#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck shell=bash # This is a script that sets up an entire defguard instance (including core, # gateway, enrollment proxy and reverse proxy). It's goal is to prepare # a working instance by running a single command. set -o errexit # abort on nonzero exitstatus set -o pipefail # don't hide errors within pipes # Global variables VERSION="1.0.2" SECRET_LENGTH=64 PASSWORD_LENGTH=16 VOLUME_DIR=".volumes" SSL_DIR="${VOLUME_DIR}/ssl" RSA_DIR="${VOLUME_DIR}/core" COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yaml" ENV_FILE=".env" LOG_FILE=$(mktemp setup.log.XXXXXX) BASE_COMPOSE_FILE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DefGuard/deployment/main/docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml" BASE_ENV_FILE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DefGuard/deployment/main/docker-compose/.env.template" CORE_IMAGE_TAG="${CORE_IMAGE_TAG:-latest}" GATEWAY_IMAGE_TAG="${GATEWAY_IMAGE_TAG:-latest}" PROXY_IMAGE_TAG="${PROXY_IMAGE_TAG:-latest}" ##################### ### MAIN FUNCTION ### ##################### main() { is_utf_term is_term_color tput reset print_header # display help `--help` argument is found for i in $*; do test "$i" == "--help" && print_usage && exit 0 # run non interactive if [[ "$i" == "--non-interactive" ]]; then CFG_NON_INTERACTIVE=1 # we need to remove this element from $* or getopt will return an error set -- $(remove_element "$i" $*) fi # configure https if [[ "$i" == "--use-https" ]]; then CFG_USE_HTTPS=1 # we need to remove this element from $* or getopt will return an error set -- $(remove_element "$i" $*) fi done # # First let's gather the ENV/command line variables # # load configuration from env variables load_configuration_from_env # load configuration from CLI options load_configuration_from_cli "$@" # load configuration from user inputs if [ X$CFG_VOLUME_DIR != X ]; then VOLUME_DIR=${CFG_VOLUME_DIR} SSL_DIR="${VOLUME_DIR}/ssl" RSA_DIR="${VOLUME_DIR}/core" fi export VOLUME_DIR # We have enough to check the enviromnent # so check if necessary tools are available check_environment # load configuration from user inputs if ! [ $CFG_NON_INTERACTIVE ]; then load_configuration_from_input fi # check that all required configuration options are set validate_required_variables # generate external service URLs based on config generate_external_urls # print out config print_config # set current working directory WORK_DIR_PATH=$(pwd) # setup RSA & SSL keys setup_keys # generate caddyfile create_caddyfile # generate `.env` file generate_env_file # enable insecure cookies if not using HTTPS if ! [ "$CFG_USE_HTTPS" ]; then uncomment_feature "HTTP" "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" fi # generate base docker-compose file PROD_COMPOSE_FILE="${WORK_DIR_PATH}/${COMPOSE_FILE}" if [ -f "$PROD_COMPOSE_FILE" ]; then echo -n " ${TXT_BEGIN} Using existing docker-compose file at ${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}... " print_confirmation else fetch_base_compose_file fi # enable reverse proxy in compose file uncomment_feature "PROXY" "${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}" # enable enrollment service in compose file if [ "$CFG_ENABLE_ENROLLMENT" ]; then enable_enrollment fi # fetch latest images echo " ${TXT_BEGIN} Fetching latest Docker images: " $COMPOSE_CMD -f "${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}" --env-file "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" pull # enable and setup VPN gateway if [ "$CFG_ENABLE_VPN" ]; then enable_vpn_gateway fi # start docker-compose stack echo " ${TXT_BEGIN} Starting docker-compose stack" $COMPOSE_CMD -f "${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}" --env-file "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" up -d if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo >&2 "ERROR: failed to start docker-compose stack" exit 1 fi print_instance_summary } ######################## ### HELPER FUNCTIONS ### ######################## check_character_support() { local char="$1" echo -e "$char" | grep -q "$char" } is_utf_term() { if