// // Created by DefTruth on 2022/6/25. // #include "mnn_yolov6.h" #include "lite/utils.h" using mnncv::MNNYOLOv6; MNNYOLOv6::MNNYOLOv6(const std::string &_mnn_path, unsigned int _num_threads) : BasicMNNHandler(_mnn_path, _num_threads) { initialize_pretreat(); } void MNNYOLOv6::initialize_pretreat() { pretreat = std::shared_ptr( MNN::CV::ImageProcess::create( MNN::CV::BGR, MNN::CV::RGB, mean_vals, 3, norm_vals, 3 ) ); } void MNNYOLOv6::transform(const cv::Mat &mat_rs) { // normalize & HWC -> CHW & BGR -> RGB pretreat->convert(mat_rs.data, input_width, input_height, mat_rs.step[0], input_tensor); } // letterbox void MNNYOLOv6::resize_unscale(const cv::Mat &mat, cv::Mat &mat_rs, int target_height, int target_width, YOLOv6ScaleParams &scale_params) { if (mat.empty()) return; int img_height = static_cast(mat.rows); int img_width = static_cast(mat.cols); mat_rs = cv::Mat(target_height, target_width, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(114, 114, 114)); // scale ratio (new / old) new_shape(h,w) float w_r = (float) target_width / (float) img_width; float h_r = (float) target_height / (float) img_height; float r = std::min(w_r, h_r); // compute padding int new_unpad_w = static_cast((float) img_width * r); // floor int new_unpad_h = static_cast((float) img_height * r); // floor int pad_w = target_width - new_unpad_w; // >=0 int pad_h = target_height - new_unpad_h; // >=0 int dw = pad_w / 2; int dh = pad_h / 2; // resize with unscaling cv::Mat new_unpad_mat; // cv::Mat new_unpad_mat = mat.clone(); // may not need clone. cv::resize(mat, new_unpad_mat, cv::Size(new_unpad_w, new_unpad_h)); new_unpad_mat.copyTo(mat_rs(cv::Rect(dw, dh, new_unpad_w, new_unpad_h))); // record scale params. scale_params.r = r; scale_params.dw = dw; scale_params.dh = dh; scale_params.new_unpad_w = new_unpad_w; scale_params.new_unpad_h = new_unpad_h; scale_params.flag = true; } void MNNYOLOv6::detect(const cv::Mat &mat, std::vector &detected_boxes, float score_threshold, float iou_threshold, unsigned int topk, unsigned int nms_type) { if (mat.empty()) return; int img_height = static_cast(mat.rows); int img_width = static_cast(mat.cols); // resize & unscale cv::Mat mat_rs; YOLOv6ScaleParams scale_params; this->resize_unscale(mat, mat_rs, input_height, input_width, scale_params); // 1. make input tensor this->transform(mat_rs); // 2. inference scores & boxes. mnn_interpreter->runSession(mnn_session); auto output_tensors = mnn_interpreter->getSessionOutputAll(mnn_session); // 3. rescale & exclude. std::vector bbox_collection; this->generate_bboxes(scale_params, bbox_collection, output_tensors, score_threshold, img_height, img_width); // 4. hard|blend|offset nms with topk. this->nms(bbox_collection, detected_boxes, iou_threshold, topk, nms_type); } void MNNYOLOv6::generate_anchors(const int target_height, const int target_width, std::vector &strides, std::vector &anchors) { for (auto stride: strides) { int num_grid_w = target_width / stride; int num_grid_h = target_height / stride; for (int g1 = 0; g1 < num_grid_h; ++g1) { for (int g0 = 0; g0 < num_grid_w; ++g0) { YOLOv6Anchor anchor; anchor.grid0 = g0; anchor.grid1 = g1; anchor.stride = stride; anchors.push_back(anchor); } } } } static inline float sigmoid(float x) { return static_cast(1.f / (1.f + std::exp(-x))); } void MNNYOLOv6::generate_bboxes(const YOLOv6ScaleParams &scale_params, std::vector &bbox_collection, const std::map &output_tensors, float score_threshold, int img_height, int img_width) { // device tensors auto device_pred_ptr = output_tensors.at("outputs"); // (1,n,85=5+80=cxcy+cwch+obj_conf+cls_conf) MNN::Tensor host_pred_tensor(device_pred_ptr, device_pred_ptr->getDimensionType()); // NCHW device_pred_ptr->copyToHostTensor(&host_pred_tensor); auto pred_dims = host_pred_tensor.shape(); const unsigned int num_anchors = pred_dims.at(1); // n = ? const unsigned int num_classes = pred_dims.at(2) - 5; // 80 std::vector anchors; std::vector strides = {8, 16, 32}; // might have stride=64 this->generate_anchors(input_height, input_width, strides, anchors); float r_ = scale_params.r; int dw_ = scale_params.dw; int dh_ = scale_params.dh; bbox_collection.clear(); unsigned int count = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_anchors; ++i) { const float *offset_obj_cls_ptr = host_pred_tensor.host() + (i * (num_classes + 5)); // row ptr float obj_conf = sigmoid(offset_obj_cls_ptr[4]); if (obj_conf < score_threshold) continue; // filter first. float cls_conf = sigmoid(offset_obj_cls_ptr[5]); unsigned int label = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_classes; ++j) { float tmp_conf = sigmoid(offset_obj_cls_ptr[j + 5]); if (tmp_conf > cls_conf) { cls_conf = tmp_conf; label = j; } } // argmax float conf = obj_conf * cls_conf; // cls_conf (0.,1.) if (conf < score_threshold) continue; // filter const int grid0 = anchors.at(i).grid0; const int grid1 = anchors.at(i).grid1; const int stride = anchors.at(i).stride; float dx = offset_obj_cls_ptr[0]; float dy = offset_obj_cls_ptr[1]; float dw = offset_obj_cls_ptr[2]; float dh = offset_obj_cls_ptr[3]; float cx = (dx + (float) grid0) * (float) stride; float cy = (dy + (float) grid1) * (float) stride; float w = std::exp(dw) * (float) stride; float h = std::exp(dh) * (float) stride; float x1 = ((cx - w / 2.f) - (float) dw_) / r_; float y1 = ((cy - h / 2.f) - (float) dh_) / r_; float x2 = ((cx + w / 2.f) - (float) dw_) / r_; float y2 = ((cy + h / 2.f) - (float) dh_) / r_; types::Boxf box; box.x1 = std::max(0.f, x1); box.y1 = std::max(0.f, y1); box.x2 = std::min(x2, (float) img_width - 1.f); box.y2 = std::min(y2, (float) img_height - 1.f); box.score = conf; box.label = label; box.label_text = class_names[label]; box.flag = true; bbox_collection.push_back(box); count += 1; // limit boxes for nms. if (count > max_nms) break; } #if LITEMNN_DEBUG std::cout << "detected num_anchors: " << num_anchors << "\n"; std::cout << "generate_bboxes num: " << bbox_collection.size() << "\n"; #endif } void MNNYOLOv6::nms(std::vector &input, std::vector &output, float iou_threshold, unsigned int topk, unsigned int nms_type) { if (nms_type == NMS::BLEND) lite::utils::blending_nms(input, output, iou_threshold, topk); else if (nms_type == NMS::OFFSET) lite::utils::offset_nms(input, output, iou_threshold, topk); else lite::utils::hard_nms(input, output, iou_threshold, topk); }