Source Changelog: - Merged May Security Patch - Update spoofing method and fp for play integrity - NavBarTuner: Disable unsupported preferences on gesture nav - NavBarEditor: Use HOME_HANDLE as home for gesture nav - Update QS carrier text color on theme change - SettingsLib: Improve segmented buttons UI - Add back quick tap feature - Add per-app Firewall from Calyx - Bring back tuner navbar editor from Android 7 - Add toggle for squiggle animation - DerpLauncher: Fix kill app button drawable for regular design - DerpLauncher: Gestures: Set sleep as default - DerpLauncher: Move shake gesture pref up Device changelog - user build - switch powerhint to sunfish - Boost I/O performance during bootup - perf:Enable sustained performance mode Kernel changelog : - upstream kernel to 344 openela - Update Kernelsu Notes : - FW, Gapps Always Include - Signed Build - Cts passed by default - clean flash from previous build, don't try dirty flash Credits : - thanks @azrim89 for kernel (based Silont richelieu) - thanks for all dev Surya - and thanks for all support donation