check_character_support "√"; then TXT_CHECK="✓" TXT_BEGIN="▶" TXT_SUB="▷" TXT_STAR="★" TXT_X="✗" TXT_INPUT="✍" else TXT_CHECK="+" TXT_BEGIN=">>" TXT_SUB=">" TXT_STAR="*" TXT_X="x" TXT_INPUT=" ::" fi } is_term_color() { if [[ $TERM == *"256"* ]]; then C_RED="\033[31m" C_GREEN="\033[32m" C_YELLOW="\033[33m" C_BLUE="\033[34m" C_WHITE="\033[37m" C_GREY="\033[90m" C_LRED="\033[91m" C_LGREEN="\033[92m" C_LYELLOW="\033[93m" C_LBLUE="\033[94m" C_BOLD="\033[1m" C_ITALICS="\033[3m" C_BG_GREY="\033[100m" C_END="\033[0m" else C_RED="" C_GREEN="" C_YELLOW="" C_BLUE="" C_WHITE="" C_GREY="" C_LRED="" C_LGREEN="" C_LYELLOW="" C_LBLUE="" C_BOLD="" C_ITALICS="" C_BG_GREY="" C_END="" fi } # remove array element remove_element() { local remove=$1 local result=() for element in "$@"; do if [[ "$element" != "$remove" ]]; then result+=("$element") fi done echo "${result[@]}" } # Function to convert relative path to absolute path to_absolute_path() { local path="$1" if [[ "${path:0:1}" != "/" ]]; then path="$(cd "$(dirname "$path")" && pwd)/$(basename "$path")" fi echo ${path} } print_header() { echo -e "${C_LBLUE}" cat << _EOF_ # ## # ## ## # # ## # ## ## # # # # # ## # #### # #### ##### #### # # #### ### #### # # ## ## # ## # ## # # # # # # # # # ## ## ## # # ######## # # # # # # # # # # ## ## # # # ## # ##### # # ###### # # # # ## # # ## # # # # # # # # # # ## ## ## #### # ##### # ####### #### # #### # # #### # ## ## # # # ## # ####### # _EOF_ echo -e "${C_END}" echo echo "defguard docker-compose deployment setup script v${VERSION}" echo -e "Copyright (C) 2023-2024 ${C_BOLD}teonite${C_END} <${C_BG_GREY}${C_YELLOW}https://teonite.com${C_END}>" echo } print_confirmation() { echo -e " ${C_LGREEN}${TXT_CHECK}${C_END} " } print_usage() { echo "Usage: ${BASENAME} [options]" echo echo 'Available options:' echo echo -e "\t--help this help message" echo -e "\t--non-interactive run in non-interactive mode - !REQUIRES SETTING all options/env vars" echo -e "\t--domain domain where defguard web UI will be available" echo -e "\t--enrollment-domain domain where enrollment service will be available" echo -e "\t--use-https configure reverse proxy to use HTTPS" echo -e "\t--volume Docker volumes directory - default: ${VOLUME_DIR}" echo -e "\t--vpn-name VPN location name" echo -e "\t--vpn-ip
VPN server address & netmask (e.g." echo -e "\t--vpn-gateway-ip VPN gateway external IP (! NOT DOMAIN - IP)" echo -e "\t--vpn-gateway-port VPN gateway external port (your clients connect here)" echo } command_exists() { local command="$1" command -v "$command" >/dev/null 2>&1 } command_exists_check() { local command="$1" if ! command_exists "$command"; then echo >&2 "ERROR: $command command not found" echo >&2 "ERROR: dependency failed, exiting..." exit 2 fi } check_environment() { echo -n " ${TXT_BEGIN} Checking if all required tools are available..." # compose can be provided by newer docker versions or a separate docker-compose docker compose version >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then COMPOSE_CMD="docker compose" else if command_exists docker-compose; then COMPOSE_CMD="docker-compose" else echo echo >&2 "ERROR: docker-compose or docker compose command not found" echo >&2 "ERROR: dependency failed, exiting..." exit 3 fi fi command_exists_check openssl command_exists_check curl command_exists_check grep # Check if the volume dir is an absolute path since docker requires it VOLUME_DIR=$(to_absolute_path "${VOLUME_DIR}") if [ -d ${VOLUME_DIR} ]; then echo echo >&2 "ERROR: volume directory: ${VOLUME_DIR} exists." echo >&2 "ERROR: this means, I would overwrite the configuration, database and certificates." echo >&2 "ERROR: please backup or remove the volume directory." exit 3 fi # create all necessary directories for dir in ${VOLUME_DIR} ${SSL_DIR} ${RSA_DIR}; do mkdir ${dir} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo >&2 "ERROR: cloud not create volume directory: ${dir}" exit 3 fi done print_confirmation } load_configuration_from_env() { echo -n " ${TXT_BEGIN} Loading configuration from environment variables... " # required variables CFG_DOMAIN="$DEFGUARD_DOMAIN" # optional variables