting it for installation.\033[0m" agent_minor_version_without_patch=38 agent_patch_version=2 fi else if [ "${agent_major_version}" -eq 6 ]; then echo -e "\033[31mThe latest Agent 6 is no longer built for for macOS $macos_full_version. Please invoke again with DD_AGENT_MAJOR_VERSION=7\033[0m\n" exit 1 else if [ -z "${agent_minor_version}" ]; then dmg_version="7-latest" fi fi fi if [ -z "$dmg_version" ]; then if [ -z "$agent_patch_version" ]; then agent_patch_version=$(find_latest_patch_version_for "${agent_major_version}.${agent_minor_version_without_patch}") if [ -z "$agent_patch_version" ] || [ "$agent_patch_version" -lt 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[33mWarning: Failed to obtain latest patch version for Agent ${agent_major_version}.${agent_minor_version_without_patch}. Defaulting to '0'.\033[0m" agent_patch_version=0 fi fi # Check if the version is a classic release version or a pre-release version if [ "$agent_minor_version" = "$clean_agent_minor_version" ];then dmg_version="${agent_major_version}.${agent_minor_version_without_patch}.${agent_patch_version}-1" else dmg_version="${agent_major_version}.${agent_minor_version}-1" fi fi if [ -z "$agent_dist_channel" ]; then dmg_url="$dmg_base_url/datadog-agent-${dmg_version}.dmg" else dmg_url="$dmg_base_url/$agent_dist_channel/datadog-agent-${dmg_version}.dmg" fi if [ "$upgrade" ]; then if [ ! -f $etc_dir/datadog.conf ]; then printf "\033[31mDD_UPGRADE set but no config was found at $etc_dir/datadog.conf.\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi fi if [ ! "$apikey" ]; then # if it's an upgrade, then we will use the transition script if [ ! "$upgrade" ]; then printf "\033[31mAPI key not available in DD_API_KEY environment variable.\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi fi if [ "$systemdaemon_install" == false ] && [ -f "$systemwide_servicefile_name" ]; then printf "\033[31m $systemwide_servicefile_name exists, suggesting a systemwide Agent installation is present. Individual users can't install the Agent when systemwide installation exists. If no systemwide installation is present or you want to remove it, run: sudo launchctl unload -wF $systemwide_servicefile_name sudo rm $systemwide_servicefile_name Then rerun this script to install the Agent for your user account. \033[0m\n" exit 1; fi # SUDO_USER is defined in man sudo: https://linux.die.net/man/8/sudo # "SUDO_USER Set to the login name of the user who invoked sudo." # USER is defined in man login: https://ss64.com/osx/login.html # "Login enters information into the environment (see environ(7)) # specifying the user's home directory (HOME), command interpreter (SHELL), # search path (PATH), terminal type (TERM) and user name (both LOGNAME and USER)." # We want to get the real user who executed the command. Two situations can happen: # - the command was run as the current user: then $USER contains the user which launched the command, and $SUDO_USER is empty, # - the command was run with sudo: then $USER contains the name of the user targeted by the sudo command (by default, root) # and $SUDO_USER contains the user which launched the sudo command. # The following block covers both cases so that we have tbe username we want in the real_user variable. real_user=`if [ "$SUDO_USER" ]; then echo "$SUDO_USER" else echo "$USER" fi` # If this is a systemwide install done over SSH or a similar method, the real_user is now root # which will eventually make the installation fail in the postinstall script. In this case, we # set real_user to the target user of the systemwide installation. if [ "$systemdaemon_install" = true ] && [ "$real_user" = root ]; then real_user="$(echo "$systemdaemon_user_group" | awk -F: '{ print $1 }')" # The install will copy plist file to real_user home dir => we add `-H` # as a sudo argument to properly get