/* Kasa Integration Application Copyright Dave Gutheinz License: https://github.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/blob/master/KasaDevices/License.md ===== Link to list of changes ===== https://github.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/blob/master/KasaDevices/Changes.pdf ===== Link to Documentation ===== https://github.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/blob/master/KasaDevices/Documentation.pdf Version 2.3.6 1. Added initial support for NEW Kasa Matter plugs and switches. 2. Added support for the Kasa KH100 Hub Changed menus for Hubitat device. ===================================================================================================*/ // App name is used in the lib_tpLink_discovery to check that the device brand is KASA def appName() { return "Kasa Integration" } def nameSpace() { return "davegut" } def appVersion() { return "2.3.6" } import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import java.security.MessageDigest definition( name: "Kasa Integration", namespace: nameSpace(), author: "Dave Gutheinz", description: "Application to install TP-Link bulbs, plugs, and switches.", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", installOnOpen: true, singleInstance: true, documentationLink: "https://github.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/blob/master/KasaDevices/README.md", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/master/KasaDevices/Application/KasaIntegrationApp.groovy" ) preferences { page(name: "initInstance") page(name: "startPage") page(name: "lanAddDevicesPage") page(name: "manAddDevicesPage") page(name: "manAddStart") page(name: "cloudAddDevicesPage") page(name: "cloudAddStart") page(name: "addDevicesPage") page(name: "addDevStatus") page(name: "listDevices") page(name: "kasaAuthenticationPage") page(name: "startGetToken") page(name: "removeDevicesPage") page(name: "listDevicesByIp") page(name: "listDevicesByName") page(name: "commsTest") page(name: "commsTestDisplay") page(name: "enterCredentialsPage") page(name: "processCredentials") } def installed() { updated() } def updated() { logInfo("updated: Updating device configurations and (if cloud enabled) Kasa Token") unschedule() app?.updateSetting("appSetup", [type:"bool", value: false]) app?.updateSetting("utilities", [type:"bool", value: false]) app?.updateSetting("debugLog", [type:"bool", value: false]) app?.removeSetting("pingKasaDevices") app?.removeSetting("devAddresses") app?.removeSetting("devPort") state.remove("lanTest") state.remove("addedDevices") state.remove("failedAdds") state.remove("listDevices") configureEnable() if (userName && userName != "") { schedule("0 30 2 ? * MON,WED,SAT", schedGetToken) } } def uninstalled() { getAllChildDevices().each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } } def initInstance() { logDebug("initInstance: Getting external data for the app.") if (!debugLog) { app.updateSetting("debugLog", false) } state.devices = [:] if (!lanSegment) { def hub = location.hub def hubIpArray = hub.localIP.split('\\.') def segments = [hubIpArray[0],hubIpArray[1],hubIpArray[2]].join(".") app?.updateSetting("lanSegment", [type:"string", value: segments]) } if (!ports) { app?.updateSetting("ports", [type:"string", value: "9999"]) } if (!hostLimits) { app?.updateSetting("hostLimits", [type:"string", value: "1, 254"]) } startPage() } def startPage() { logInfo("starting Kasa Integration") if (selectedRemoveDevices) { removeDevices() } if (selectedAddDevices) { addDevices() } if (debugLog) { runIn(1800, debugOff) } try { state.segArray = lanSegment.split('\\,') state.portArray = ports.split('\\,') def rangeArray = hostLimits.split('\\,') def array0 = rangeArray[0].toInteger() def array1 = array0 + 2 if (rangeArray.size() > 1) { array1 = rangeArray[1].toInteger() } state.hostArray = [array0, array1] } catch (e) { logWarn("startPage: Invalid entry for Lan Segements, Host Array Range, or Ports. Resetting to default!") def hub = location.hubs[0] def hubIpArray = hub.localIP.split('\\.') def segments = [hubIpArray[0],hubIpArray[1],hubIpArray[2]].join(".") app?.updateSetting("lanSegment", [type:"string", value: segments]) app?.updateSetting("ports", [type:"string", value: "9999"]) app?.updateSetting("hostLimits", [type:"string", value: "1, 254"]) } return dynamicPage(name:"startPage", title:"Kasa Hubitat Integration", uninstall: true, install: true) { section() { paragraph "LAN Configuration: [LanSegments: ${state.segArray}, " + "Ports ${state.portArray}, hostRange: ${state.hostArray}]" input "appSetup", "bool", title: "Modify LAN Configuration", submitOnChange: true, defaultalue: false if (appSetup) { input "lanSegment", "string", title: "Lan Segments (ex: 192.168.50, 192,168.01)", submitOnChange: true input "hostLimits", "string", title: "Host Address Range (ex: 5, 100)", submitOnChange: true input "ports", "string", title: "Ports for Port Forwarding (ex: 9999, 8000)", submitOnChange: true } if (!encUsername || !encPassword) { def credText = "Credentials May require attention\n" credText += "Kasa Matter and Kasa Hub required use of LOCAL only credentials " credText += "that are parsed versions of your Kasa username and password. Enter " credText += "these credentials below to install Kasa Matter and Kasa Hub devices." paragraph credText } paragraph credData href "enterCredentialsPage", title: "Enter/Update tpLink Credentials", description: "Credentials are used by app and tpLink devices during periodic login." // if (encUsername && encPassword) { href "lanAddDevicesPage", title: "Scan LAN for Kasa devices and add", description: "Primary Method to discover and add devices." input "altInstall", "bool", title: "Problems with Install? Try Cloud Installation.", submitOnChange: true, defaultalue: false if (altInstall) { href "cloudAddDevicesPage", title: "Get Kasa devices from the Kasa Cloud and add", description: "For use with devices that can't be controlled on LAN." } paragraph " " href "removeDevicesPage", title: "Remove Kasa Devices", description: "Select to remove selected Kasa Device from Hubitat." paragraph " " input "utilities", "bool", title: "Kasa Integration Utilities", submitOnChange: true, defaultalue: false if (utilities == true) { href "listDevicesByIp", title: "Test Device LAN Status and List Devices by IP Address", description: "Select to test devices and get list." href "listDevicesByName", title: "Test Device LAN Status and List Devices by Name", description: "Select to test devices and get list." href "commsTest", title: "IP Comms Ping Test Tool", description: "Select for Ping Test Page." } // } input "debugLog", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging for 30 minutes", submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false } } } // ===== Enter Creentials ===== def enterCredentialsPage() { logInfo("enterCredentialsPage") return dynamicPage (name: "enterCredentialsPage", title: "Enter TP-Link Credentials", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { section() { String currState = "Current Credentials = " if (state.userCredentials) { currState += "${state.userCredentials}" } else { currState += "NOT SET" } paragraph currState input ("userName", "email", title: "TP-Link Email Address", required: false, submitOnChange: true) input ("userPassword", "password", title: "TP-Link Account Password", required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (userName && userPassword && userName != null && userPassword != null) { logDebug("enterCredentialsPage: [username: ${userName}, pwdLen: ${userPassword.length()}]") href "processCredentials", title: "Create Encoded Credentials", description: "You may have to press this twice." } } } } private processCredentials() { String encUsername = mdEncode(userName).bytes.encodeBase64().toString() app?.updateSetting("encUsername", [type: "password", value: encUsername]) Map logData = [encUsername: encUsername] String encPassword = userPassword.bytes.encodeBase64().toString() app?.updateSetting("encPassword", [type: "password", value: encPassword]) logData << [encPassword: encPassword] logInfo("processCredentials: ${logData}") return startPage() } private String mdEncode(String message) { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1") md.update(message.getBytes()) byte[] digest = md.digest() return digest.encodeHex() } def lanAddDevicesPage() { logInfo("lanAddDevicesPage") addDevicesPage("LAN") } def cloudAddDevicesPage() { logInfo("cloudAddDevicesPage") return dynamicPage (name: "cloudAddDevicesPage", title: "Get device data from Kasa Cloud", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { def note = "Instructions: \n\ta.\tIf not already done, select 'Kasa " + "Login and Token Update. \n\tb.\tVerify the token is not null. " + "\n\tc.\tSelect 'Add Devices to the Device Array'." section() { paragraph note href "kasaAuthenticationPage", title: "Kasa Login and Token Update", description: "Get token" paragraph "Current Kasa Token: = ${kasaToken}" href "cloudAddStart", title: "Add Devices to the Device Array", description: "Press to continue" href "startPage", title: "Exit without Updating", description: "Return to start page without attempting" } } } def cloudAddStart() { addDevicesPage("CLOUD") } def addDevicesPage(discType) { logDebug("addDevicesPage: [scan: ${scan}]") if (discType == "LAN") { def action = findDevices() } else if (discType == "CLOUD") { def action = cloudGetDevices() } def devices = state.devices def uninstalledDevices = [:] def requiredDrivers = [:] devices.each { def isChild = getChildDevice(it.value.dni) if (!isChild) { uninstalledDevices["${it.value.dni}"] = "${it.value.alias}, ${it.value.type}" requiredDrivers["${it.value.type}"] = "${it.value.type}" } } uninstalledDevices.sort() def reqDrivers = [] requiredDrivers.each { reqDrivers << it.key } return dynamicPage(name:"addDevicesPage", title: "Add Kasa Devices to Hubitat", nextPage: addDevStatus, install: false) { def text = "This page updates every 30 seconds. " text += "It can take up to two minutes for all discovered devices to appear." section() { paragraph text input ("selectedAddDevices", "enum", required: false, multiple: true, title: "Devices to add (${uninstalledDevices.size() ?: 0} available).