/* Samsung Refrigerator Icemaker using SmartThings Interface License Information: https://github.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/blob/master/KasaDevices/License.md ===== Description This is a child driver to Samsung Oven and will not work indepenently of same. ===== Version 1.1 ==============================================================================*/ def driverVer() { return "1.2" } def nameSpace() { return "davegut" } metadata { definition (name: "Samsung Refrig icemaker", namespace: nameSpace(), author: "David Gutheinz", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/master/SamsungAppliances/Samsung_Refrig_icemaker.groovy" ){ capability "Switch" } preferences { input ("infoLog", "bool", title: "Enable info logging", defaultValue: true) input ("debugLog", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging for 30 minutes", defaultValue: false) } } def installed() { runIn(1, updated) } def updated() { def logData = [:] if (driverVer() != parent.driverVer()) { logWarn("updated: Child driver version does not match parent.") } if (!getDataValue("driverVersion") || getDataValue("driverVersion") != driverVer()) { updateDataValue("driverVersion", driverVer()) logData << [driverVersion: driverVer()] } if (logData != [:]) { logInfo("updated: ${logData}") } } def on() { setSwitch("on") } def off() { setSwitch("off") } def setSwitch(onOff) { def cmdData = [ component: getDataValue("component"), capability: "switch", command: onOff, arguments: []] def cmdStatus = parent.deviceCommand(cmdData) logInfo("setOnOff: [cmd: ${onOff}, ${cmdStatus}]") } def statusParse(respData) { def parseData def componentId = getDataValue("component") try { parseData = respData.components[componentId] } catch (error) { logWarn("statusParse: [respData: ${respData}, error: ${error}]") } def onOff = parseData.switch.switch.value sendEvent(name: "switch", value: onOff) if (parent.simulate() == true) { runIn(1, listAttributes, [data: true]) } else { runIn(1, listAttributes) } } // ===== Library Integration ===== // ~~~~~ start include (1072) davegut.Logging ~~~~~ library ( // library marker davegut.Logging, line 1 name: "Logging", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 2 namespace: "davegut", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 3 author: "Dave Gutheinz", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 4 description: "Common Logging Methods", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 5 category: "utilities", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 6 documentationLink: "" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 7 ) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 8 // Logging during development // library marker davegut.Logging, line 10 def listAttributes(trace = false) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 11 def attrs = device.getSupportedAttributes() // library marker davegut.Logging, line 12 def attrList = [:] // library marker davegut.Logging, line 13 attrs.each { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 14 def val = device.currentValue("${it}") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 15 attrList << ["${it}": val] // library marker davegut.Logging, line 16 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 17 if (trace == true) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 18 logTrace("Attributes: ${attrList}") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 19 } else { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 20 logDebug("Attributes: ${attrList}") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 21 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 22 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 23 // 6.7.2 Change B. Remove driverVer() // library marker davegut.Logging, line 25 def logTrace(msg){ // library marker davegut.Logging, line 26 log.trace "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 27 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 28 def logInfo(msg) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 30 if (!infoLog || infoLog == true) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 31 log.info "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 32 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 33 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 34 def debugLogOff() { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 36 if (debug == true) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 37 device.updateSetting("debug", [type:"bool", value: false]) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 38 } else if (debugLog == true) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 39 device.updateSetting("debugLog", [type:"bool", value: false]) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 40 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 41 logInfo("Debug logging is false.") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 42 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 43 def logDebug(msg) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 45 if (debug == true || debugLog == true) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 46 log.debug "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 47 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 48 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 49 def logWarn(msg) { log.warn "${device.displayName}: ${msg}" } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 51 // ~~~~~ end include (1072) davegut.Logging ~~~~~