# This is a TOML configuration file for Wflow. # Relative file paths are interpreted as being relative to this TOML file. # Wflow documentation https://deltares.github.io/Wflow.jl/dev/ # TOML documentation: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" endtime = 2000-01-03T00:00:00 starttime = 1999-12-31T00:00:00 time_units = "days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00" timestepsecs = 86400 dir_input = "data/input" dir_output = "data/output" [state] path_input = "instates-moselle-sed.nc" path_output = "outstates-moselle-sed.nc" # if listed, the variable must be present in the NetCDF or error # if not listed, the variable can get a default value if it has one [state.lateral.river] clayload = "clayload" claystore = "claystore" gravload = "gravload" gravstore = "gravstore" laggload = "laggload" laggstore = "laggstore" outclay = "outclay" outgrav = "outgrav" outlagg = "outlagg" outsagg = "outsagg" outsand = "outsand" outsilt = "outsilt" saggload = "saggload" saggstore = "saggstore" sandload = "sandload" sandstore = "sandstore" siltload = "siltload" siltstore = "siltstore" [input] path_forcing = "forcing-moselle-sed.nc" path_static = "staticmaps-moselle-sed.nc" # these are not directly part of the model gauges = "wflow_gauges" ldd = "wflow_ldd" river_location = "wflow_river" subcatchment = "wflow_subcatch" # specify the internal IDs of the parameters which vary over time # the external name mapping needs to be below together with the other mappings forcing = [ "vertical.h_land", "vertical.interception", "vertical.precipitation", "vertical.q_land", "lateral.river.h_riv", "lateral.river.q_riv", ] cyclic = ["vertical.leaf_area_index"] [input.vertical] altitude = "wflow_dem" canopyheight = "CanopyHeight" erosk = "ErosK" erosov = "eros_ov" erosspl = "eros_spl_EUROSEM" h_land = "levKinL" interception = "int" kext = "Kext" leaf_area_index = "LAI" # cyclic pathfrac = "PathFrac" pclay = "PercentClay" precipitation = "P" psilt = "PercentSilt" q_land = "runL" rivcell = "wflow_river" slope = "Slope" specific_leaf = "Sl" storage_wood = "Swood" usleC = "USLE_C" usleK = "USLE_K" # Reservoir resareas = "wflow_reservoirareas" # Lake lakeareas = "wflow_lakeareas" [input.lateral.land] slope = "Slope" [input.lateral.river] h_riv = "h" q_riv = "q" cbagnold = "c_Bagnold" d50 = "D50_River" d50engelund = "D50_River" ebagnold = "exp_Bagnold" fclayriv = "ClayF_River" fgravriv = "GravelF_River" fsandriv = "SandF_River" fsiltriv = "SiltF_River" length = "wflow_riverlength" slope = "RiverSlope" width = "wflow_riverwidth" # Reservoir resarea = "ResSimpleArea" restrapeff = "ResTrapEff" resareas = "wflow_reservoirareas" reslocs = "wflow_reservoirlocs" # Lake lakearea = "LakeArea" lakeareas = "wflow_lakeareas" lakelocs = "wflow_lakelocs" [model] dolake = false doreservoir = true landtransportmethod = "yalinpart" # Overland flow transport capacity method: ["yalinpart", "govers", "yalin"] rainerosmethod = "answers" # Rainfall erosion equation: ["answers", "eurosem"] reinit = true rivtransportmethod = "bagnold" # River flow transport capacity method: ["bagnold", "engelund", "yang", "kodatie", "molinas"] runrivermodel = true type = "sediment" [output] path = "output-moselle-sed.nc" [output.vertical] TCclay = "TCclay" TCsed = "TCsed" erosclay = "erosclay" pathfrac = "pathfrac" precipitation = "prec" sedov = "sedov" sedspl = "sedspl" soilloss = "soilloss" [output.lateral.land] inlandclay = "inlandclay" inlandsed = "inlandsed" olclay = "olclay" olsed = "olsed" [output.lateral.river] Bedconc = "Bedconc" SSconc = "SSconc" Sedconc = "Sedconc" clayload = "clayload" h_riv = "h_riv" inlandclay = "inlandclayriv" outclay = "outclay" width = "widthriv" [csv] path = "output-moselle-sediment.csv" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "SL" parameter = "vertical.soilloss" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "SSPL" parameter = "vertical.sedspl" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "SOV" parameter = "vertical.sedov" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "P" parameter = "vertical.precipitation" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "ql" parameter = "vertical.q_land" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "TCsed" parameter = "vertical.TCsed" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "TCclay" parameter = "vertical.TCclay" [[csv.column]] coordinate.x = 6.931 coordinate.y = 48.085 header = "inlandsed" parameter = "lateral.land.inlandsed"