XamarinBeijingHackDay-Demo ========================== Code from the demo I gave at the 2014 Xamarin Hack Day in Beijing AGENDA ----- 1. Presentation. * WHO I AM * David Burela * Microsoft Azure MVP * SSW.com.au * General manager. We are hiring! * http://www.meetup.com/Microsoft-events-in-Beijing * Xamarin. What is it. * Android * Emulator. SLOOWWWWWWWWWWW * use Genymotion instead * UI. (AXML files) * iOS (iPhone/iPad) * Requires Mac hardware to develop on. * Xamarin.Form * One UI - work on 3 platform (Winphone, Android, iOS) * MVVM * INPC * ViewModels * DataBinding * ItemTemplate * ObservableCollection * GitHub <- Today's code demo will be uploaded 2. LUNCH 3. Hacking in groups