/* HubiThings Replica Samsung TV Driver HubiThings Replica Applications Copyright 2023 by Bloodtick HubiThings Replica Samsung TV Driver Copyright 2023 by Dave Gutheinz Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Sample Audio Notifications Streams are at the bottom of this driver. Changes: 1.0-1: a. Changed link to help file. b. Added logging prefs to library logging. Issues with this driver: Contact davegut via Private Message on the Hubitat Community site: https://community.hubitat.com/ ==========================================================================*/ def driverVer() { return "1.0-1" } import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.json.JsonSlurper def appliance() { return "ReplicaSamsungTV" } metadata { definition (name: appliance(), namespace: "replica", author: "David Gutheinz", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DaveGut/HubithingsReplica/main/Drivers/${appliance()}.groovy" ){ capability "Actuator" capability "Configuration" capability "Refresh" attribute "healthStatus", "enum", ["offline", "online"] capability "Switch" capability "SamsungTV" command "showMessage", [[name: "Not Implemented"]] command "toggleSoundMode" command "togglePictureMode" command "setLevel", ["number"] attribute "level", "NUMBER" capability "MediaInputSource" // new command "toggleInputSource" attribute "inputSource", "string" capability "MediaTransport" command "fastForward" command "rewind" capability "Configuration" // TV Channel/data command "setTvChannel", ["number"] attribute "tvChannel", "string" attribute "tvChannelName", "string" attribute "trackDescription", "string" command "channelUp" command "channelDown" command "channelList" // Websocket Keys attribute "wsStatus", "string" command "sendKey", ["string"] // Art / Ambient command "artMode" attribute "artModeStatus", "string" command "ambientMode" // Cursor and Entry Control command "arrowLeft" command "arrowRight" command "arrowUp" command "arrowDown" command "enter" command "numericKeyPad" // Menu Access command "home" command "menu" command "guide" command "info" // Navigation Commands command "exit" command "Return" // Application Functions command "appOpenByName", ["string"] command "appOpenByCode", ["string"] attribute "currentApp", "string" // Dashboard Support capability "PushableButton" capability "Variable" command "eventHandler", [[name: "For App Use Only"]] } preferences { input ("deviceIp", "string", title: "Device IP. For Local Notification.") if (deviceIp) { input ("tvPwrOnMode", "enum", title: "TV Startup Display", options: ["ART_MODE", "Ambient", "Tv", "HDMI1", "HDMI2", "HDMI3", "HDMI4", "none"], defaultValue: "none") input ("findAppCodes", "bool", title: "Scan for App Codes (use rarely)", defaultValue: false) input ("resetAppCodes", "bool", title: "Delete and Rescan for App Codes (use rarely)", defaultValue: false) } } } String helpLogo() { return """""" + """
TV Help
""" } // ===== Installation, setup and update ===== def installed() { state.token = "12345678" def tokenSupport = "false" sendEvent(name: "wsStatus", value: "closed") sendEvent(name: "numberOfButtone", value: 45) sendEvent(name: "currentApp", value: " ") state.appData = [:] runIn(1, updated) } def updated() { unschedule() def updStatus = [:] initialize() if (!deviceIp) { logWarn("\n\n\t\tEnter the deviceIp and Save Preferences\n\n") updStatus << [status: "ERROR", data: "Device IP not set."] } else { updStatus << [getDeviceData: configureLan()] if (!getDataValue("driverVersion") || getDataValue("driverVersion") != driverVer()) { updateDataValue("driverVersion", driverVer()) updStatus << [driverVer: driverVer()] } if (resetAppCodes) { state.appData = [:] runIn(5, updateAppCodes) } else if (findAppCodes) { runIn(5, updateAppCodes) } } if (logEnable) { runIn(1800, debugLogOff) } if (traceLog) { runIn(600, traceLogOff) } updStatus << [logEnable: logEnable, infoLog: infoLog, traceLog: traceLog] runIn(10, refresh) pauseExecution(5000) listAttributes(true) logInfo("updated: ${updStatus}") } def initialize() { updateDataValue("triggers", groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(getReplicaTriggers())) updateDataValue("commands", groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(getReplicaCommands())) logInfo("initialize: initialize device-specific data") } Map getReplicaCommands() { return (["replicaEvent":[[name:"parent*",type:"OBJECT"],[name:"event*",type:"JSON_OBJECT"]], "replicaStatus":[[name:"parent*",type:"OBJECT"],[name:"event*",type:"JSON_OBJECT"]], "replicaHealth":[[name:"parent*",type:"OBJECT"],[name:"health*",type:"JSON_OBJECT"]], "setHealthStatusValue":[[name:"healthStatus*",type:"ENUM"]]]) } Map getReplicaTriggers() { Map triggers = [ refresh:[], deviceRefresh: [], setVolume: [[name:"volume*", type: "NUMBER"]], setMute: [[name:"state*", type: "string"]], setPictureMode:[[name:"mode*", type:"string"]], setInputSource:[[name:"inputName*", type: "string"]], setSoundMode:[[name:"mode*", type:"string"]], setTvChannel: [[name:"tvChannel*", type: "number"]] ] return triggers } def configure() { initialize() updateDataValue("rules", getReplicaRules()) sendCommand("configure") logInfo "configure (default device data)" } String getReplicaRules() { return """ {"version":1,"components":[{"trigger":{"type":"attribute","properties":{"value":{"title":"HealthState","type":"string"}},"additionalProperties":false,"required":["value"],"capability":"healthCheck","attribute":"healthStatus","label":"attribute: healthStatus.*"},"command":{"name":"setHealthStatusValue","label":"command: setHealthStatusValue(healthStatus*)","type":"command","parameters":[{"name":"healthStatus*","type":"ENUM"}]},"type":"smartTrigger","mute":true},{"trigger":{"name":"setVolume","label":"command: setVolume(volume*)","type":"command","parameters":[{"name":"volume*","type":"NUMBER"}]},"command":{"name":"setVolume","arguments":[{"name":"volume","optional":false,"schema":{"type":"integer","minimum":0,"maximum":100}}],"type":"command","capability":"audioVolume","label":"command: setVolume(volume*)"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"},{"trigger":{"name":"setMute","label":"command: setMute(state*)","type":"command","parameters":[{"name":"state*","type":"string"}]},"command":{"name":"setMute","arguments":[{"name":"state","optional":false,"schema":{"title":"MuteState","type":"string","enum":["muted","unmuted"]}}],"type":"command","capability":"audioMute","label":"command: setMute(state*)"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"},{"trigger":{"name":"setPictureMode","label":"command: setPictureMode(mode*)","type":"command","parameters":[{"name":"mode*","type":"string"}]},"command":{"name":"setPictureMode","arguments":[{"name":"mode","optional":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"type":"command","capability":"custom.picturemode","label":"command: setPictureMode(mode*)"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"},{"trigger":{"name":"setSoundMode","label":"command: setSoundMode(mode*)","type":"command","parameters":[{"name":"mode*","type":"string"}]},"command":{"name":"setSoundMode","arguments":[{"name":"mode","optional":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"type":"command","capability":"custom.soundmode","label":"command: setSoundMode(mode*)"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"},{"trigger":{"name":"refresh","label":"command: refresh()","type":"command"},"command":{"name":"refresh","type":"command","capability":"refresh","label":"command: refresh()"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"},{"trigger":{"name":"setInputSource","label":"command: setInputSource(inputName*)","type":"command","parameters":[{"name":"inputName*","type":"string"}]},"command":{"name":"setInputSource","arguments":[{"name":"id","optional":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"type":"command","capability":"samsungvd.mediaInputSource","label":"command: setInputSource(id*)"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"},{"trigger":{"name":"setTvChannel","label":"command: setTvChannel(tvChannel*)","type":"command","parameters":[{"name":"tvChannel*","type":"number"}]},"command":{"name":"setTvChannel","arguments":[{"name":"tvChannel","optional":false,"schema":{"title":"String","type":"string","maxLength":255}}],"type":"command","capability":"tvChannel","label":"command: setTvChannel(tvChannel*)"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"},{"trigger":{"name":"deviceRefresh","label":"command: