Source Changelog: - Merge June security patches - Add back Quick tap - Update Smartspace code - Fix main switch bar preference switches - Allowe to disable colored lockscreen clock - WindowDecor: Pass correct displayId for back key event - Update QS header fields text appearance on theme change - Match keyguard carrier text font with system - Wifi Standard: Optimize handling for flooding network requests - Improve QS data usage info - Replace Glimpse with FossifyGallery - Update translations Device changelog - user build - switch powerhint to default - fix Dt2w - Switch to AOSP WFD - surya: Use common libqti-perfd-client and power-libperfmgr Kernel changelog : - upstream kernel to 348 LTS - Update Kernelsu Notes : - FW, Gapps Always Include - Signed Build - Cts passed by default - clean flash always recomended, but you can try dirty flash Credits : - thanks @azrim89 for kernel (based Silont richelieu) - thanks for all dev Surya - and thanks for all support donation