its home for access to the plist file. cmd_real_user="sudo -EHu $real_user" else cmd_real_user="sudo -Eu $real_user" fi TMPDIR=`sudo -u "$real_user" getconf DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR` export TMPDIR # shellcheck disable=SC2016 install_user_home=$($cmd_real_user bash -c 'echo "$HOME"') # shellcheck disable=SC2016 user_uid=$($cmd_real_user bash -c 'id -u') user_plist_file=${install_user_home}/Library/LaunchAgents/${service_name}.plist # In order to install with the right user rm -f /tmp/datadog-install-user echo "$real_user" > /tmp/datadog-install-user function on_error() { printf "\033[31m$ERROR_MESSAGE It looks like you hit an issue when trying to install the Agent. Troubleshooting and basic usage information for the Agent are available at: https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/basic_agent_usage/ If you're still having problems, please send an email to support@datadoghq.com with the contents of ddagent-install.log and we'll do our very best to help you solve your problem.\n\033[0m\n" } trap on_error ERR cmd_agent="$cmd_real_user /opt/datadog-agent/bin/agent/agent" cmd_launchctl="$cmd_real_user launchctl" function sed_inplace_arg() { # Check for vanilla OS X sed or GNU sed if [ "$(sed --version 2>/dev/null | grep -c "GNU")" -ne 0 ]; then echo "-i" fi echo "-i ''" } function new_config() { i_cmd="$(sed_inplace_arg)" $sudo_cmd sh -c "sed $i_cmd 's/api_key:.*/api_key: $apikey/' \"$etc_dir/datadog.yaml\"" if [ "$site" ]; then $sudo_cmd sh -c "sed $i_cmd 's/# site:.*/site: $site/' \"$etc_dir/datadog.yaml\"" fi $sudo_cmd chown "$real_user":admin "$etc_dir/datadog.yaml" $sudo_cmd chmod 640 $etc_dir/datadog.yaml } function import_config() { printf "\033[34m\n* Converting old datadog.conf file to new datadog.yaml format\n\033[0m\n" $cmd_agent import $etc_dir $etc_dir -f } function plist_modify_user_group() { plist_file="$1" user_value="$2" group_value="$3" user_parameter="UserName" group_parameter="GroupName" # if, in a future agent version we add UserName/GroupName to the plist file, # we want this older version of install script fail, because it wouldn't know what to do terms="UserName GroupName" for term in $terms; do if grep "$term" "$1"; then printf "\033[31m$plist_file already contains $term, please update this script to the latest version\033[0m\n" return 1 fi done ## to insert user/group into the xml file, we'll find the last "" occurrence and insert before it i_cmd="$(sed_inplace_arg)" closing_dict_line=$($sudo_cmd cat "$plist_file" | grep -n "" | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d:) $sudo_cmd sh -c "sed $i_cmd -e \"${closing_dict_line},${closing_dict_line}s||$user_parameter$user_value\n|\" -e \"${closing_dict_line},${closing_dict_line}s||$group_parameter$group_value\n|\" \"$plist_file\"" } # # Install the agent printf "\033[34m\n* Downloading datadog-agent\n\033[0m" prepare_dmg_file $dmg_file if ! $sudo_cmd curl --fail --progress-bar "$dmg_url" --output $dmg_file; then printf "\033[31mCouldn't download the installer for macOS Agent version ${dmg_version}.\033[0m\n" exit 1; fi printf "\033[34m\n* Installing datadog-agent, you might be asked for your sudo password...\n\033[0m" $sudo_cmd hdiutil detach "/Volumes/datadog_agent" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true printf "\033[34m\n - Mounting the DMG installer...\n\033[0m" $sudo_cmd hdiutil attach "$dmg_file" -mountpoint "/Volumes/datadog_agent" >/dev/null if [ "$systemdaemon_install" != false ] && [ -f "$systemwide_servicefile_name" ]; then printf "\033[34m\n - Stopping systemwide Datadog Agent daemon ...\n\033[0m" # we use "|| true" because if the service is not started/loaded, the commands fail $sudo_cmd launchctl stop $service_name || true if $sudo_cmd launchctl print system/$service_name 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then $sudo_cmd launchctl unload -wF $systemwide_servicefile_name || true fi fi printf "\033[34m\n - Unpacking and copying files (this usually takes about a minute) ...