deviceRefresh()","type":"command"},"command":{"name":"refresh","type":"command","capability":"refresh","label":"command: refresh()"},"type":"hubitatTrigger"}]}""" } def configureLan() { def respData = [:] def tvData = [:] try{ httpGet([uri: "http://${deviceIp}:8001/api/v2/", timeout: 5]) { resp -> tvData = resp.data } } catch (error) { tvData << [status: "error", data: error] } if (!tvData.status) { def wolMac = tvData.device.wifiMac.replaceAll(":", "").toUpperCase() updateDataValue("wolMac", wolMac) def frameTv = "false" if (tvData.device.FrameTVSupport) { frameTv = tvData.device.FrameTVSupport } updateDataValue("frameTv", frameTv) if (tvData.device.TokenAuthSupport) { tokenSupport = tvData.device.TokenAuthSupport updateDataValue("tokenSupport", tokenSupport) } def uuid = tvData.device.duid.substring(5) updateDataValue("uuid", uuid) respData << [status: "OK", wolMac: wolMac, frameTv: frameTv, tokenSupport: tokenSupport, uuid: uuid] sendEvent(name: "artModeStatus", value: "none") if (frameTv == "true") { def data = [request:"get_artmode_status", id: uuid] data = JsonOutput.toJson(data) artModeCmd(data) } } else { respData << tvData } return respData } // ===== Event Parse Interface s===== void replicaStatus(def parent=null, Map status=null) { def logData = [parent: parent, status: status] if (state.refreshAttributes) { refreshAttributes(status.components.main) } logTrace("replicaStatus: ${logData}") } def refreshAttributes(mainData) { logDebug("setInitialAttributes: ${mainData}") def value value = mainData["custom.picturemode"].supportedPictureModes.value parse_main([attribute: "supportedPictureModes", value: value]) pauseExecution(200) value = mainData["custom.soundmode"].supportedSoundModes.value parse_main([attribute: "supportedSoundModes", value: value]) pauseExecution(200) value = mainData.mediaInputSource.supportedInputSources.value parse_main([attribute: "supportedInputSources", value: value]) pauseExecution(200) parse_main([attribute: "switch", value: mainData.switch.switch.value]) pauseExecution(200) value = mainData.audioVolume.volume.value.toInteger() parse_main([attribute: "volume", value: value, unit: "%"]) pauseExecution(200) parse_main([attribute: "mute", value: mainData.audioMute.mute.value]) pauseExecution(200) parse_main([attribute: "pictureMode", value: mainData["custom.picturemode"].pictureMode.value]) pauseExecution(200) parse_main([attribute: "soundMode", value: mainData["custom.soundmode"].soundMode.value]) pauseExecution(200) parse_main([attribute: "mediaInputSource", value: mainData.mediaInputSource.inputSource.value]) } void replicaHealth(def parent=null, Map health=null) { if(parent) { logInfo("replicaHealth: ${parent?.getLabel()}") } if(health) { logInfo("replicaHealth: ${health}") } } def setHealthStatusValue(value) { sendEvent(name: "healthStatus", value: value, descriptionText: "${device.displayName} healthStatus set to $value") } void replicaEvent(def parent=null, Map event=null) { def eventData = event.deviceEvent try { "parse_${event.deviceEvent.componentId}"(event.deviceEvent) } catch (err) { logWarn("replicaEvent: [event = ${event}, error: ${err}") } } def parse_main(event) { logInfo("parse_main: [attribute: ${event.attribute}, value: ${event.value}, unit: ${event.unit}]") switch(event.attribute) { case "mute": case "pictureMode": case "soundMode": case "tvChannel": sendEvent(name: event.attribute, value: event.value) break case "switch": sendEvent(name: "switch", value: event.value) if (event.value == "on") { runIn(3, setPowerOnMode) } break case "volume": sendEvent(name: "volume", value: event.value, unit: "%") sendEvent(name: "level", value: event.value, unit: "%") break case "mediaInputSource": case "inputSource": if (event.capability == "mediaInputSource") { sendEvent(name: "mediaInputSource", value: event.value) } break case "tvChannelName": sendEvent(name: "tvChannelName", value: event.value) sendEvent(name: "trackDescription", value: event.value) if (event.value.contains(".")) { getAppData(event.value) } break case "playbackStatus": sendEvent(name: "transportStatus", value: event.value) break case "supportedSoundModes": state.soundModes = event.value break