\n\t" + "Total Devices: ${devices.size()}", description: "Use the dropdown to select devices. Then select 'Done'.", options: uninstalledDevices) } } } def addDevStatus() { addDevices() logInfo("addDevStatus") def addMsg = "" if (state.addedDevices == null) { addMsg += "Added Devices: No devices added." } else { addMsg += "The following devices were installed:\n" state.addedDevices.each{ addMsg += "\t${it}\n" } } def failMsg = "" if (state.failedAdds) { failMsg += "The following devices were not installed:\n" state.failedAdds.each{ failMsg += "\t${it}\n" } } return dynamicPage(name:"addDeviceStatus", title: "Installation Status", nextPage: listDevices, install: false) { section() { paragraph addMsg paragraph failMsg } } app?.removeSetting("selectedAddDevices") } def addDevices() { logInfo("addDevices: [selectedDevices: ${selectedAddDevices}]") def hub = location.hubs[0] state.addedDevices = [] state.failedAdds = [] selectedAddDevices.each { dni -> def isChild = getChildDevice(dni) if (!isChild) { def device = state.devices.find { it.value.dni == dni } def alias = device.value.alias.replaceAll("[\u201C\u201D]", "\"").replaceAll("[\u2018\u2019]", "'").replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "") def deviceData = [:] deviceData["deviceIP"] = device.value.ip deviceData["deviceId"] = device.value.deviceId if (device.value.type.contains("Smart")) { deviceData << [encUsername: encUsername] deviceData << [encPassword: encPassword] deviceData << [capability: device.value.capability] } else { deviceData["devicePort"] = device.value.port deviceData["model"] = device.value.model deviceData["feature"] = device.value.feature if (device.value.plugNo) { deviceData["plugNo"] = device.value.plugNo deviceData["plugId"] = device.value.plugId } } try { addChildDevice( nameSpace(), device.value.type, device.value.dni, [ "label": alias, "data" : deviceData ] ) state.addedDevices << [label: device.value.alias, ip: device.value.ip] logInfo("Installed ${device.value.alias}.") } catch (error) { state.failedAdds << [label: device.value.alias, driver: device.value.type, ip: device.value.ip] def msgData = [status: "failedToAdd", label: device.value.alias, driver: device.value.type, ip: device.value.ip] msgData << [errorMsg: error] logWarn("addDevice: ${msgData}") } } pauseExecution(3000) } app?.removeSetting("selectedAddDevices") } def listDevices() { logInfo("listDevices") def theList = "" def theListTitle= "" def devices = state.devices if (devices == null) { theListTitle += "No devices in the device database." } else { theListTitle += "Total Kasa devices: ${devices.size() ?: 0}\n" theListTitle += "Alias: [Ip:Port, RSSI, Installed?]\n" def deviceList = [] devices.each{ def dni = it.key def installed = "No" def isChild = getChildDevice(it.key) if (isChild) { installed = "Yes" } deviceList << "${it.value.alias} - ${it.value.model}: [${it.value.ip}:${it.value.port}, ${it.value.rssi}, ${installed}]" } deviceList.each { theList += "${it}\n" } deviceList.sort() } return dynamicPage(name:"listDevices", title: "List Kasa Devices from Add Devices", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { section() { paragraph theListTitle paragraph "


" } } } def kasaAuthenticationPage() { logInfo("kasaAuthenticationPage") return dynamicPage (name: "kasaAuthenticationPage", title: "Initial Kasa Login Page", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { def note = "You only need to get a token " + "if you need to use the cloud integration. This is unusual. If you wish " + "to not get a token, simply press 'Exit without Credentials' below." + "\n\nIf you have already installed and find you need the cloud:" + "\na.\tEnter the credentials and get a token" + "\nb.\tRun Install Kasa Devices" section("Get Kasa Token: ") { paragraph note if (userName && userPassword && userName != null && userPassword != null) { href "startGetToken", title: "Get or Update Kasa Token", description: "Tap to Get Kasa Token" href "startPage", title: "Exit without Updating", description: "Return to start page without getting token" } paragraph "Select '<' at upper left corner to exit." } } } def startGetToken() { logInfo("getTokenFromStart: Result = ${getToken()}") cloudAddDevicesPage() } def getToken() { def message = [] def termId = java.util.UUID.randomUUID() def cmdBody = [ method: "login", params: [ appType: "Kasa_Android", cloudUserName: "${userName}", cloudPassword: "${userPassword.replaceAll('>', '>').replaceAll('<','<')}", terminalUUID: "${termId}"]] cmdData = [uri: "https://wap.tplinkcloud.com", cmdBody: cmdBody] def respData = sendKasaCmd(cmdData) if (respData.error_code == 0) { app?.updateSetting("kasaToken", respData.result.token) message << "[newToken: [data: ${respData.result.token}]" if (!kasaCloudUrl) { message << getCloudUrl() } } else { message << "[updateFailed: ${respData}]" logWarn("getToken: ${message}]") runIn(600, startGetToken) } return message } def getCloudUrl() { logInfo("cloudGetDevices ${kasaToken}") def message = [] def cmdData = [uri: "https://wap.tplinkcloud.com?token=${kasaToken}", cmdBody: [method: "getDeviceList"]] def respData = sendKasaCmd(cmdData) if (respData.error_code == 0) { def cloudDevices = respData.result.deviceList def cloudUrl = cloudDevices[0].appServerUrl message << "[getCloudUrl: ${cloudUrl}]" app?.updateSetting("kasaCloudUrl", cloudUrl) } else { message << "[getCloudUrl: Devices not returned from Kasa Cloud]" logWarn("getCloudUrl: Devices not returned from Kasa Cloud. Return = ${respData}\n\r") } return message } def schedGetToken() { logInfo("schedGetToken: Result = ${getToken()}") } def findDevices() { def start = state.hostArray.min().toInteger() def finish = state.hostArray.max().toInteger() + 1 logInfo("findDevices: [hostArray: ${state.hostArray}, portArray: ${state.portArray}, pollSegment: ${state.segArray}]") def cmdData = outputXOR("""{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{}}}""") state.portArray.each { def port = it.trim() List deviceIPs = [] state.segArray.each { def pollSegment = it.trim() logInfo("findDevices: Searching for LAN deivces on IP Segment = ${pollSegment}, port = ${port}") for(int i = start; i < finish; i++) { deviceIPs.add("${pollSegment}.${i.toString()}") } sendLanCmd(deviceIPs.join(','), port, cmdData, "getLanData", 15) if (encUsername && encPassword) { pauseExecution(20000) cmdData = "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" sendLanCmd(deviceIPs.join(','), "20002", cmdData, "getSmartLanData", 15) } } } pauseExecution(20000) updateChildren() return } def getLanData(response) { if (response instanceof Map) { def lanData = parseLanData(response) if (lanData.error) { return } def cmdResp = lanData.cmdResp if (cmdResp.system) { cmdResp = cmdResp.system } parseDeviceData(cmdResp, lanData.ip, lanData.port) } else { response.each { def lanData = parseLanData(it) if (lanData.error) { return } def cmdResp = lanData.cmdResp if (cmdResp.system) { cmdResp = cmdResp.system } parseDeviceData(cmdResp, lanData.ip, lanData.port) if (lanData.cmdResp.children) { pauseExecution(120) } else { pauseExecution(40) } } } } def parseSmartDeviceData(devData) { def dni = devData.mac.replaceAll("-", "") Map deviceData = [dni: dni] String deviceType = devData.type byte[] plainBytes = devData.nickname.decodeBase64() String alias = new String(plainBytes) deviceData << [alias: alias] deviceData << [model: devData.model] deviceData << [ip: devData.ip] deviceData << [deviceId: devData.device_id] String capability = "newType" String feature if (deviceType == "SMART.KASASWITCH" || deviceType == "SMART.KASAPLUG") { capability = "plug" if (devData.brightness) { capability = "plug_dimmer" } if (devData.power_protection_status) { capability = "plug_em" } } else if (deviceType == "SMART.KASAHUB") { capability = "hub" } String type = "kasaSmart_${capability}" deviceData << [type: type] deviceData << [capability: capability] state.devices << ["${dni}": deviceData] logDebug("parseSmartDeviceData: [${dni}: ${deviceData}]") } def cloudGetDevices() { logInfo("cloudGetDevices ${kasaToken}") def message = "" def cmdData = [uri: "https://wap.tplinkcloud.com?token=${kasaToken}", cmdBody: [method: "getDeviceList"]] def respData = sendKasaCmd(cmdData) def cloudDevices def cloudUrl if (respData.error_code == 0) { cloudDevices = respData.result.deviceList cloudUrl = "" } else { message = "Devices not returned from Kasa Cloud." logWarn("cloudGetDevices: Devices not returned from Kasa Cloud. Return = ${respData}\n\r") return message } cloudDevices.each { if (it.deviceType != "IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH" && it.deviceType != "IOT.SMARTBULB" && it.deviceType != "IOT.IPCAMERA") { logInfo("cloudGetDevice: Ignore device type ${it.deviceType}.") } else if (it.status == 0) { logInfo("cloudGetDevice: Device name ${it.alias} is offline and not included.") cloudUrl = it.appServerUrl } else { cloudUrl = it.appServerUrl def cmdBody = [ method: "passthrough", params: [ deviceId: it.deviceId, requestData: """{"system":{"get_sysinfo":{}}}"""]] cmdData = [uri: "${cloudUrl}/?token=${kasaToken}", cmdBody: cmdBody] def cmdResp respData = sendKasaCmd(cmdData) if (respData.error_code == 0) { def jsonSlurper = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper() cmdResp = jsonSlurper.parseText(respData.result.responseData).system.get_sysinfo if (cmdResp.system) { cmdResp = cmdResp.system } parseDeviceData(cmdResp) } else { message = "Data for one or more devices not returned from Kasa Cloud.