0 ) echo "Setting paths to ignore to: " . join( ", ", $paths_to_ignore ) . "\n"; echo "Setting Friendly URLs to: " . ( $friendly_urls ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" ) . "\n"; echo "Setting MetaData Delimiter to: " . $metadata_delimiter; echo "\nFetching latest " . $project_name . " from " . $path_to_latest_code . "\n"; $latest_code = file_get_contents( $path_to_latest_code ); echo "Saving to local path " . $path_to_local_file . "\n"; file_put_contents( $path_to_local_file, $latest_code ); echo "Verifying local file...\n"; if( is_file( $path_to_local_file ) && file_get_contents( $path_to_local_file ) == $latest_code ) { echo "Loading " . $project_name . "...\n"; include $path_to_local_file; if( class_exists( $project_name ) ) { echo "Running " . $project_name . "...\n\n"; $project = new $project_name( $path_to_source_files, $path_to_public_files, $paths_to_ignore, $friendly_urls, $metadata_delimiter ); } echo "\n\nRemoving local " . $project_name . " file...\n"; unlink( $path_to_local_file ); echo "\nThank you for using the " . $project_name . " Launcher!\n\n"; exit; } echo "Local file check failed!\n\n";