OnTick(function(myHero) Tick() end) OnLoad(function(myHero) Load() end) OnDraw(function(myHero) Draw() end) OnUpdateBuff(function (unit,Buff) UpdateBuff(unit, Buff) end) OnRemoveBuff(function (unit,Buff) RemoveBuff(unit, Buff) end) function Load() Config = MenuConfig("abc123", "Nivo learned something today - Fiddle") Config:Menu("Combo", "Combo1") Config.Combo:Boolean("aEnable", "Q is On", true) Config.Combo:Boolean("bEnable", "W is On", true) Config.Combo:Boolean("cEnable", "E is On", true) Config.Combo:Boolean("dEnable", "R is On", true) Config:Menu("Harass", "Harass") Config.Harass:Boolean("cEnable", "E is On", true) Config:Menu("Keys", "Keys") Config.Keys:KeyBinding("Combo", "Combo", 32) Config.Keys:KeyBinding("Harass", "Harass", string.byte("C")) Config.Keys:KeyBinding("LaneClear", "LaneClear", string.byte("V")) Config.Keys:KeyBinding("LastHit", "LastHit", string.byte("X")) Config:Menu("Drawings", "Drawings") Config.Drawings:Boolean("aEnable", "Q is On", true) Config.Drawings:Boolean("bEnable", "W is On", true) Config.Drawings:Boolean("cEnable", "E is On", true) Config.Drawings:Boolean("dEnable", "R is On", true) end function UpdateBuff(unit, Buff) if unit and unit.isMe and Buff and Buff.Name == "fearmonger_marker" then BlockF7Dodge(true) IOW.attacksEnabled = false IOW.movementEnabled = false DelayAction(function() BlockF7Dodge(false) IOW.attacksEnabled = true IOW.movementEnabled = true end, 5) end end function RemoveBuff(unit, Buff) if unit and unit.isMe and Buff and Buff.Name == "fearmonger_marker" then BlockInput(false) BlockF7Dodge(false) IOW.attacksEnabled = true IOW.movementEnabled = true end end function Draw() if a and Config.Drawings.aEnable:Value() then DrawCircle(myHero.pos, 525, 0 ,3, GoS.Green) end if b and Config.Drawings.bEnable:Value() then DrawCircle(myHero.pos, 575, 0 ,3, GoS.Green) end if c and Config.Drawings.cEnable:Value() then DrawCircle(myHero.pos, 750, 0 ,3, GoS.Green) end if d and Config.Drawings.dEnable:Value() then DrawCircle(myHero.pos, 800, 0 ,3, GoS.Green) end end function Tick() a = CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY b = CanUseSpell(myHero, _W) == READY c = CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY d = CanUseSpell(myHero, _R) == READY target = GetCurrentTarget() if Config.Keys.Combo:Value() then Combo() elseif Config.Keys.Harass:Value() then Harass() end end function Combo() if d and Config.Combo.dEnable:Value() and target and target.distance < 1100 then CastSkillShot(_R, target.pos) end if a and Config.Combo.aEnable:Value() and target and target.distance < 525 then CastTargetSpell(target, _Q) end if c and Config.Combo.cEnable:Value() and target and target.distance < 750 then CastTargetSpell(target, _E) end if not a and Config.Combo.bEnable:Value() and not c and not d and b and target and target.distance < 575 then CastTargetSpell(target, _W) end end function Harass() if c and Config.Harass.cEnable:Value() and target and target.distance < 750 then CastTargetSpell(target, _E) end end function Killsteal() for i, enemy in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do local enemyhp = enemy.health local eDmg = 45 + 20 * myHero:GetSpellData(2).level + 0.45 * myHero.ap if enemyhp < CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, 0, eDmg) then CastTargetSpell(enemy, _E) end end end