Source Changelog: - Merged May Security Patch - Changed gapps source Device changelog - user build - Rebase Devive Tree - surya: props: Prefer 'cache' backing storage - surya: Build - Revert "surya: power: Import powerhint from Pixel 4A" - Revert "surya: power: Remove Google-specific camera hints" - Revert "surya: power: Decrease launch boost to 3sec" - Revert "surya: power: Change default GPU idle timeout to 60ms" - surya: overlay: Fine-tune statusbar paddings & hights Kernel changelog : - upstream kernel to 344 openela - Update Kernelsu notes : - FW, Gapps Always Include - clean flash from previous build, don't dirty flash Credits : - thanks @azrim89 for kernel (based Silont richelieu) - thanks for all dev Surya - and thanks for all support donation