Send to Sandbox =============== The idea of this plugin is to use a file as a _SandBox_. A file to which you send "stuff" you want remember or just you wanna store somewhere rapidly. Somewhere like a clipboard but more consisent. Right now you can (and must) just specify a single file in the \ProgramFiles\Sublime Text 3\Data\Packages\User\SendToSandbox.sublime-settings file. In this file, once you've sent something to it, you'll find all your texts, with a "title" (in markdown style) that is the name of the file where those lines were originally. At the end of the filename you'll find the line-numbers of the original lines. This is a test version, just to understand if someone needs it. I need it, and if I'm not the only one I'll improve it. Feel free to send me advise or anything to Usage ----- Just decide the file you want to use as sandbox and put it in the SendToSandbox.sublime-settings file, for example: { "file": "c:\\Temp\\SublimeSandbox.txt" } From sublime you can now select text from any window and send this text to your sandbox using a right mouse button click, Send to sandbox. ![Send](./images/Send.png) ![SandBox](./images/SandBox.png) ToDo ---- - Allow multiple file specification - Allow both append and insert in the file - Add a command to open the sandbox in sublime - Add a shortcut to the sendtosandbox command ChangeLog ========= SendToSandbox - 1.0.0 --------------------- - First "test" Release