\n\r" logWarn("cloudGetDevices: Device datanot returned from Kasa Cloud. Return = ${respData}\n\r") return message } } } message += "Available device data sent to parse methods.\n\r" if (cloudUrl != "" && cloudUrl != kasaCloudUrl) { app?.updateSetting("kasaCloudUrl", cloudUrl) message += " kasaCloudUrl uptdated to ${cloudUrl}." } return message } def parseDeviceData(cmdResp, ip = "CLOUD", port = "CLOUD") { logDebug("parseDeviceData: ${cmdResp} // ${ip} // ${port}") def dni if (cmdResp.mic_mac) { dni = cmdResp.mic_mac } else { dni = cmdResp.mac.replace(/:/, "") } def devices = state.devices def kasaType if (cmdResp.mic_type) { kasaType = cmdResp.mic_type } else { kasaType = cmdResp.type } def type = "Kasa Plug Switch" def feature = cmdResp.feature if (kasaType == "IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH") { if (cmdResp.dev_name && cmdResp.dev_name.contains("Dimmer")) { feature = "dimmingSwitch" type = "Kasa Dimming Switch" } } else if (kasaType == "IOT.SMARTBULB") { if (cmdResp.lighting_effect_state) { feature = "lightStrip" type = "Kasa Light Strip" } else if (cmdResp.is_color == 1) { feature = "colorBulb" type = "Kasa Color Bulb" } else if (cmdResp.is_variable_color_temp == 1) { feature = "colorTempBulb" type = "Kasa CT Bulb" } else { feature = "monoBulb" type = "Kasa Mono Bulb" } } else if (kasaType == "IOT.IPCAMERA") { feature = "ipCamera" type = "NOT AVAILABLE" } def model = cmdResp.model.substring(0,5) def alias = cmdResp.alias def rssi = cmdResp.rssi def deviceId = cmdResp.deviceId def plugNo def plugId if (cmdResp.children) { def childPlugs = cmdResp.children childPlugs.each { plugNo = it.id plugNo = it.id.substring(it.id.length() - 2) def childDni = "${dni}${plugNo}" plugId = "${deviceId}${plugNo}" alias = it.alias def device = createDevice(childDni, ip, port, rssi, type, feature, model, alias, deviceId, plugNo, plugId) devices["${childDni}"] = device logDebug("parseDeviceData: ${type} ${alias} (${ip}) added to devices array.") } } else if (model == "HS300") { def parentAlias = alias for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { plugNo = "0${i.toString()}" def childDni = "${dni}${plugNo}" plugId = "${deviceId}${plugNo}" def child = getChildDevice(childDni) if (child) { alias = child.device.getLabel() } else { alias = "${parentAlias}_${plugNo}_TEMP" } def device = createDevice(childDni, ip, port, rssi, type, feature, model, alias, deviceId, plugNo, plugId) devices["${childDni}"] = device logDebug("parseDeviceData: ${type} ${alias} (${ip}) added to devices array.") } } else { def device = createDevice(dni, ip, port, rssi, type, feature, model, alias, deviceId, plugNo, plugId) devices["${dni}"] = device logDebug("parseDeviceData: ${type} ${alias} (${ip}) added to devices array.") } } def createDevice(dni, ip, port, rssi, type, feature, model, alias, deviceId, plugNo, plugId) { logDebug("createDevice: dni = ${dni}") def device = [:] device["dni"] = dni device["ip"] = ip device["port"] = port device["type"] = type device["rssi"] = rssi device["feature"] = feature device["model"] = model device["alias"] = alias device["deviceId"] = deviceId if (plugNo != null) { device["plugNo"] = plugNo device["plugId"] = plugId } return device } def removeDevicesPage() { logInfo("removeDevicesPage") def devices = state.devices def installedDevices = [:] devices.each { def installed = false def isChild = getChildDevice(it.value.dni) if (isChild) { installedDevices["${it.value.dni}"] = "${it.value.alias}, type = ${it.value.type}, dni = ${it.value.dni}" } } logDebug("removeDevicesPage: newDevices = ${newDevices}") return dynamicPage(name:"removedDevicesPage", title:"Remove Kasa Devices from Hubitat", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { section("Select Devices to Remove from Hubitat") { input ("selectedRemoveDevices", "enum", required: false, multiple: true, title: "Devices to remove (${installedDevices.size() ?: 0} available)", description: "Use the dropdown to select devices. Then select 'Done'.", options: installedDevices) } } } def removeDevices() { logDebug("removeDevices: ${selectedRemoveDevices}") def devices = state.devices selectedRemoveDevices.each { dni -> def device = state.devices.find { it.value.dni == dni } def isChild = getChildDevice(dni) if (isChild) { try { deleteChildDevice(dni) logInfo("Deleted ${device.value.alias}") } catch (error) { logWarn("Failed to delet ${device.value.alias}.") } } } app?.removeSetting("selectedRemoveDevices") } def listDevicesByIp() { logInfo("listDevicesByIp") def deviceList = getDeviceList("ip") deviceList.sort() def theListTitle = "Total Kasa devices: ${deviceList.size() ?: 0}\n" theListTitle += "[Ip:Port: Alias, DriverVersion, Installed?]\n" String theList = "" deviceList.each { theList += "${it}\n" } return dynamicPage(name:"listDevicesByIp", title: "List Kasa Devices by IP", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { section() { paragraph theListTitle paragraph "


" } } } def listDevicesByName() { logInfo("listDevicesByName") def deviceList = getDeviceList("name") deviceList.sort() def theListTitle = "Total Kasa devices: ${deviceList.size() ?: 0}\n" theListTitle += "Alias: Ip:Port, DriverVersion, Installed?]\n" String theList = "" deviceList.each { theList += "${it}\n" } return dynamicPage(name:"listDevicesByName", title: "List Kasa Devices by Name", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { section() { paragraph theListTitle paragraph "


" } } } def getDeviceList(sortType) { state.devices = [:] def getData = findDevices() def devices = state.devices def deviceList = [] if (devices == null) { deviceList << "No Devices in devices.]" } else { devices.each{ def dni = it.key def result = ["Failed", "n/a"] def driverVer = "ukn" def installed = "No" def isChild = getChildDevice(it.key) if (isChild) { driverVer = isChild.driverVer() installed = "Yes" } if (sortType == "ip") { deviceList << "${it.value.ip}:${it.value.port}: ${it.value.alias}, ${driverVer}, ${installed}]" } else { deviceList << "${it.value.alias}: ${it.value.ip}:${it.value.port}, ${driverVer}, ${installed}]" } } } return deviceList } def commsTest() { logInfo("commsTest") return dynamicPage(name:"commsTest", title: "IP Communications Test", nextPage: startPage, install: false) { section() { def note = "This test measures ping from this Hub to any device on your " + "LAN (wifi and connected). You enter your Router's IP address, a " + "non-Kasa device (other hub if you have one), and select the Kasa " + "devices to ping. (Each ping will take about 3 seconds)." paragraph note input "routerIp", "string", title: "IP Address of your Router", required: false, submitOnChange: true input "nonKasaIp", "string", title: "IP Address of non-Kasa LAN device (other Hub?)", required: false, submitOnChange: true def devices = state.devices def kasaDevices = [:] devices.each { kasaDevices["${it.value.dni}"] = "${it.value.alias}, ${it.value.ip}" } input ("pingKasaDevices", "enum", required: false, multiple: true, title: "Kasa devices to ping (${kasaDevices.size() ?: 0} available).", description: "Use the dropdown to select devices.", options: kasaDevices) paragraph "Test will take approximately 5 seconds per device." href "commsTestDisplay", title: "Ping Selected Devices", description: "Click to Test IP Comms." href "startPage", title: "Exit without Testing", description: "Return to start page without attempting" } } } def commsTestDisplay() { logDebug("commsTestDisplay: [routerIp: ${routerIp}, nonKasaIp: ${nonKasaIp}, kasaDevices: ${pingKasaDevices}]") def pingResults = [] def pingResult if (routerIp != null) { pingResult = sendPing(routerIp, 5) pingResults << "Router: ${pingResult}" } if (nonKasaIp != null) { pingResult = sendPing(nonKasaIp, 5) pingResults << "nonKasaDevice: ${pingResult}" } def devices = state.devices if (pingKasaDevices != null) { pingKasaDevices.each {dni -> def device = devices.find { it.value.dni == dni } pingResult = sendPing(device.value.ip, 5) pingResults << "${device.value.alias}: ${pingResult}" } } def pingList = "" pingResults.each { pingList += "${it}\n" } return dynamicPage(name:"commsTestDisplay", title: "Ping Testing Result", nextPage: commsTest, install: false) { section() { def note = "Expectations:\na.\tAll devices have similar ping results." + "\nb.\tAll pings are less than 1000 ms.\nc.\tSuccess is 100." + "\nIf not, test again to verify bad results." + "\nAll times are in ms. Success is percent of 5 total tests." paragraph note paragraph "