\n\033[0m" cd / && $sudo_cmd /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "`find "/Volumes/datadog_agent" -name \*.pkg 2>/dev/null`" -target / >/dev/null printf "\033[34m\n - Unmounting the DMG installer ...\n\033[0m" $sudo_cmd hdiutil detach "/Volumes/datadog_agent" >/dev/null # Creating or overriding the install information install_info_content="--- install_method: tool: install_script_mac tool_version: install_script_mac installer_version: install_script_mac-$install_script_version " $sudo_cmd sh -c "echo '$install_info_content' > $etc_dir/install_info" $sudo_cmd chown "$real_user":admin "$etc_dir/install_info" $sudo_cmd chmod 640 $etc_dir/install_info # Set the configuration if grep -E 'api_key:( APIKEY)?$' "$etc_dir/datadog.yaml" > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$upgrade" ]; then import_config else new_config fi printf "\n\033[34m* Restarting the Agent...\n\033[0m\n" # systemwide installation is stopped at this point and will be started later on if [ "$systemdaemon_install" != true ]; then $cmd_launchctl stop $service_name # Wait for the agent to fully stop retry=0 until [ "$retry" -ge 5 ]; do curl -m 5 -o /dev/null -s -I || break retry=$[$retry+1] sleep 5 done if [ "$retry" -ge 5 ]; then printf "\n\033[33mCould not restart the agent. You may have to restart it manually using the systray app or the \"launchctl start $service_name\" command.\n\033[0m\n" fi $cmd_launchctl start $service_name fi else printf "\033[34m\n* A datadog.yaml configuration file already exists. It will not be overwritten.\n\033[0m\n" fi # Starting the app if [ "$systemdaemon_install" = false ]; then $cmd_real_user open -a 'Datadog Agent.app' else printf "\033[34m\n* Installing $service_name as a systemwide LaunchDaemon ...\n\n\033[0m" # Remove the Agent login item and unload the agent for current user # if it is running - it's not running if the script was launched when # the GUI was not running for the user (e.g. a run of this script via # ssh for user not logged in via GUI). # This condition is true only when installing an agent < 7.52.0 if $cmd_launchctl print "gui/$user_uid/$service_name" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then $cmd_real_user osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to if login item "Datadog Agent" exists then delete login item "Datadog Agent"' $cmd_launchctl stop "$service_name" $cmd_launchctl unload "$user_plist_file" fi # move the plist file to the system location $sudo_cmd mv "$user_plist_file" /Library/LaunchDaemons/ # make sure the daemon launches under proper user/group and that it has access # to all files/dirs it needs; then start it plist_modify_user_group "$systemwide_servicefile_name" "$systemdaemon_user" "$systemdaemon_group" $sudo_cmd chown "0:0" "$systemwide_servicefile_name" $sudo_cmd chown -R "$systemdaemon_user_group" "$etc_dir" "$log_dir" "$run_dir" $sudo_cmd launchctl load -w "$systemwide_servicefile_name" $sudo_cmd launchctl kickstart "system/$service_name" fi # Agent works, echo some instructions and exit printf "\033[32m Your Agent is running properly. It will continue to run in the background and submit metrics to Datadog. You can check the agent status using the \"datadog-agent status\" command or by opening the webui using the \"datadog-agent launch-gui\" command. \033[0m" if [ "$systemdaemon_install" = false ]; then printf "\033[32m If you ever want to stop the Agent, please use the Datadog Agent App or the launchctl command. It will start automatically at login. \033[0m" else printf "\033[32m If you ever want to stop the Agent, please use the the launchctl command. The Agent will start automatically at system startup. \033[0m" fi