Device Changes: DerpFest Source Changes: - Merge August security patches (android-14.0.0_r56) - Yaap quote: "Refactored the hell out of battery styles code" - PixelPropsUtils: Updates from Rising OS - DerpLauncher: Integrate themed icons into the recents - DerpLauncher: Update themed icons - Flash: change to FlashMode.OFF before switching usecases - Update few translations Tips: There is a known issus about clash, If you using clash to use Telegram and it cant use Telegram normally Plz turn off Setting => Network => Allow ByPass in clash client 如果你使用clash 類VPN 訪問Telegram 客戶端,請關閉clash 客戶端裡面的 Allow ByPass, 路徑 Setting => Network => Allow ByPass Pixel IMS could help you enable volte and so on