" } } } def sendPing(ip, count = 3) { hubitat.helper.NetworkUtils.PingData pingData = hubitat.helper.NetworkUtils.ping(ip, count) def success = "nullResults" def minTime = "n/a" def maxTime = "n/a" if (pingData) { success = (100 * pingData.packetsReceived.toInteger() / count).toInteger() minTime = pingData.rttMin maxTime = pingData.rttMax } def pingResult = [ip: ip, min: minTime, max: maxTime, success: success] return pingResult } def updateConfigurations() { def msg = "" if (configureEnabled) { app?.updateSetting("configureEnabled", [type:"bool", value: false]) configureChildren() runIn(600, configureEnable) msg += "Updating App and device configurations" } else { msg += "Not executed. Method run within last 10 minutes." } logInfo("updateConfigurations: ${msg}") return msg } def configureEnable() { logDebug("configureEnable: Enabling configureDevices") app?.updateSetting("configureEnabled", [type:"bool", value: true]) } def configureChildren() { def fixConnect = fixConnection(true) def children = getChildDevices() children.each { it.updated() } } def fixConnection(force = false) { def msg = "fixConnection: " if (pollEnabled == true || pollEnabled == null || force == true) { msg += execFixConnection() msg += "Checking and updating all device IPs." } else { msg += "[pollEnabled: false]" } logInfo(msg) return msg } def pollEnable() { logDebug("pollEnable: Enabling IP check from device error.") app?.updateSetting("pollEnabled", [type:"bool", value: true]) } def execFixConnection() { def message = [:] app?.updateSetting("pollEnabled", [type:"bool", value: false]) runIn(900, pollEnable) def pollDevs = findDevices() message << [segmentArray: state.segArray, hostArray: state.hostArray, portArray: state.portArray] def tokenUpd = false if (kasaToken && userName != "") { def token = getToken() tokenUpd = true } message << [tokenUpdated: tokenUpd] return message } def updateChildren() { def devices = state.devices devices.each { def child = getChildDevice(it.key) if (child) { if (it.value.ip != null || it.value.ip != "" || it.value.ip != "CLOUD") { child.updateDataValue("deviceIP", it.value.ip) child.updateDataValue("devicePort", it.value.port.toString()) def logData = [deviceIP: it.value.ip,port: it.value.port] logDebug("updateChildDeviceData: [${it.value.alias}: ${logData}]") } } } } def syncBulbPresets(bulbPresets) { logDebug("syncBulbPresets") def devices = state.devices devices.each { def type = it.value.type if (type == "Kasa Color Bulb" || type == "Kasa Light Strip") { def child = getChildDevice(it.value.dni) if (child) { child.updatePresets(bulbPresets) } } } } def resetStates(deviceNetworkId) { logDebug("resetStates: ${deviceNetworkId}") def devices = state.devices devices.each { def type = it.value.type def dni = it.value.dni if (type == "Kasa Light Strip") { def child = getChildDevice(dni) if (child && dni != deviceNetworkId) { child.resetStates() } } } } def syncEffectPreset(effData, deviceNetworkId) { logDebug("syncEffectPreset: ${effData.name} || ${deviceNetworkId}") def devices = state.devices devices.each { def type = it.value.type def dni = it.value.dni if (type == "Kasa Light Strip") { def child = getChildDevice(dni) if (child && dni != deviceNetworkId) { child.updateEffectPreset(effData) } } } } def coordinate(cType, coordData, deviceId, plugNo) { logDebug("coordinate: ${cType}, ${coordData}, ${deviceId}, ${plugNo}") def plugs = state.devices.findAll{ it.value.deviceId == deviceId } plugs.each { if (it.value.plugNo != plugNo) { def child = getChildDevice(it.value.dni) if (child) { child.coordUpdate(cType, coordData) pauseExecution(200) } } } } private sendLanCmd(ip, port, cmdData, action, commsTo = 5) { Map data = [ip: ip, port: port, action: action] logInfo("sendLanCmd: ${data}") def myHubAction = new hubitat.device.HubAction( cmdData, hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN, [type: hubitat.device.HubAction.Type.LAN_TYPE_UDPCLIENT, destinationAddress: "${ip}:${port}", encoding: hubitat.device.HubAction.Encoding.HEX_STRING, parseWarning: true, timeout: commsTo, callback: action]) try { sendHubCommand(myHubAction) } catch (error) { logWarn("sendLanCmd: command failed. Error = ${error}") } } def parseLanData(response) { def resp = parseLanMessage(response.description) if (resp.type == "LAN_TYPE_UDPCLIENT") { def ip = convertHexToIp(resp.ip) def port = convertHexToInt(resp.port) def clearResp = inputXOR(resp.payload) def cmdResp try { cmdResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(clearResp).system.get_sysinfo } catch (err) { if (clearResp.contains("child_num")) { clearResp = clearResp.substring(0,clearResp.indexOf("child_num")-2) + "}}}" } else if (clearResp.contains("children")) { clearResp = clearResp.substring(0,clearResp.indexOf("children")-2) + "}}}" } else if (clearResp.contains("preferred")) { clearResp = clearResp.substring(0,clearResp.indexOf("preferred")-2) + "}}}" } else { logWarn("parseLanData: [error: msg too long, data: ${clearResp}]") return [error: "error", reason: "message to long"] } cmdResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(clearResp).system.get_sysinfo } return [cmdResp: cmdResp, ip: ip, port: port] } else { return [error: "error", reason: "not LAN_TYPE_UDPCLIENT", respType: resp.type] } } private outputXOR(command) { def str = "" def encrCmd = "" def key = 0xAB for (int i = 0; i < command.length(); i++) { str = (command.charAt(i) as byte) ^ key key = str encrCmd += Integer.toHexString(str) } return encrCmd } private inputXOR(encrResponse) { String[] strBytes = encrResponse.split("(?<=\\G.{2})") def cmdResponse = "" def key = 0xAB def nextKey byte[] XORtemp for(int i = 0; i < strBytes.length-1; i++) { nextKey = (byte)Integer.parseInt(strBytes[i], 16) // could be negative XORtemp = nextKey ^ key key = nextKey cmdResponse += new String(XORtemp) } return cmdResponse } def sendKasaCmd(cmdData) { def commandParams = [ uri: cmdData.uri, requestContentType: 'application/json', contentType: 'application/json', headers: ['Accept':'application/json; version=1, */*; q=0.01'], body : new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(cmdData.cmdBody).toString() ] def respData try { httpPostJson(commandParams) {resp -> if (resp.status == 200) { respData = resp.data } else { def msg = "sendKasaCmd: HTTP Status not equal to 200. Protocol error. " msg += "HTTP Protocol Status = ${resp.status}" logWarn(msg) respData = [error_code: resp.status, msg: "HTTP Protocol Error"] } } } catch (e) { def msg = "sendKasaCmd: Error in Cloud Communications. The Kasa Cloud is unreachable." msg += "\nAdditional Data: Error = ${e}\n\n" logWarn(msg) respData = [error_code: 9999, msg: e] } return respData } private String convertHexToIp(hex) { [convertHexToInt(hex[0..1]),convertHexToInt(hex[2..3]),convertHexToInt(hex[4..5]),convertHexToInt(hex[6..7])].join(".") } private Integer convertHexToInt(hex) { Integer.parseInt(hex,16) } def debugOff() { app.updateSetting("debugLog", false) } def logTrace(msg) { log.trace "KasaInt-${appVersion()}: ${msg}" } def logDebug(msg){ if(debugLog == true) { log.debug "KasaInt-${appVersion()}: ${msg}" } } def logInfo(msg) { log.info "KasaInt-${appVersion()}: ${msg}" } def logWarn(msg) { log.warn "KasaInt-${appVersion()}: ${msg}" } // ~~~~~ start include (1327) davegut.lib_tpLink_comms ~~~~~ library ( // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 1 name: "lib_tpLink_comms", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 2 namespace: "davegut", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 3 author: "Dave Gutheinz", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 4 description: "Tapo Communications", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 5 category: "utilities", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 6 documentationLink: "" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 7 ) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 8 import org.json.JSONObject // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 9 import groovy.json.JsonOutput // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 10 import groovy.json.JsonBuilder // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 11 import groovy.json.JsonSlurper // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 12 def createMultiCmd(requests) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 14 Map cmdBody = [ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 15 method: "multipleRequest", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 16 params: [requests: requests]] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 17 return cmdBody // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 18 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 19 def asyncPassthrough(cmdBody, method, action) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 21 if (devIp == null) { devIp = getDataValue("deviceIP") } // used for Kasa Compatibility // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 22 Map cmdData = [cmdBody: cmdBody, method: method, action: action] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 23 state.lastCmd = cmdData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 24 logDebug("asyncPassthrough: ${cmdData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 25 def uri = "http://${getDataValue("deviceIP")}/app?token=${getDataValue("deviceToken")}" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 26 Map reqBody = createReqBody(cmdBody) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 27 asyncPost(uri, reqBody, action, getDataValue("deviceCookie"), method) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 28 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 29 def syncPassthrough(cmdBody) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 31 if (devIp == null) { devIp = getDataValue("deviceIP") } // used for Kasa Compatibility // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 32 Map logData = [cmdBody: cmdBody] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 33 def uri = "http://${getDataValue("deviceIP")}/app?token=${getDataValue("deviceToken")}" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 34 Map reqBody = createReqBody(cmdBody) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 35 def resp = syncPost(uri, reqBody, getDataValue("deviceCookie")) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 36 def cmdResp = "ERROR" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 37 if (resp.status == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 38 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 39 cmdResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(decrypt(resp.resp.data.result.response)) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 40 logData << [status: "OK"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 41 } catch (err) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 42 logData << [status: "cryptoError", error: "Error decrypting response", data: err] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 43 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 44 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 45 logData << [status: "postJsonError", postJsonData: resp] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 46 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 47 if (logData.status == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 48 logDebug("syncPassthrough: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 49 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 50 logWarn("syncPassthrough: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 51 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 52 return cmdResp // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 53 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 54 def createReqBody(cmdBody) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 56 def cmdStr = JsonOutput.toJson(cmdBody).toString() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 57 Map reqBody = [method: "securePassthrough", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 58 params: [request: encrypt(cmdStr)]] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 59 return reqBody // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 60 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 61 // ===== Sync comms for device update ===== // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 63 def syncPost(uri, reqBody, cookie=null) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 64 def reqParams = [ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 65 uri: uri, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 66 headers: [ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 67 Cookie: cookie // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 68 ], // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 69 body : new JsonBuilder(reqBody).toString() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 70 ] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 71 logDebug("syncPost: [cmdParams: ${reqParams}]") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 72 Map respData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 73 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 74 httpPostJson(reqParams) {resp -> // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 75 if (resp.status == 200 && resp.data.error_code == 0) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 76 respData << [status: "OK", resp: resp] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 77 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 78 respData << [status: "lanDataError", respStatus: resp.status, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 79 errorCode: resp.data.error_code] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 80 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 81 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 82 } catch (err) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 83 respData << [status: "HTTP Failed", data: err] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 84 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 85 return respData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 86 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 87 def asyncPost(uri, reqBody, parseMethod, cookie=null, reqData=null) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 89 Map logData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 90 def reqParams = [ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 91 uri: uri, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 92 requestContentType: 'application/json', // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 93 contentType: 'application/json', // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 94 headers: [ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 95 Cookie: cookie // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 96 ], // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 97 timeout: 4, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 98 body : new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(reqBody).toString() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 99 ] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 100 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 101 asynchttpPost(parseMethod, reqParams, [data: reqData]) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 102 logData << [status: "OK"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 103 } catch (e) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 104 logData << [status: e, reqParams: reqParams] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 105 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 106 if (logData.status == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 107 logDebug("asyncPost: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 108 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 109 logWarn("asyncPost: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 110 handleCommsError() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 111 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 112 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 113 def parseData(resp) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 115 def logData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 116 if (resp.status == 200 && resp.json.error_code == 0) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 117 def cmdResp // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 118 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 119 cmdResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(decrypt(resp.json.result.response)) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 120 setCommsError(false) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 121 } catch (err) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 122 logData << [status: "cryptoError", error: "Error decrypting response", data: err] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 123 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 124 if (cmdResp != null && cmdResp.error_code == 0) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 125 logData << [status: "OK", cmdResp: cmdResp] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 126 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 127 logData << [status: "deviceDataError", cmdResp: cmdResp] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 128 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 129 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 130 logData << [status: "lanDataError"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 131 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 132 if (logData.status == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 133 logDebug("parseData: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 134 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 135 logWarn("parseData: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 136 handleCommsError() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 137 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 138 return logData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 139 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 140 def handleCommsError() { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 142 Map logData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 143 if (state.lastCommand != "") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 144 def count = state.errorCount + 1 // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 145 state.errorCount = count // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 146 def cmdData = new JSONObject(state.lastCmd) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 147 def cmdBody = parseJson(cmdData.cmdBody.toString()) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 148 logData << [count: count, command: cmdData] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 149 switch (count) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 150 case 1: // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 151 asyncPassthrough(cmdBody, cmdData.method, cmdData.action) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 152 logData << [status: "commandRetry"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 153 logDebug("handleCommsError: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 154 break // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 155 case 2: // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 156 logData << [deviceLogin: deviceLogin()] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 157 Map data = [cmdBody: cmdBody, method: cmdData.method, action:cmdData.action] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 158 runIn(2, delayedPassThrough, [data:data]) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 159 logData << [status: "newLogin and commandRetry"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 160 logWarn("handleCommsError: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 161 break // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 162 case 3: // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 163 logData << [setCommsError: setCommsError(true), status: "retriesDisabled"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 164 logError("handleCommsError: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 165 break // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 166 default: // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 167 break // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 168 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 169 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 170 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 171 def delayedPassThrough(data) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 173 asyncPassthrough(data.cmdBody, data.method, data.action) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 