{ "general": { "author": "Dax Soft (Kvothe)", "picture": "http://haya-art.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/7/2/15724724/1461334093.png", "background": "https://i.imgur.com/IWSQEbQ.png", "description": [ "Plugins made by Dax Soft in which you can download or check out updates on this Store.", "Attention: last plugin add-on 'Ulse'", "Attention: Haya Core has already updated!" ] }, "plugin": [ { "name": "Haya Core", "version": "0.2.4", "requirement": [], "incompatible": [], "description": [ "Essential core for my plugins to MV", "This plugin provides several tools (functions, class) to make more easy and flexible the creation and the develop new plugins.", "Almost every line have a comment section for any person understand." ], "js": [ { "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DaxSoft/JavaScript/master/haya.js", "filename": "Haya Core.js" } ] }, { "name": "Plugin Store", "version": "0.1.1", "requirement": ["Haya Core"], "incompatible": [], "description": [ "With this plugin you can download or check if is any update of your", "favorite plugins by your favorite authors (of course, for this you need", "a register link and... the plugin author has to create one :v). Oh, dude... you already know this ¬¬" ], "js": [ { "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DaxSoft/JavaScript/master/pstore.js", "filename": "Plugin Store.js" } ] }, { "name": "Ultimate Sensor Event", "version": "1.6.1", "requirement": [], "incompatible": [], "description": [ "System of sensor. Used to make the npc detect your presence — of the player.", "Very useful to stealth games: In which the player must keep your presence hidden to progress." ], "js": [ { "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DaxSoft/JavaScript/master/ulse.js", "filename": "Ultimate Sensor Event.js" } ] } ] }