CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spacecraft_journey_catalog ( spacecraft_name text, journey_id timeuuid, start timestamp, end timestamp, active boolean, summary text, PRIMARY KEY ((spacecraft_name), journey_id) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (journey_id desc); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spacecraft_speed_over_time ( spacecraft_name text, journey_id timeuuid, speed double, reading_time timestamp, speed_unit text, PRIMARY KEY ((spacecraft_name, journey_id), reading_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (reading_time DESC); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spacecraft_temperature_over_time ( spacecraft_name text, journey_id timeuuid, temperature double, temperature_unit text, reading_time timestamp, PRIMARY KEY ((spacecraft_name, journey_id), reading_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (reading_time DESC); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spacecraft_pressure_over_time ( spacecraft_name text, journey_id timeuuid, pressure double, pressure_unit text, reading_time timestamp, PRIMARY KEY ((spacecraft_name, journey_id), reading_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (reading_time DESC); CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS location_udt ( x_coordinate double, y_coordinate double, z_coordinate double); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spacecraft_location_over_time ( spacecraft_name text, journey_id timeuuid, location frozen, location_unit text, reading_time timestamp, PRIMARY KEY ((spacecraft_name, journey_id), reading_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (reading_time DESC);