case "supportedInputSources": state.inputSources = event.value break case "supportedPictureModes": state.pictureModes = event.value break case "supportedSoundModesMap": case "supportedInputSourcesMap": case "supportedPictureModes": break default: logInfo("parse_main: [unhandledEvent: ${event}]") break } logTrace("parse_main: [event: ${event}]") } // Used for any rule-based commands private def sendCommand(String name, def value=null, String unit=null, data=[:]) { parent?.deviceTriggerHandler(device, [name:name, value:value, unit:unit, data:data, now:now]) } // ===== Samsung TV Commands ===== def refresh() { state.refreshAttributes = true sendCommand("deviceRefresh") pauseExecution(500) sendCommand("refresh") } def deviceRefresh() { sendCommand("deviceRefresh") } def on() { def wolMac = getDataValue("wolMac") def cmd = "FFFFFFFFFFFF$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac$wolMac" wol = new hubitat.device.HubAction( cmd, hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN, [type: hubitat.device.HubAction.Type.LAN_TYPE_UDPCLIENT, destinationAddress: "", encoding: hubitat.device.HubAction.Encoding.HEX_STRING]) sendHubCommand(wol) } def off() { logInfo("off: [frameTv: ${getDataValue("frameTv")}]") if (getDataValue("frameTv") == "true") { sendKey("POWER", "Press") pauseExecution(4000) sendKey("POWER", "Release") } else { sendKey("POWER") } } def setPowerOnMode() { logDebug("setPowerOnMode: [tvPwrOnMode: ${tvPwrOnMode}]") switch (tvPwrOnMode) { case "ART_MODE": setInputSource("Tv") pauseExecution(1000) artMode() break case "Ambient": setInputSource("Tv") pauseExecution(1000) ambientMode() break case "Tv": case "HDMI1": case "HDMI2": case "HDMI3": case "HDMI4": setInputSource(tvPwrOnMode) break default: break } } // ===== capability "SamsungTV"===== def setLevel(level) { setVolume(level) } def volumeUp() { sendKey("VOLUP") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def volumeDown() { sendKey("VOLDOWN") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def setVolume(volume) { if (volume == null) { volume = device.currentValue("volume").toInteger() } if (volume < 0) { volume = 0 } else if (volume > 100) { volume = 100 } sendCommand("setVolume", volume) runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def mute() { sendKey("MUTE") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def unmute() { sendKey("MUTE") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def showMessage() { logWarn("showMessage: not implemented") } def togglePictureMode() { def pictureModes = state.pictureModes if (pictureModes != null) { def totalModes = pictureModes.size() def currentMode = device.currentValue("pictureMode") def modeNo = pictureModes.indexOf(currentMode) def newModeNo = modeNo + 1 if (newModeNo == totalModes) { newModeNo = 0 } def newPictureMode = pictureModes[newModeNo] setPictureMode(newPictureMode) } } def setPictureMode(pictureMode) { sendCommand("setPictureMode", pictureMode) runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def toggleSoundMode() { def soundModes = state.soundModes if (soundModes != null) { def totalModes = soundModes.size() def currentMode = device.currentValue("soundMode") def modeNo = soundModes.indexOf(currentMode) def newModeNo = modeNo + 1 if (newModeNo == totalModes) { newModeNo = 0 } def soundMode = soundModes[newModeNo] setSoundMode(soundMode) } } def setSoundMode(soundMode) { sendCommand("setSoundMode", soundMode) runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } // ===== capability "MediaInputSource" ===== def toggleInputSource() { sendKey("HDMI") } def setInputSource(inputSource) { if (inputSource.contains(inputSource)) { inputSource = state.inputSources.find { it.contains(inputSource) } } sendCommand("setInputSource", inputSource) } // ===== capability "MediaTransport" ===== def play() { sendKey("PLAY") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def pause() { sendKey("PAUSE") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def stop() { sendKey("STOP") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def rewind() { sendKey("REWIND") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def fastForward() { sendKey("REWIND") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } // ===== TV