]> ##&name; ###2023.07.24.04-tap - Install stable easy rsa 3.1.0 by default - Add Option for IPV6 networking ###2023.07.24.03-tap - Install stable easy rsa 3.1.0 by default ###2023.07.24.01-tap - Fix easyrsa ca verify ###2022.11.28.01-tap - Remove openssl, because shipped with Unraid - Update OVPN and tcl Packages ###2022.11.03.02-tap - Fix Cert Creation for easyrsa >=3.1.1(2) ###2022.11.03.01-tap - Fix Cert Creation for easyrsa >=3.1.1 ###2022.10.16.01-tap - Fix deam easyrsa again ###2022.10.11.01-tap - Fix Valid User-View ###2022.09.20.01-tap - Fix Easyrsa Download again ###2022.06.23.03-tap - Fix(3) for Cert Settings ###2022.06.23.02-tap - Fix(2) for Cert Settings ###2022.06.23.01-tap - Fix for Cert Settings ###2022.06.23.00-tap - Add more Settings for Certificate Setup ###2022.06.02.00-tap - Updates for Packages (Unraid >=6.10): - ovpn 2.5.5 - tcl 8.6.12 - expect 5.45.4 - openssl 1.1.1m ###2021.11.03.03-tap - Fix EasyRSA Download ###2021.11.02-tap - Updates for Packages - ovpn 2.4.9 - tcl 8.6.5 - expect 5.45 ###2020.04.27-mod - Updates for DL easyrsa ###2019.11.30a-mod - Use bridged Tap instead Tun ###2019.11.30a - Update of Tcl packages to 8.6.10-1 ###2019.11.30 - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.8 ###2019.06.05 - Bug fix. ###2019.03.15a - Plugin Updated due the changes on github site for esyrsa. ###2019.02.09 - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.6-2 - Update of Tcl packages to 8.6.9-1 ###2018.04.26 - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.6 ###2018.04.25 - Update of Tcl packages to 8.6.8-3 - Update of expect packages to 5.45.4-2 ###2018.04.12 - Only adding explicit-exit-notify in udp mode. ###2018.04.11 - Removed a version check of OpenVPN that was an unused function. ###2018.04.10 - Update of script to fetch your WAN IP ###2018.03.03b - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.5 - Added a link to OpenVPN Overview of changes. ###2018.03.03a - Added support for Elliptic Curve crypto! - After changing to EC or still using RSA you must.... - Re-save settings on page "server config". - Start to update with the default settings. RSA and EC have its own default settings. - Create new server certs and clients. - Added a drop box on "Cert and Misc Settings" for manually DL one of the available releases of easyrsa for manually install (Can be useful if default branch is broken) - The list of TLS Ciphers is updated. - Added -remote-cert-eku to server/client. The --remote-cert-eku ensures that a server will verify that the client certificate provided is truly a client certificate, and vice versa. - Default settings are updated. - Added cert/keys log to log page when generate the server cert/keys. - Added a log file when creating new client in client folder. - More settings for redirect-gateway in server settings. - More info about EAsyRSA(Installed version, current version and commits date) - Update of Tcl packages to tcl-8.6.8-x86_64-2 - Update of expect packages to 5.45.4. ###2018.01.27 - Changed thew way to DL easyrsa, now it will DL the default branch instead of force DL the master branch. ###2017.12.23 - Update of Tcl packages to 8.6.8 ###2017.12.18 - New function to retrieve name of Ethernet Network interface ###2017.10.29 - Update of expect packages to 5.45.3 ###2017.10.14c - Now the webpage is locked during generate of the server certificates!! ###2017.10.08 - New tab for download of client's config file ! ###2017.09.29 - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.4 ###2017.08.14a - Moved slackware packages to git repository ###2017.08.14 - Update of Tcl packages to 8.6.7 ###2017.08.09 - Added forum support link ###2017.08.06 - Added launch link ###2017.06.30 - Update DL link to --> https://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware from http://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware ###2017.06.25 - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.3 ###2017.05.28 - Update of Tcl packages to 8.6.6 ###2017.04.09c - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.1 ###2016.12.31 - Update of OpenVPN packages to 2.4.0 ! - Updated list of selectable Encryption Ciphers. - The list have the new cipher AEAD (GCM) data channel cipher. - Update settings for compression. Now including the new LZ4 compression, which is slicker and faster. - Added OpenDNS to DHCP options. - Added a button to restart OpenVPN server. - Added tls-crypt feature. This will also encrypt the client (and server) certificates that usually contain information that can be traced back to a person and/or machine. - Small GUI updates. &gitpkgURL;/tcl-8.6.13-x86_64-1.txz a965693f830174845e46c80b7c4af37d &gitpkgURL;/expect-5.45.4-x86_64-4.txz 1c99acc563a57cf278c057edc43ec8f1 &gitpkgURL;/openvpn-2.5.8-x86_64-1.txz 11f9ed20532b58c1533f42eb1a35c241 "https://github.com/&plgauthor;/openvpnserver/archive/&version;.tar.gz" mkdir -p /dev/net if [ ! -c /dev/net/tap ]; then mknod /dev/net/tap c 10 200 fi modprobe tap echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward mkdir -p /var/run/openvpnserver/ if [ ! -d &emhttp; ]; then mkdir -p &emhttp; fi tar -zxf &plugin;/&name;-&version;.tar.gz --strip=1 -C &emhttp;/ find &plugin; -type f -iname "*.tar.gz" ! -iname "&name;-&version;.tar.gz" -delete chmod 0770 &emhttp;/event/* chmod 0770 &emhttp;/scripts/* cp -nr &emhttp;/&name; /boot/config/plugins ln -sf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/openvpnserver/scripts/rc.openvpnserver /etc/rc.d/ &emhttp;/scripts/rc.&name; stop rm -rf &emhttp; rm -f &plugin;/&name;-&version;.tar.gz # Cleanup previous plugin installation rm -rf /var/local/emhttp/plugins/&name; rm -rf /var/run/&name; rm -rf /var/log/&name;.log rm -rf /var/log/plugins/&name; rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc.openvpnserver /dev/null then curl -s --max-time 15 --silent icanhazip.com else curl -s --max-time 15 --silent https://api.ipify.org/ fi ]]>