# Imagine, Create and Refactor # ## Introduction ## This is an initiative to create a tool that helps developers improve their codes of practice and rapid way. This is a first version of this tool initially focused on PHP, but which will be expanded to other programmming languages and more features. ## Features ## 1. Mark Not Used Objects **( ctrl + shift + x )** - Marks the line of a private function or variable not used in the current file / class 2. **It is in development!** Extract Function From Selection **( ctrl + shift + b )** - Extract the selected code to a new function 2. **Next functionality** (Identify unused variables in a function) - Mark unused variables in a functions ## Suggested Features ## Feel free to suggest new features for this tool through **delsantos@hotmail.com.br** email ## Installation ## ####Automatic Installation#### It is necessary to have previously installed the Package Controll 1. Access Package controll using the shortcut (ctrl + shift + p) and type "Install Package" 2. Wait until you open a search bar and type Refactor and press Enter ####Manual Installation#### It must have previously installed the Git and SublimeText 1. Clone the following repository
git clone git@github.com:Delermando/Refactor.git
2. Move the folder Refactor to the Sublime Packages folder
MIT and GPL license.
Copyright (c) 2013 Stephan Ahlf