CFG_VOLUME_DIR="$DEFGUARD_VOLUME_DIR" CFG_VPN_NAME="$DEFGUARD_VPN_NAME" CFG_VPN_IP="$DEFGUARD_VPN_IP" CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP="$DEFGUARD_VPN_GATEWAY_IP" CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT="$DEFGUARD_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT" CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN="$DEFGUARD_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN" if ! [ $CFG_USE_HTTPS ]; then CFG_USE_HTTPS="$DEFGUARD_USE_HTTPS" fi print_confirmation } load_configuration_from_cli() { echo -n " ${TXT_BEGIN} Loading configuration from CLI arguments... " ARGUMENT_LIST=( "domain" "enrollment-domain" "volume" "vpn-name" "vpn-ip" "vpn-gateway-ip" "vpn-gateway-port" ) # read arguments opts=$( getopt \ --longoptions "$(printf "%s:," "${ARGUMENT_LIST[@]}")" \ --name "$(basename "$0")" \ --options "" \ -- "$@" ) eval set --$opts while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in --domain) CFG_DOMAIN=$2 shift 2 ;; --enrollment-domain) CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN=$2 shift 2 ;; --volume) CFG_VOLUME_DIR=$2 shift 2 ;; --vpn-name) CFG_VPN_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; --vpn-ip) CFG_VPN_IP=$2 shift 2 ;; --vpn-gateway-ip) CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP=$2 shift 2 ;; --vpn-gateway-port) CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT=$2 shift 2 ;; *) break ;; esac done print_confirmation } load_configuration_from_input() { echo -ne "${C_ITALICS}${C_LBLUE}" cat << _EOF_ Please provide the values to configure your defguard instance. If you've already configured some options by setting environment variables or through CLI options, those will be used as defaults. If you prefer to disable this user input section, please restart the script with --non-interactive CLI flag. _EOF_ echo -ne "${C_GREY}" cat << _EOF_ Choose domains that will be used to expose your instance through Caddy reverse proxy. defguard uses a separate domain for the Web UI, and for the optional enrollment/desktop client configuration/password reset service. If you don't provide any domain for the enrollment service, the service itself will not be deployed. You can also enable HTTPS here (highly recommended), which will configure Caddy to automatically provision SSL certificates. _EOF_ echo -ne "${C_BOLD}" cat << _EOF_ Please note that this requires your server to have a public IP address and public DNS records for your chosen domains to be configured correctly (pointing to your server's IP address). _EOF_ echo -ne "${C_END}" echo -e " ${C_BOLD}${C_GREEN}${TXT_STAR} General config ${TXT_STAR}${C_END}\n" while [ X${domain} = "X" ]; do echo -ne "${C_YELLOW}${TXT_INPUT}${C_END} " read -p "Enter defguard domain [default: ${CFG_DOMAIN}]: " domain if [ "$domain" ]; then CFG_DOMAIN="$domain" fi done echo -ne "${C_YELLOW}${TXT_INPUT}${C_END} " read -p "Enter enrollment domain [default: ${CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN}]: " enroll if [ "$enroll" ]; then CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN="$enroll" fi use_https_bool_value="false" if [ $CFG_USE_HTTPS ]; then use_https_bool_value="true"; fi echo -ne "${C_YELLOW}${TXT_INPUT}${C_END} " read -p "Use HTTPS [default: ${use_https_bool_value}]: " https if [ "$https" ]; then CFG_USE_HTTPS=1 fi echo echo -e " ${C_BOLD}${C_GREEN}${TXT_STAR} WireGuard VPN${TXT_STAR}${C_END}\n" echo -ne "${C_ITALICS}${C_GREY}" cat << _EOF_ If you wish to configure and deploy WireGuard VPN gateway, please provide your VPN location name. To skip, just press enter and VPN will not be configured. _EOF_ echo -ne "${C_END}\n" echo -ne "${C_YELLOW}${TXT_INPUT}${C_END} " read -p "Enter VPN location name [default: ${CFG_VPN_NAME}]: " vpn_name if [ "$vpn_name" ]; then CFG_VPN_NAME="$vpn_name" fi if [ "$CFG_VPN_NAME" ]; then while [ X${vpn_ip} = "X" ]; do echo -ne "${C_YELLOW}${TXT_INPUT}${C_END} " read -p "Enter VPN server address and subnet (e.g. [default: ${CFG_VPN_IP}]: " vpn_ip if [ "$vpn_ip" ]; then CFG_VPN_IP="$vpn_ip" fi done echo -ne "${C_ITALICS}${C_GREY}" cat << _EOF_ Now we'll configure a public