# Licenses * Copyright 2017 DeeDeeG CC-BY-4.0/MIT * Copyright 2016 Brad Erickson CC-BY-4.0/MIT * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. Apache 2.0 * Copyright 2013 Joe Loughry and Terence Eden MIT ## Credit Where Credit is Due * Most of the work making this font possible is by eosrei, other than the original artwork (Google), and some third-party open-source code projects eosrei used (for example fonttools, fontforge, python...). I just renamed the Noto SVGs to work with eosrei's tools, and replaced the twemoji SVGs with the Noto ones, and finally edited his build scripts to output a "Noto" ttf file rather than a "twemoji" ttf file. Thank you eosrei, Google, open source community. You are the real MVP's. ## Fonts * Applies to TTF font files * License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International * Human Readable License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ * Complete Legal Terms: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode ## Noto Color Emoji License * Applies to all full-color SVGs. (Most filenames have been changed to work with SCFBuild, and some SVGs have been tweaked to better match the official version of the Noto Color Emoji font as released with Android Nougat, but otherwise the contents of these files have not been altered.) * Source: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-emoji * Art License: Apache license, version 2.0 ## Power Symbol License The SVG files from the [Unicode Power Symbol](http://unicodepowersymbol.com/) project have been modified to create B&W Power Symbol glyphs. Files are stored in `assets/svg-bw`. * Source: https://github.com/jloughry/Unicode * Art License: MIT ## Source Code * Applies to everything else * License: MIT * Complete Legal Terms: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT