--- layout: page title: "About me" subheadline: "" teaser: "" permalink: "/about/" header: image_fullwidth: "Dexp_Paskevich.jpg" buttons: - caption: "Gamedev" url: "/download/Hrabrov_CV_gamedev.pdf" class: "info" - caption: "Linux" url: "/download/Hrabrov_CV_linux.pdf" class: warning - caption: "Web" url: "/download/Hrabrov_CV_web.pdf" class: success - caption: "Source" url: https://github.com/DeXP/CV target: "_blank" --- My name is Dmitry Hrabrov. I'm a programmer since 2004. I started my IT education at [Gomel state regional lyceum](http://gsrl.by/) with specializing in mathematics and informatics, Olympiad programming. There were algorithmic times. I also started to write first [tools]({{ site.url }}/tools/) this time. The main language was Pascal (both Turbo and Free) and Delphi. 2006-2012 is my [University](https://www.gstu.by/) studies time. There was lot fun times and technologies: operation systems (Linux, Windows), command line, multithreading, C/C++, C#, Lisp, Prolog. Also, it was time for first commercial [websites]({{ site.url }}/sites/). So web-technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Prototype.js, Memcached, XML, XSLT, C++/CGI. Post-graduate studies were in 2012-2016. At this times I started my beloved [GameDev career]({{ site.url }}/games/). It started with [One Manga Day]({{ site.url }}/games/onemangaday/): RenPy (Python), Manga Maker Comipo, Magix Music Maker. [Winter Novel]({{ site.url }}/games/winternovel/) and [Wordlase]({{ site.url }}/games/wordlase/) made in C, OpenGL, WinAPI/SDL. Also, it was time for hardware development: C (Pic-controllers), VHDL (Xilinx), Flash memory, pseudo-random sequences generators. ### Main skills I use Linux as my main operating system for 10 years. I prefer to write not platform-specific but cross platform applications. My main programming language is C. I totally love it more than 10 years. For GUI applications I prefer C++ language with Qt framework. For web applications: I prefer PHP for dynamic applications and Jekyll for static websites. ### Curriculum vitae [![DeXPeriX gamedev CV]({{ site.urlimg }}other/Hrabrov_CV_gamedev.png "DeXPeriX gamedev CV")]({{ site.url }}/download/Hrabrov_CV_gamedev.pdf) {% include buttons %} ### This site statistics {% assign blogCount = site.posts | size %} {% assign pagesCount = site.pages | size %} {% assign staticCount = site.static_files | size %} {% assign rusCount = site.categories.russian | size %} {% assign gamesCount = site.categories.games | size %} {% assign toolsCount = site.categories.tools | size %} {% assign sitesCount = site.categories.sites | size %} {% assign albumsCount = site.categories.photo | size %} {% assign articlesCount = site.categories.articles | size %} {% assign articlesWords = 0 %} {% assign articlesChars = 0 %} {% assign bigArticle = site.categories.articles[0] %} {% assign bigArtSize = bigArticle.content | number_of_words %} {% for post in site.categories.articles %} {% assign curChars = post.content.size %} {% assign curWords = post.content | number_of_words %} {% if curWords > bigArtSize %} {% assign bigArticle = post %} {% assign bigArtSize = curWords %} {% endif %} {% assign articlesWords = articlesWords | plus: curWords %} {% assign articlesChars = articlesChars | plus: curChars %} {% endfor %} {% assign wordsPerArticle = articlesWords | divided_by: articlesCount %} {% assign rusWords = 0 %} {% assign rusChars = 0 %} {% assign bigRussian = site.categories.russian[0] %} {% assign bigRusSize = bigRussian.content | number_of_words %} {% for post in site.categories.russian %} {% assign curChars = post.content.size %} {% assign curWords = post.content | number_of_words %} {% if curWords > bigRusSize %} {% assign bigRussian = post %} {% assign bigRusSize = curWords %} {% endif %} {% assign rusWords = rusWords | plus: curWords %} {% assign rusChars = rusChars | plus: curChars %} {% endfor %} {% assign wordsPerRus = rusWords | divided_by: rusCount %} {% assign bigRusChars = bigRussian.content.size %} {% assign photoCount = 0 %} {% for post in site.categories.photo %} {% assign curPhotos = post.gallery.size %} {% assign photoCount = photoCount | plus: curPhotos %} {% endfor %} {% assign postsWords = 0 %} {% assign oldest = site.posts[0] %} {% assign newest = site.posts[0] %} {% for post in site.posts %} {% if post.date < oldest.date %} {% assign oldest = post %} {% endif %} {% if post.date > newest.date %} {% assign newest = post %} {% endif %} {% assign curWords = post.content | number_of_words %} {% assign postsWords = postsWords | plus: curWords %} {% endfor %} {% assign genTime = site.time | date: "%Y-%m-%d" %} {% assign oldTime = oldest.date | date: "%Y-%m-%d" %} {% assign newTime = newest.date | date: "%Y-%m-%d" %} |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value | |------------------------:|---------------------------|------------------------:|---------------------------| | Total [blog][1] posts | **{{ blogCount }}** | [Articles][5] count | **{{ articlesCount }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | [Games][2] count | **{{ gamesCount }}** | Total words in articles | **{{ articlesWords }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | [Tools][3] count | **{{ toolsCount }}** | Characters in articles | **{{ articlesChars }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | [Sites][4] count | **{{ sitesCount }}** | Words per one article | **{{ wordsPerArticle }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | [Photo albums][6] | **{{ albumsCount }}** | Biggest article (words) | **[{{ bigArtSize }}][10]**| |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | Photos count | **{{ photoCount }}** | [Russian][7] materials | **{{ rusCount }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | Static files | **{{ staticCount }}** | Total words in russian | **{{ rusWords }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | Total pages | **{{ pagesCount }}** | Characters in russian | **{{ rusChars }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | Oldest post | **[{{ oldTime }}][8]** | Words per one russian | **{{ wordsPerRus }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | Newest post | **[{{ newTime }}][9]** | Biggest russian (words) | **[{{ bigRusSize }}][11]**| |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| | Generated on | **{{ genTime }}** | Words in all posts | **{{ postsWords }}** | |-------------------------|---------------------------|-------------------------|---------------------------| [1]: {{ site.url }}/blog/ [2]: {{ site.url }}/games/ [3]: {{ site.url }}/tools/ [4]: {{ site.url }}/sites/ [5]: {{ site.url }}/articles/ [6]: {{ site.url }}/photo/ [7]: {{ site.url }}/russian/ [8]: {{ site.url }}{{ oldest.url }} [9]: {{ site.url }}{{ newest.url }} [10]: {{ site.url }}{{ bigArticle.url }} [11]: {{ site.url }}{{ bigRussian.url }}