endpoint (IP + port) that your WireGuard client devices will use to safely connect to your gateway from the public internet. Since we'll be starting the gateway on this server the IP address should be the same as your server's public IP address. _EOF_ echo -ne "${C_BOLD}" cat << _EOF_ Please also remember that your firewall should be configured to allow incoming UDP traffic on the chosen WireGuard port. _EOF_ echo -ne "${C_END}" while [ X${public_ip} = "X" ]; do echo -ne "${C_YELLOW}${TXT_INPUT}${C_END} " read -p "Enter VPN gateway public IP (no domains!) [default: ${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP}]: " public_ip if [ "$public_ip" ]; then CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP="$public_ip" fi done while [ X${public_port} = "X" ]; do echo -ne "${C_YELLOW}${TXT_INPUT}${C_END} " read -p "Enter VPN gateway public port [default: ${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT}]: " public_port if [ "$public_port" ]; then CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT="$public_port" fi done else echo -e " ${C_BOLD}${C_RED}${TXT_X} ${C_GREY} WireGuard VPN skipped${C_END}\n" fi echo echo -e "${C_BOLD}${C_GREEN}Thank you. We'll now proceed with the deployment using provided values.${C_END}" } check_required_variable() { local var_name="$1" if [ -z "${!var_name}" ]; then echo >&2 "ERROR: ${var_name} configuration option not set" exit 4 fi } validate_required_variables() { echo -n " ${TXT_BEGIN} Validating configuration options..." check_required_variable "CFG_DOMAIN" # if VPN name is given validate other VPN configurations are present if [ "$CFG_VPN_NAME" ]; then CFG_ENABLE_VPN=1 check_required_variable "CFG_VPN_IP" check_required_variable "CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP" check_required_variable "CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT" fi print_confirmation } generate_external_urls() { # prepare full defguard URL if [ $CFG_USE_HTTPS ]; then CFG_DEFGUARD_URL="https://${CFG_DOMAIN}" else CFG_DEFGUARD_URL="http://${CFG_DOMAIN}" fi # prepare full enrollment URL if [ "$CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN" ]; then CFG_ENABLE_ENROLLMENT=1 if [ "$CFG_USE_HTTPS" ]; then CFG_ENROLLMENT_URL="https://${CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN}" else CFG_ENROLLMENT_URL="http://${CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN}" fi fi } print_config() { echo echo " ${TXT_BEGIN} Setting up your defguard instance with following config:" echo echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} data volume: ${C_BOLD}${VOLUME_DIR}${C_END}" echo echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} domain: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_DOMAIN}${C_END}" echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} web UI URL: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_DEFGUARD_URL}${C_END}" if [ "$CFG_VPN_NAME" ]; then echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} VPN location name: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_VPN_NAME}${C_END}" echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} VPN address: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_VPN_IP}${C_END}" echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} VPN gateway IP: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP}${C_END}" echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} VPN gateway port: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT}${C_END}" fi if [ "$CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN" ]; then echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} Enrollment service domain: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN}${C_END}" echo -e " ${TXT_SUB} Enrollment service URL: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_ENROLLMENT_URL}${C_END}" fi echo echo -e " ${TXT_BEGIN} All executed command's results are in log file: ${C_BOLD}${LOG_FILE}${C_END}" echo } setup_keys() { echo " ${TXT_BEGIN} Setting up SSL certificates and RSA keys..." if [ -d ${SSL_DIR} -a "$(ls -A ${SSL_DIR})" ]; then echo " ${TXT_SUB} Using existing SSL certificates