import argparse class Constants: """Class to hold constants related to the fee calculations.""" BUYER_FEE_RATE = 0.03 SELLER_FEE_RATE = 0.03 PAYPAL_FEE_RATE = 0.0349 PAYPAL_FIXED_FEE = 0.49 BOOST_FEE = 5.0 class FeeDeductions: """Class to handle fee deductions and calculations.""" def __init__( self, ask_price: float, shipping_cost: float = 0.0, sales_tax: float = 0.0, featured: bool = False, ): self.ask_price = ask_price self.shipping_cost = shipping_cost self.sales_tax = sales_tax self.featured = featured # Calculations self.listing_price = self.ask_price * (1 + Constants.BUYER_FEE_RATE) self.buyer_paid = self.listing_price + (self.listing_price * (sales_tax / 100)) self.buyer_fee = self.listing_price - self.ask_price self.seller_fee = self.ask_price * Constants.SELLER_FEE_RATE self.paypal_fee = ( self.listing_price + (self.listing_price * (sales_tax / 100)) ) * Constants.PAYPAL_FEE_RATE + Constants.PAYPAL_FIXED_FEE def after_paypal(self) -> float: return self.ask_price - self.seller_fee - self.paypal_fee def after_shipping(self) -> float: return self.after_paypal() - self.shipping_cost def final_revenue(self) -> float: if self.featured: return self.after_shipping() - Constants.BOOST_FEE return self.after_shipping() def formatted_output(fee_obj: FeeDeductions) -> str: """Formats the fee breakdown into a string for display.""" lines = [ (f"Buyer pays:", f"${fee_obj.buyer_paid:.2f}"), ( f"Listing price:", f"${fee_obj.listing_price:.2f} (-${fee_obj.listing_price * (fee_obj.sales_tax / 100):.2f} sales tax @ {fee_obj.sales_tax:.2f}%)", ), ( f"Ask price:", f"${fee_obj.ask_price:.2f} (-${fee_obj.buyer_fee:.2f} buyer fee @ {Constants.BUYER_FEE_RATE * 100:.2f}%)", ), ( f"Swappa payout:", f"${fee_obj.ask_price - fee_obj.seller_fee:.2f} (-${fee_obj.seller_fee:.2f} seller fee @ {Constants.SELLER_FEE_RATE * 100:.2f}%)", ), ( f"After PayPal:", f"${fee_obj.after_paypal():.2f} (-${fee_obj.paypal_fee:.2f} PayPal fee @ {Constants.PAYPAL_FEE_RATE * 100:.2f}% + ${Constants.PAYPAL_FIXED_FEE:.2f})", ), ] # Optional lines based on input data if fee_obj.shipping_cost: lines.append( ( f"After shipping:", f"${fee_obj.after_shipping():.2f} (-${fee_obj.shipping_cost:.2f} shipping)", ) ) if fee_obj.featured: lines.append( ( f"Final revenue:", f"${fee_obj.final_revenue():.2f} (-${Constants.BOOST_FEE:.2f} boost fee)", ) ) else: lines.append((f"Final revenue:", f"${fee_obj.final_revenue():.2f}")) # Format the lines for aligned output max_len = max(len(line[0]) for line in lines) return "\n".join(f"{line[0].ljust(max_len)} {line[1]}" for line in lines) # Tests def test_fee_calculator() -> None: test_cases = [ { "input": { "ask_price": 868, "shipping_cost": 8.10, "sales_tax": 7.0, "featured": True, }, "expected": """\ Buyer pays: $956.62 Listing price: $894.04 (-$62.58 sales tax @ 7.00%) Ask price: $868.00 (-$26.04 buyer fee @ 3.00%) Swappa payout: $841.96 (-$26.04 seller fee @ 3.00%) After PayPal: $808.08 (-$33.88 PayPal fee @ 3.49% + $0.49) After shipping: $799.98 (-$8.10 shipping) Final revenue: $794.98 (-$5.00 boost fee)""", }, { "input": { "ask_price": 200, "shipping_cost": 8.41, "sales_tax": 7.0, "featured": False, }, "expected": """\ Buyer pays: $220.42 Listing price: $206.00 (-$14.42 sales tax @ 7.00%) Ask price: $200.00 (-$6.00 buyer fee @ 3.00%) Swappa payout: $194.00 (-$6.00 seller fee @ 3.00%) After PayPal: $185.82 (-$8.18 PayPal fee @ 3.49% + $0.49) After shipping: $177.41 (-$8.41 shipping) Final revenue: $177.41""", }, { "input": { "ask_price": 863, "shipping_cost": 8.55, "sales_tax": 0.0, "featured": False, }, "expected": """\ Buyer pays: $888.89 Listing price: $888.89 (-$0.00 sales tax @ 0.00%) Ask price: $863.00 (-$25.89 buyer fee @ 3.00%) Swappa payout: $837.11 (-$25.89 seller fee @ 3.00%) After PayPal: $805.60 (-$31.51 PayPal fee @ 3.49% + $0.49) After shipping: $797.05 (-$8.55 shipping) Final revenue: $797.05""", }, ] for test in test_cases: fee_obj = FeeDeductions(**test["input"]) result = formatted_output(fee_obj) assert ( result == test["expected"] ), f"Expected:\n{test['expected']}\nGot:\n{result}" def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Swappa Fee Calculator") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( "-a", "--ask", type=float, help="Ask price (whole number or with two decimal places)", ) group.add_argument( "-l", "--listing", type=float, help="Listing price (real number with two decimal places)", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--shipping", type=float, default=0.0, help="Shipping cost (optional)" ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--tax", type=float, default=0.0, help="Sales tax as a floating point percentage (optional)", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--featured", action="store_true", help="Indicates whether the listing was featured (optional)", ) args = parser.parse_args() # Calculate ask price if listing price is provided if args.listing: ask_price = round(args.listing / (1 + Constants.BUYER_FEE_RATE)) else: ask_price = args.ask fee_obj = FeeDeductions(ask_price, args.shipping,, args.featured) print(formatted_output(fee_obj)) if __name__ == "__main__": test_fee_calculator() main()