Channel ===== def setTvChannel(tvChannel) { sendCommand("setTvChannel", tvChannel.toString()) runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def channelList() { sendKey("CH_LIST") } def channelUp() { sendKey("CHUP") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def channelDown() { sendKey("CHDOWN") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } // ===== WEBSOCKET ===== // == ART/Ambient Mode def artMode() { def artModeStatus = device.currentValue("artModeStatus") def logData = [artModeStatus: artModeStatus, artModeWs: state.artModeWs] if (getDataValue("frameTv") != "true") { logData << [status: "Not a Frame TV"] } else if (artModeStatus == "on") { logData << [status: "artMode already set"] } else { if (state.artModeWs) { def data = [value:"on", request:"set_artmode_status", id: "${getDataValue("uuid")}"] data = JsonOutput.toJson(data) artModeCmd(data) logData << [status: "Sending artMode WS Command"] } else { sendKey("POWER") logData << [status: "Sending Power WS Command"] if (artModeStatus == "none") { logData << [NOTE: "SENT BLIND. Enable SmartThings interface!"] } } logInfo("artMode: ${logData}") } } def artModeCmd(data) { def cmdData = [method:"ms.channel.emit", params:[data:"${data}", to:"host", event:"art_app_request"]] cmdData = JsonOutput.toJson(cmdData) sendMessage("frameArt", cmdData) runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def ambientMode() { sendKey("AMBIENT") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } // == Remote Commands def exit() { sendKey("EXIT") runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } def Return() { sendKey("RETURN") } def arrowLeft() { sendKey("LEFT") } def arrowRight() { sendKey("RIGHT") } def arrowUp() { sendKey("UP") } def arrowDown() { sendKey("DOWN") } def enter() { sendKey("ENTER") } def numericKeyPad() { sendKey("MORE") } def home() { sendKey("HOME") } def menu() { sendKey("MENU") } def guide() { sendKey("GUIDE") } def info() { sendKey("INFO") } // ===== WebSocket Communications / Parse ===== def sendKey(key, cmd = "Click") { key = "KEY_${key.toUpperCase()}" def data = [method:"ms.remote.control", params:[Cmd:"${cmd}", DataOfCmd:"${key}", TypeOfRemote:"SendRemoteKey"]] sendMessage("remote", JsonOutput.toJson(data) ) } def sendMessage(funct, data) { if (!deviceIp || deviceIp == "") { logWarn("sendMessage: [status: no deviceIp]") } else { def wsStat = device.currentValue("wsStatus") logDebug("sendMessage: [wsStatus: ${wsStat}, function: ${funct}, data: ${data}, connectType: ${state.currentFunction}") logTrace("sendMessage: [wsStatus: ${wsStat}, function: ${funct}, data: ${data}, connectType: ${state.currentFunction}") if (wsStat != "open" || state.currentFunction != funct) { connect(funct) pauseExecution(600) } interfaces.webSocket.sendMessage(data) } } def connect(funct) { logDebug("connect: function = ${funct}") def url def name = "SHViaXRhdCBTYW1zdW5nIFJlbW90ZQ==" if (getDataValue("tokenSupport") == "true") { if (funct == "remote") { url = "wss://${deviceIp}:8002/api/v2/channels/samsung.remote.control?name=${name}&token=${state.token}" } else if (funct == "frameArt") { url = "wss://${deviceIp}:8002/api/v2/channels/com.samsung.art-app?name=${name}&token=${state.token}" } else { logWarn("sendMessage: Invalid Function = ${funct}, tokenSupport = true") } } else { if (funct == "remote") { url = "ws://${deviceIp}:8001/api/v2/channels/samsung.remote.control?name=${name}" } else if (funct == "frameArt") { url = "ws://${deviceIp}:8001/api/v2/channels/com.samsung.art-app?name=${name}" } else { logWarn("sendMessage: Invalid Function = ${funct}, tokenSupport = false") } } state.currentFunction = funct interfaces.webSocket.connect(url, ignoreSSLIssues: true) } def close() { logDebug("close") interfaces.webSocket.close() } def webSocketStatus(message) { def status if (message == "status: open") { status = "open" } else if (message == "status: closing") { status = "closed" state.currentFunction = "close" } else if (message.substring(0,7) == "failure") { status = "closed-failure" state.currentFunction = "close" close() } sendEvent(name: "wsStatus", value: status) logDebug("webSocketStatus: [status: ${status}, message: ${message}]") } def