from ${SSL_DIR}" else generate_certs fi if [ -d ${RSA_DIR} -a "$(ls -A ${RSA_DIR})" ]; then echo " ${TXT_SUB} Using existing RSA keys from ${RSA_DIR}." else generate_rsa fi } generate_certs() { echo " ${TXT_BEGIN} Creating new SSL certificates in ${SSL_DIR}..." mkdir -p ${SSL_DIR} PASSPHRASE=$(generate_secret) echo "PEM passphrase for SSL certificates set to '${PASSPHRASE}'." # generate private key for CA openssl genrsa -des3 -out ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-ca.key -passout pass:"${PASSPHRASE}" 2048 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} # generate Root Certificate # TODO: allow configuring CA parameters openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-ca.key -sha256 -days 1825 -out ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-ca.pem -passin pass:"${PASSPHRASE}" -subj "/C=PL/ST=Zachodniopomorskie/L=Szczecin/O=Example/OU=IT Department/CN=${CFG_DOMAIN}" 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} # generate CA-signed certificate for defguard gRPC openssl genrsa -out ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-grpc.key 2048 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} openssl req -new -key ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-grpc.key -out ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-grpc.csr -subj "/C=PL/ST=Zachodniopomorskie/L=Szczecin/O=Example/OU=IT Department/CN=${CFG_DOMAIN}" 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} cat >${SSL_DIR}/defguard-grpc.ext <&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} # generate CA-signed certificate for defguard proxy gRPC openssl genrsa -out ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-proxy-grpc.key 2048 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} openssl req -new -key ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-proxy-grpc.key -out ${SSL_DIR}/defguard-proxy-grpc.csr -subj "/C=PL/ST=Zachodniopomorskie/L=Szczecin/O=Example/OU=IT Department/CN=${CFG_DOMAIN}" 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} cat >${SSL_DIR}/defguard-proxy-grpc.ext <&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} } generate_rsa() { echo "Generating RSA keys in ${RSA_DIR}..." mkdir -p ${RSA_DIR} openssl genpkey -out ${RSA_DIR}/rsakey.pem -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} } generate_secret() { generate_secret_inner "${SECRET_LENGTH}" } generate_password() { generate_secret_inner "${PASSWORD_LENGTH}" } generate_secret_inner() { local length="$1" openssl rand -base64 ${length} | tr -d "=+/" | tr -d '\n' | cut -c1-${length-1} } create_caddyfile() { caddy_volume_path="${VOLUME_DIR}/caddy" caddyfile_path="${caddy_volume_path}/Caddyfile" mkdir -p ${caddy_volume_path} cat >${caddyfile_path} <>${caddyfile_path} <>${caddyfile_path} <&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} print_confirmation } generate_env_file() { PROD_ENV_FILE="${WORK_DIR_PATH}/${ENV_FILE}" fetch_base_env_file update_env_file print_confirmation } fetch_base_env_file() { echo -e " ${TXT_BEGIN} Fetching base ${ENV_FILE} file for compose stack..." curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf "${BASE_ENV_FILE_URL}" -o "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} print_confirmation } update_env_file() { echo -n " ${TXT_BEGIN} Setting environment variables in ${ENV_FILE} file for compose stack..." # set image versions set_env_file_value "CORE_IMAGE_TAG" "${CORE_IMAGE_TAG}" set_env_file_value "PROXY_IMAGE_TAG" "${PROXY_IMAGE_TAG}" set_env_file_value "GATEWAY_IMAGE_TAG" "${GATEWAY_IMAGE_TAG}" # fill in values set_env_file_secret "DEFGUARD_AUTH_SECRET" set_env_file_secret "DEFGUARD_YUBIBRIDGE_SECRET" set_env_file_secret "DEFGUARD_GATEWAY_SECRET" set_env_file_secret "DEFGUARD_SECRET_KEY" # use existing password if set in env variable if [ "$DEFGUARD_DB_PASSWORD" ]; then set_env_file_value "DEFGUARD_DB_PASSWORD" "${DEFGUARD_DB_PASSWORD}" else set_env_file_password "DEFGUARD_DB_PASSWORD" fi DEFGUARD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(generate_password)" set_env_file_value "DEFGUARD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD" "${DEFGUARD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" set_env_file_value "DEFGUARD_URL" "${CFG_DEFGUARD_URL}" set_env_file_value "DEFGUARD_WEBAUTHN_RP_ID" "${CFG_DOMAIN}" print_confirmation } set_env_file_value() { # make sure variable exists in file grep -qF "${1}=" "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" || echo "${1}=" >>"${PROD_ENV_FILE}" sed -i "s@\(${1}\)=.