174 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 175 def setCommsError(status) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 177 if (!status) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 178 updateAttr("commsError", false) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 179 state.errorCount = 0 // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 180 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 181 updateAttr("commsError", true) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 182 return "commsErrorSet" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 183 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 184 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_comms, line 185 // ~~~~~ end include (1327) davegut.lib_tpLink_comms ~~~~~ // ~~~~~ start include (1337) davegut.lib_tpLink_security ~~~~~ library ( // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 1 name: "lib_tpLink_security", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 2 namespace: "davegut", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 3 author: "Dave Gutheinz", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 4 description: "tpLink RSA and AES security measures", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 5 category: "utilities", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 6 documentationLink: "" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 7 ) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 8 import groovy.json.JsonSlurper // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 9 import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 10 import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 11 import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 12 import javax.crypto.Cipher // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 13 import java.security.KeyFactory // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 14 def securityPreferences() { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 16 input ("aesKey", "password", title: "Storage for the AES Key") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 17 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 18 // ===== Device Login Core ===== // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 20 def handshake(devIp) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 21 def rsaKeys = getRsaKeys() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 22 Map handshakeData = [method: "handshakeData", rsaKeys: rsaKeys.keyNo] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 23 def pubPem = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n${rsaKeys.public}-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 24 Map cmdBody = [ method: "handshake", params: [ key: pubPem]] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 25 def uri = "http://${devIp}/app" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 26 def respData = syncPost(uri, cmdBody) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 27 if (respData.status == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 28 String deviceKey = respData.resp.data.result.key // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 29 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 30 def cookieHeader = respData.resp.headers["set-cookie"].toString() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 31 def cookie = cookieHeader.substring(cookieHeader.indexOf(":") +1, cookieHeader.indexOf(";")) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 32 handshakeData << [cookie: cookie] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 33 } catch (err) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 34 handshakeData << [respStatus: "FAILED", check: "respData.headers", error: err] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 35 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 36 def aesArray = readDeviceKey(deviceKey, rsaKeys.private) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 37 handshakeData << [aesKey: aesArray] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 38 if (aesArray == "ERROR") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 39 handshakeData << [respStatus: "FAILED", check: "privateKey"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 40 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 41 handshakeData << [respStatus: "OK"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 42 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 43 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 44 handshakeData << [respStatus: "FAILED", check: "pubPem. devIp", respData: respData] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 45 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 46 if (handshakeData.respStatus == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 47 logDebug("handshake: ${handshakeData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 48 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 49 logWarn("handshake: ${handshakeData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 50 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 51 return handshakeData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 52 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 53 def readDeviceKey(deviceKey, privateKey) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 55 def response = "ERROR" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 56 def logData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 57 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 58 byte[] privateKeyBytes = privateKey.decodeBase64() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 59 byte[] deviceKeyBytes = deviceKey.getBytes("UTF-8").decodeBase64() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 60 Cipher instance = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 61 instance.init(2, KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA").generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(privateKeyBytes))) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 62 byte[] cryptoArray = instance.doFinal(deviceKeyBytes) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 63 response = cryptoArray // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 64 logData << [cryptoArray: "REDACTED for logs", status: "OK"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 65 logDebug("readDeviceKey: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 66 } catch (err) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 67 logData << [status: "READ ERROR", data: err] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 68 logWarn("readDeviceKey: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 69 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 70 return response // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 71 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 72 def loginDevice(cookie, cryptoArray, credentials, devIp) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 74 Map tokenData = [method: "loginDevice"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 75 def uri = "http://${devIp}/app" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 76 Map cmdBody = [method: "login_device", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 77 params: [password: credentials.encPassword, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 78 username: credentials.encUsername], // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 79 requestTimeMils: 0] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 80 def cmdStr = JsonOutput.toJson(cmdBody).toString() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 81 Map reqBody = [method: "securePassthrough", params: [request: encrypt(cmdStr, cryptoArray)]] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 82 def respData = syncPost(uri, reqBody, cookie) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 83 if (respData.status == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 84 if (respData.resp.data.error_code == 0) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 85 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 86 def cmdResp = decrypt(respData.resp.data.result.response, cryptoArray) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 87 cmdResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(cmdResp) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 88 if (cmdResp.error_code == 0) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 89 tokenData << [respStatus: "OK", token: cmdResp.result.token] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 90 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 91 tokenData << [respStatus: "Error from device", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 92 check: "cryptoArray, credentials", data: cmdResp] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 93 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 94 } catch (err) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 95 tokenData << [respStatus: "Error parsing", error: err] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 96 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 97 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 98 tokenData << [respStatus: "Error in respData.data", data: respData.data] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 99 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 100 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 101 tokenData << [respStatus: "Error in respData", data: respData] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 102 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 103 if (tokenData.respStatus == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 104 logDebug("handshake: ${tokenData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 105 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 106 logWarn("handshake: ${tokenData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 107 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 108 return tokenData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 109 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 110 // ===== AES Methods ===== // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 112 //def encrypt(plainText, keyData) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 113 def encrypt(plainText, keyData = null) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 114 if (keyData == null) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 115 keyData = new JsonSlurper().parseText(aesKey) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 116 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 117 byte[] keyenc = keyData[0..15] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 118 byte[] ivenc = keyData[16..31] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 119 def cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 121 SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyenc, "AES") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 122 IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(ivenc) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 123 cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, iv) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 124 String result = cipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes("UTF-8")).encodeBase64().toString() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 125 return result.replace("\r\n","") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 126 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 127 def decrypt(cypherText, keyData = null) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 129 if (keyData == null) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 130 keyData = new JsonSlurper().parseText(aesKey) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 131 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 132 byte[] keyenc = keyData[0..15] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 133 byte[] ivenc = keyData[16..31] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 134 byte[] decodedBytes = cypherText.decodeBase64() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 136 def cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 137 SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyenc, "AES") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 138 cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec(ivenc)) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 139 String result = new String(cipher.doFinal(decodedBytes), "UTF-8") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 140 return result // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 141 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 142 // ===== RSA Key Methods ===== // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 144 def getRsaKeys() { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 145 def keyNo = Math.round(5 * Math.random()).toInteger() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 146 def keyData = keyData() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 147 def RSAKeys = keyData.find { it.keyNo == keyNo } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 148 return RSAKeys // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 149 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 150 def keyData() { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 152 /* User Note. You can update these keys at you will using the site: // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 153 https://www.devglan.com/online-tools/rsa-encryption-decryption // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 154 with an RSA Key Size: 1024 bit // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 155 This is at your risk.*/ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 156 return [ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 157 [ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 158 keyNo: 0, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 159 public: "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDGr/mHBK8aqx7UAS+g+TuAvE3J2DdwsqRn9MmAkjPGNon1ZlwM6nLQHfJHebdohyVqkNWaCECGXnftnlC8CM2c/RujvCrStRA0lVD+jixO9QJ9PcYTa07Z1FuEze7Q5OIa6pEoPxomrjxzVlUWLDXt901qCdn3/zRZpBdpXzVZtQIDAQAB", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 160 private: "MIICeAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmIwggJeAgEAAoGBAMav+YcErxqrHtQBL6D5O4C8TcnYN3CypGf0yYCSM8Y2ifVmXAzqctAd8kd5t2iHJWqQ1ZoIQIZed+2eULwIzZz9G6O8KtK1EDSVUP6OLE71An09xhNrTtnUW4TN7tDk4hrqkSg/GiauPHNWVRYsNe33TWoJ2ff/NFmkF2lfNVm1AgMBAAECgYEAocxCHmKBGe2KAEkq+SKdAxvVGO77TsobOhDMWug0Q1C8jduaUGZHsxT/7JbA9d1AagSh/XqE2Sdq8FUBF+7vSFzozBHyGkrX1iKURpQFEQM2j9JgUCucEavnxvCqDYpscyNRAgqz9jdh+BjEMcKAG7o68bOw41ZC+JyYR41xSe0CQQD1os71NcZiMVqYcBud6fTYFHZz3HBNcbzOk+RpIHyi8aF3zIqPKIAh2pO4s7vJgrMZTc2wkIe0ZnUrm0oaC//jAkEAzxIPW1mWd3+KE3gpgyX0cFkZsDmlIbWojUIbyz8NgeUglr+BczARG4ITrTV4fxkGwNI4EZxBT8vXDSIXJ8NDhwJBAIiKndx0rfg7Uw7VkqRvPqk2hrnU2aBTDw8N6rP9WQsCoi0DyCnX65Hl/KN5VXOocYIpW6NAVA8VvSAmTES6Ut0CQQCX20jD13mPfUsHaDIZafZPhiheoofFpvFLVtYHQeBoCF7T7vHCRdfl8oj3l6UcoH/hXMmdsJf9KyI1EXElyf91AkAvLfmAS2UvUnhX4qyFioitjxwWawSnf+CewN8LDbH7m5JVXJEh3hqp+aLHg1EaW4wJtkoKLCF+DeVIgbSvOLJw" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 161 ],[ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 162 keyNo: 1, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 163 public: "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCshy+qBKbJNefcyJUZ/3i+3KyLji6XaWEWvebUCC2r9/0jE6hc89AufO41a13E3gJ2es732vaxwZ1BZKLy468NnL+tg6vlQXaPkDcdunQwjxbTLNL/yzDZs9HRju2lJnupcksdJWBZmjtztMWQkzBrQVeSKzSTrKYK0s24EEXmtQIDAQAB", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 164 private: "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" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 165 ],[ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 166 keyNo: 2, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 167 public: "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCBeqRy4zAOs63Sc5yc0DtlFXG1stmdD6sEfUiGjlsy0S8aS8X+Qcjcu5AK3uBBrkVNIa8djXht1bd+pUof5/txzWIMJw9SNtNYqzSdeO7cCtRLzuQnQWP7Am64OBvYkXn2sUqoaqDE50LbSQWbuvZw0Vi9QihfBYGQdlrqjCPUsQIDAQAB", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 168 private: "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" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 169 ],[ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 170 keyNo: 3, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 171 public: "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCFYaoMvv5kBxUUbp4PQyd7RoZlPompsupXP2La0qGGxacF98/88W4KNUqLbF4X5BPqxoEA+VeZy75qqyfuYbGQ4fxT6usE/LnzW8zDY/PjhVBht8FBRyAUsoYAt3Ip6sDyjd9YzRzUL1Q/OxCgxz5CNETYxcNr7zfMshBHDmZXMQIDAQAB", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 172 private: "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" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 173 ],[ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 174 keyNo: 4, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 175 public: "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQClF0yuCpo3r1ZpYlGcyI5wy5nnvZdOZmxqz5U2rklt2b8+9uWhmsGdpbTv5+qJXlZmvUKbpoaPxpJluBFDJH2GSpq3I0whh0gNq9Arzpp/TDYaZLb6iIqDMF6wm8yjGOtcSkB7qLQWkXpEN9T2NsEzlfTc+GTKc07QXHnzxoLmwQIDAQAB", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 176 private: "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" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 177 ],[ // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 178 keyNo: 5, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 179 public: "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQChN8Xc+gsSuhcLVM1W1E+e1o+celvKlOmuV6sJEkJecknKFujx9+T4xvyapzyePpTBn0lA9EYbaF7UDYBsDgqSwgt0El3gV+49O56nt1ELbLUJtkYEQPK+6Pu8665UG17leCiaMiFQyoZhD80PXhpjehqDu2900uU/4DzKZ/eywwIDAQAB", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 180 private: "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" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 181 ] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 182 ] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 183 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_security, line 184 // ~~~~~ end include (1337) davegut.lib_tpLink_security ~~~~~ // ~~~~~ start include (1370) davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery ~~~~~ library ( // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 1 name: "lib_tpLink_discovery", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 2 namespace: "davegut", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 3 author: "Dave Gutheinz", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 4 description: "Common tpLink Smart Discovery Methods", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 5 category: "utilities", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 6 documentationLink: "" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 7 ) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 8 def getSmartLanData(response) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 10 logDebug("getSmartLanData: responses returned from devices") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 11 def devIp // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 12 List ipList = [] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 13 def respData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 14 if (response instanceof Map) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 15 devIp = getDeviceIp(response) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 16 if (devIp != "INVALID") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 17 ipList << devIp // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 18 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 19 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 20 response.each { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 21 devIp = getDeviceIp(it) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 22 if (devIp != "INVALID") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 23 ipList << devIp // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 24 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 25 pauseExecution(100) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 26 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 27 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 28 getAllSmartDeviceData(ipList) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 29 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 30 def getDeviceIp(response) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 32 log.trace response // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 33 def brand = "KASA" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 34 if (appName() == "tapo_device_install") { brand = "TAPO" } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 35 def devIp = "INVALID" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 36 try { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 37 def respData = parseLanMessage(response.description) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 38 if (respData.type == "LAN_TYPE_UDPCLIENT") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 39 byte[] payloadByte = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(respData.payload.drop(32)) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 40 String payloadString = new String(payloadByte) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 41 Map payload = new JsonSlurper().parseText(payloadString).result // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 42 Map payloadData = [type: payload.device_type, model: payload.device_model, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 43 mac: payload.mac, ip: payload.ip] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 44 if (payload.device_type.contains(brand)) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 45 devIp = payload.ip // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 46 logInfo("getDeviceIp: [TAPOdevice: ${payloadData}]") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 47 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 48 logInfo("getDeviceIp: [KASAdevice: ${payloadData}]") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 49 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 50 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 51 } catch (err) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 52 logWarn("getDevIp: [status: ERROR, respData: ${resData}, error: ${err}]") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 53 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 54 return devIp // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 55 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 56 def getAllSmartDeviceData(List ipList) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 58 Map logData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 59 ipList.each { devIp -> // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 60 Map devData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 61 def cmdResp = getSmartDeviceData([method: "get_device_info"], devIp) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 62 if (cmdResp == "ERROR") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 63 devData << [status: "ERROR", data: "Failure in getSmartDeviceData"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 64 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 65 if (cmdResp.result.type.contains("SMART")) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 66 devData << [status: "OK"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 67 parseSmartDeviceData(cmdResp.result) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 68 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 69 if (cmdResp.result.type) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 70 devData << [status: "OK", devType: cmdResp.result.type, devIp: cmdResp.result.ip] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 71 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 72 devData << [status: "ERROR", data: cmdResp] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 73 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 74 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 75 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 76 logData << [devIp: devData] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 77 pauseExecution(200) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 78 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 79 if (!logData.toString().contains("ERROR")) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 80 logDebug("getSmartDeviceData: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 81 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 82 logWarn("getSmartDeviceData: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 83 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 84 pauseExecution(5000) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 85 state.findingDevices = "done" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 86 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 87 def deviceLogin(devIp) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 89 Map logData = [:] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 90 def handshakeData = handshake(devIp) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 91 if (handshakeData.respStatus == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 92 Map credentials = [encUsername: encUsername, encPassword: encPassword] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 93 def tokenData = loginDevice(handshakeData.cookie, handshakeData.aesKey, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 94 credentials, devIp) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 95 if (tokenData.respStatus == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 96 logData << [rsaKeys: handshakeData.rsaKeys, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 97 cookie: handshakeData.cookie, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 98 aesKey: handshakeData.aesKey, // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 99 token: tokenData.token] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 100 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 101 logData << [tokenData: tokenData] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 102 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 103 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 104 logData << [handshakeData: handshakeData] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 105 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 106 return logData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 107 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 108 def getSmartDeviceData(cmdBody, devIp) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 110 def cmdResp = "ERROR" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 111 def loginData = deviceLogin(devIp) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 112 Map logData = [cmdBody: cmdBody, devIp: devIp, token: loginData.token, aeskey: loginData.aesKey, cookie: loginData.cookie] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 113 if (loginData.token == null) { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 114 logData << [respStatus: "FAILED", reason: "Check Credentials"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 115 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 116 def uri = "http://${devIp}/app?token=${loginData.token}" // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 117 cmdBody = JsonOutput.toJson(cmdBody).toString() // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 118 Map reqBody = [method: "securePassthrough", // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 119 params: [request: encrypt(cmdBody, loginData.aesKey)]] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 120 def respData = syncPost(uri, reqBody, loginData.cookie) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 121 if (respData.status == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 122 logData << [respStatus: "OK"] // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 123 respData = respData.resp.data.result.response // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 124 cmdResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(decrypt(respData, loginData.aesKey)) // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 125 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 126 logData << respData // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 127 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 128 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 129 if (logData.respStatus == "OK") { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 130 logDebug("getSmartDeviceData: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 131 } else { // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 132 logWarn("getSmartDeviceData: ${logData}") // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 133 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 134 return cmdResp // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 135 } // library marker davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery, line 136 // ~~~~~ end include (1370) davegut.lib_tpLink_discovery ~~~~~