parseWs(resp) { def logData = [:] try { resp = parseJson(resp) def event = resp.event logData << [EVENT: event] switch(event) { case "ms.channel.connect": def newToken = resp.data.token if (newToken != null && newToken != state.token) { state.token = newToken logData << [TOKEN: "updated"] } else { logData << [TOKEN: "noChange"] } break case "d2d_service_message": def data = parseJson(resp.data) if (data.event == "artmode_status" || data.event == "art_mode_changed") { def status = data.value if (status == null) { status = data.status } sendEvent(name: "artModeStatus", value: status) logData << [artModeStatus: status] state.artModeWs = true } break case "ms.error": logData << [STATUS: "Error, Closing WS",DATA: resp.data] close() break case "ms.channel.ready": case "ms.channel.clientConnect": case "ms.channel.clientDisconnect": case "ms.remote.touchEnable": case "ms.remote.touchDisable": break default: logData << [STATUS: "Not Parsed", DATA: resp.data] break } logDebug("parse: ${logData}") } catch (e) { upnpParse(resp) // logData << [STATUS: "unhandled", ERROR: e] // logWarn("parse: ${logData}") } } // ===== SMART TV APP CONTROL ===== def appOpenByName(appName) { def thisApp = findThisApp(appName) def logData = [appName: thisApp[0], appId: thisApp[1]] if (thisApp[1] != "none") { [status: "execute appOpenByCode"] appOpenByCode(thisApp[1]) } else { def url = "http://${deviceIp}:8080/ws/apps/${appName}" try { httpPost(url, "") { resp -> sendEvent(name: "currentApp", value: respData.name) logData << [status: "OK", currentApp: respData.name] } runIn(5, deviceRefresh) } catch (err) { logData << [status: "appName Not Found", data: err] logWarn("appOpenByName: ${logData}") } } logDebug("appOpenByName: ${logData}") } def appOpenByCode(appId) { def appName = state.appData.find { it.value == appId } if (appName != null) { appName = appName.key } def logData = [appId: appId, appName: appName] def uri = "http://${deviceIp}:8001/api/v2/applications/${appId}" try { httpPost(uri, body) { resp -> if (appName == null) { runIn(3, getAppData, [data: appId]) } else { sendEvent(name: "currentApp", value: appName) logData << [currentApp: appName] } runIn(5, deviceRefresh) logData << [status: "OK", data: resp.data] } } catch (err) { logData << [status: "appId Not Found", data: err] logWarn("appOpenByCode: ${logData}") } logDebug("appOpenByCode: ${logData}") } def findThisApp(appName) { def thisApp = state.appData.find { it.key.toLowerCase().contains(appName.toLowerCase()) } def appId = "none" if (thisApp != null) { appName = thisApp.key appId = thisApp.value } else { // Handle special case for browser (using switch to add other cases. switch(appName.toLowerCase()) { case "browser": appId = "org.tizen.browser" appName = "Browser" break case "youtubetv": appId = "PvWgqxV3Xa.YouTubeTV" appName = "YouTube TV" break case "netflix": appId = "3201907018807" appName = "Netflix" break case "youtube": appId = "9Ur5IzDKqV.TizenYouTube" appName = "YouTube" break case "amazoninstantvideo": appId = "3201910019365" appName = "Prime Video" break default: logWarn("findThisApp: ${appName} not found in appData") } } return [appName, appId] } def getAppData(appId) { def logData = [appId: appId] def thisApp = state.appData.find { it.value == appId } if (thisApp && !state.appIdIndex) { sendEvent(name: "currentApp", value: thisApp.key) logData << [currentApp: thisApp.key] } else { Map params = [uri: "http://${deviceIp}:8001/api/v2/applications/${appId}", timeout: 3] try { asynchttpGet("getAppDataParse", params, [appId: appId]) } catch (err) { logData: [status: "FAILED", data: err] } } logDebug("getAppData: ${logData}") } def getAppDataParse(resp, data) { def logData = [appId: data.appId] if (resp.status == 200) { def respData = new JsonSlurper().parseText(resp.data) logData << [resp: respData] state.appData << ["${respData.name}": respData.id] if(!state.appIdIndex && device.currentValue("currentApp") != currApp) { sendEvent(name: "currentApp", value: respData.name) logData << [currentApp: respData.name] } } else { logData << [status: "FAILED", reason: "${resp.status} response from TV"] } logDebug("getAppDataParse: ${logData}") } def updateAppCodes() { if (!state.appData) { state.appData = [:] } if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on") { logInfo("updateAppCodes: [currentDbSize: ${state.appData.size()}, availableCodes: ${appIdList().size()}]") state.appIdIndex = 0 findNextApp() } else { logWarn("getAppList: [status: FAILED, reason: tvOff]") } device.updateSetting("resetAppCodes", [type:"bool", value: false]) device.updateSetting("findAppCodes", [type:"bool", value: false]) } def findNextApp() { def appIds = appIdList() def logData = [:] if (state.appIdIndex < appIds.size()) { def nextApp = appIds[state.appIdIndex] state.appIdIndex += 1 getAppData(nextApp) runIn(6, findNextApp) } else { logData << [status: "Complete", appIdsScanned: state.appIdIndex] logData << [totalApps: state.appData.size(), appData: state.appData] state.remove("appIdIndex") logInfo("findNextApp: ${logData}") } } def appIdList() { def appList = [ "kk8MbItQ0H.VUDU", "vYmY3ACVaa.emby", "ZmmGjO6VKO.slingtv", "MCmYXNxgcu.DisneyPlus", "PvWgqxV3Xa.YouTubeTV", "LBUAQX1exg.Hulu", "AQKO41xyKP.AmazonAlexa", "3KA0pm7a7V.TubiTV", "cj37Ni3qXM.HBONow", "gzcc4LRFBF.Peacock", "9Ur5IzDKqV.TizenYouTube", "BjyffU0l9h.Stream", "3202203026841", "3202103023232", "3202103023185", "3202012022468", "3202012022421", "3202011022316", "3202011022131", "3202010022098", "3202009021877", "3202008021577", "3202008021462", "3202008021439", "3202007021336", "3202004020674", "3202004020626", "3202003020365", "3201910019457", "3201910019449", "3201910019420", "3201910019378", "3201910019365", "3201910019354", "3201909019271", "3201909019175", "3201908019041", "3201908019022", "3201907018807", "3201907018786", "3201907018784", "3201906018693", "3201901017768", "3201901017640", "3201812017479", "3201810017091", "3201810017074", "3201807016597", "3201806016432", "3201806016390", "3201806016381", "3201805016367", "3201803015944", "3201803015934", "3201803015869", "3201711015226", "3201710015067", "3201710015037", "3201710015016", "3201710014874", "3201710014866", "3201707014489", "3201706014250", "3201706012478", "3201704012212", "3201704012147", "3201703012079", "3201703012065", "3201703012029", "3201702011851", "3201612011418", "3201611011210", "3201611011005", "3201611010983", "3201608010385", "3201608010191", "3201607010031", "3201606009910", "3201606009798", "3201606009684", "3201604009182", "3201603008746", "3201603008210", "3201602007865", "3201601007670", "3201601007625", "3201601007230", "3201512006963", "3201512006785", "3201511006428", "3201510005981", "3201506003488", "3201506003486", "3201506003175", "3201504001965", "121299000612", "121299000101", "121299000089", "111399002220", "111399002034", "111399000741", "111299002148", "111299001912", "111299000769", "111012010001", "11101200001", "11101000407", "11091000000" ] return appList } // ===== DASHBOARD SUPPORT INTERFACE ===== def setVariable(appName) { sendEvent(name: "variable", value: appName) appOpenByName(appName) } def push(pushed) { logDebug("push: button = ${pushed}, trigger = ${state.triggered}") if (pushed == null) { logWarn("push: pushed is null. Input ignored") return } pushed = pushed.toInteger() switch(pushed) { // ===== Physical Remote Commands ===== case 2 : mute(); break case 3 : numericKeyPad(); break case 4 : Return(); break case 6 : artMode(); break case 7 : ambientMode(); break case 45: ambientmodeExit(); break case 8 : arrowLeft(); break case 9 : arrowRight(); break case 10: arrowUp(); break case 11: arrowDown(); break case 12: enter(); break case 13: exit(); break case 14: home(); break case 18: channelUp(); break case 19: channelDown(); break case 20: guide(); break case 21: volumeUp(); break case 22: volumeDown(); break // ===== Direct Access Functions case 23: menu(); break case 24: source(); break case 25: info(); break case 26: channelList(); break // ===== Other Commands ===== case 35: hdmi(); break case 36: fastBack(); break case 37: fastForward(); break // ===== Application Interface ===== case 38: appOpenByName("Browser"); break case 39: appOpenByName("YouTube"); break case 40: appOpenByName("RunNetflix"); break case 41: close() case 42: toggleSoundMode(); break case 43: togglePictureMode(); break case 44: appOpenByName(device.currentValue("variable")); break default: logDebug("push: Invalid Button