*@\1=${2}@" "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" } set_env_file_secret() { set_env_file_value "${1}" "$(generate_secret)" "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" } set_env_file_password() { set_env_file_value "${1}" "$(generate_password)" "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" } uncomment_feature() { sed -i "s@# \(.*\) # \[${1}\]@\1@" "${2}" } enable_enrollment() { echo -n " ${TXT_BEGIN} Enabling enrollment proxy service in compose file..." # update .env file uncomment_feature "ENROLLMENT" "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" set_env_file_value "DEFGUARD_ENROLLMENT_URL" "${CFG_ENROLLMENT_URL}" # update compose file uncomment_feature "ENROLLMENT" "${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}" print_confirmation } enable_vpn_gateway() { echo " ${TXT_BEGIN} Enabling VPN gateway service..." uncomment_feature "VPN" "${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}" uncomment_feature "VPN" "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" # fetch latest image echo " ${TXT_SUB} Fetching latest gateway image..." $COMPOSE_CMD -f "${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}" --env-file "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" pull gateway # create VPN location echo " ${TXT_BEGIN} Adding VPN to core & generating gateway token..." VPN_NETWORK=`echo ${CFG_VPN_IP} | awk -F'[./]' '{print $1"."$2"."$3".0/"$5}'` token=$($COMPOSE_CMD -f "${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}" --env-file "${PROD_ENV_FILE}" run core init-vpn-location --name "${CFG_VPN_NAME}" --address "${CFG_VPN_IP}" --endpoint "${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP}" --port "${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT}" --allowed-ips "${VPN_NETWORK}" | tail -n 1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo >&2 "ERROR: failed to create VPN network" exit 1 fi # add gateway token to .env file set_env_file_value "DEFGUARD_TOKEN" "${token}" } print_instance_summary() { echo echo -e "${C_LGREEN} ${TXT_CHECK} defguard setup finished successfully${C_END}" echo echo "If your DNS configuration is correct your defguard instance should be available at:" echo echo -e "\t${TXT_SUB} Web UI: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_DEFGUARD_URL}${C_END}" if [ "$CFG_ENABLE_ENROLLMENT" ]; then echo -e "\t${TXT_SUB} Enrollment service: ${C_BOLD}${CFG_ENROLLMENT_URL}${C_END}" fi echo echo -e " ${TXT_BEGIN} You can log into the UI using the default admin user:" echo echo -e "\t${TXT_SUB} username: ${C_BOLD}admin${C_END}" echo -e "\t${TXT_SUB} password: ${C_BOLD}${DEFGUARD_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD}${C_END}" echo if [ "$CFG_ENABLE_VPN" ]; then echo -e "\t\tVPN server public endpoint is ${C_BOLD}${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_IP}:${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT}${C_END}" echo -e "\t\tVPN network is ${C_BOLD}${VPN_NETWORK}${C_END}" echo -e "\t\t! Make sure your firewall allows external UDP traffic to port ${C_BOLD}${CFG_VPN_GATEWAY_PORT}${C_END} !" echo echo -e "\t\tTo test if the VPN is working: ping ${CFG_VPN_IP} (after connecting to VPN)" fi echo echo -e "Files used to deploy your instance are stored in:" echo -e "\t docker compose file: ${C_BOLD}${PROD_COMPOSE_FILE}${C_END}" echo -e "\t docker compose environment: ${C_BOLD}${PROD_ENV_FILE}${C_END}" echo echo -e "Persistent data (docker volumes) is stored in ${C_BOLD}${VOLUME_DIR}${C_END}" echo echo -e " ${C_YELLOW}${TXT_STAR} To support our work, please star us on GitHub! ${TXT_STAR}${C_END}" echo -e " ${C_YELLOW}${TXT_STAR} https://github.com/defguard/defguard ${TXT_STAR}${C_END}" echo } # run main function main "$@" || exit 1