Number!") break } } // ===== Libraries ===== // ~~~~~ start include (1303) davegut.Logging ~~~~~ library ( // library marker davegut.Logging, line 1 name: "Logging", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 2 namespace: "davegut", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 3 author: "Dave Gutheinz", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 4 description: "Common Logging Methods", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 5 category: "utilities", // library marker davegut.Logging, line 6 documentationLink: "" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 7 ) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 8 preferences { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 10 input ("logEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging for 30 minutes", defaultValue: false) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 11 input ("infoLog", "bool", title: "Enable information logging${helpLogo()}",defaultValue: true) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 12 input ("traceLog", "bool", title: "Enable trace logging as directed by developer", defaultValue: false) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 13 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 14 // Logging during development // library marker davegut.Logging, line 16 def listAttributes(trace = false) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 17 def attrs = device.getSupportedAttributes() // library marker davegut.Logging, line 18 def attrList = [:] // library marker davegut.Logging, line 19 attrs.each { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 20 def val = device.currentValue("${it}") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 21 attrList << ["${it}": val] // library marker davegut.Logging, line 22 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 23 if (trace == true) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 24 logInfo("Attributes: ${attrList}") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 25 } else { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 26 logDebug("Attributes: ${attrList}") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 27 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 28 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 29 def logTrace(msg){ // library marker davegut.Logging, line 31 if (traceLog == true) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 32 log.trace "${device.displayName}-${driverVer()}: ${msg}" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 33 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 34 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 35 def traceLogOff() { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 37 device.updateSetting("traceLog", [type:"bool", value: false]) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 38 logInfo("traceLogOff") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 39 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 40 def logInfo(msg) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 42 if (textEnable || infoLog) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 43 log.info "${device.displayName}-${driverVer()}: ${msg}" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 44 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 45 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 46 def debugLogOff() { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 48 device.updateSetting("logEnable", [type:"bool", value: false]) // library marker davegut.Logging, line 49 logInfo("debugLogOff") // library marker davegut.Logging, line 50 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 51 def logDebug(msg) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 53 if (logEnable || debugLog) { // library marker davegut.Logging, line 54 log.debug "${device.displayName}-${driverVer()}: ${msg}" // library marker davegut.Logging, line 55 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 56 } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 57 def logWarn(msg) { log.warn "${device.displayName}-${driverVer()}: ${msg}" } // library marker davegut.Logging, line 59 // ~~~~~ end include (1303) davegut.Logging ~~~~~