==================== 04-08-2020 ==================== ==================== 04-07-2020 ==================== * build/make/ c95ef5f29 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r33' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build into HEAD * frameworks/av/ 538eb460c Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r33' into staging/ten-android-10.0.0_r33 * frameworks/base/ afdfb87601a Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r33' into staging/ten-android-10.0.0_r33 d8629a96fa6 base: Move QS brightness slider settings out of tuner [1/2] * packages/apps/DerpQuest/ 250f8e4 DerpQuest: Move QS brightness slider settings out of tuner [2/2] 045c230 DerpQuest: Set a default header image This solves a padding bug when header image is enabled but not selected 1c63a20 DerpQuest: Add device specific links support Maintainers should overlay over `about_device_fw_ver` `about_device_fw_link` `about_device_recovery_ver` and `about_device_recovery_link` * Strings contain no value by default and will not show unless overlayed * Version strings should contain a version name that'll be shown in the preference summary (optional) * Link strings should contain full links - recommend using direct download links a60c5e9 DerpQuest: Add Greek translation 3120372 DerpQuest: Add Vietnamese translation 3da854c DerpQuest: Update Chinese translation 8b8d143 DerpQuest: Add Brazilian Portuguese translation 352be0f DerpQuest: Update Polish translation eb8ebc8 DerpQuest: dashboard icons redesign f3a08cb DerpQuest: Update Italian translation 95f65f4 DerpQuest: Add full accent sammy clock style [2/2] 803bb64 DerpQuest: Add a toggle for the new QS tint [2/2] a2b085d DerpQuest: Update Italian translation 8fa4381 DerpQuest: Update French translation 55245f8 DerpQuest: Removed unused strings in translation files f0bc295 DerpQuest: Add RGB accent presets * Using the values of our existing accent overlays 11f676c DerpQuest: add aod notification pulse timeout option [2/2] * packages/apps/Settings/ 4475d123a3 Merge tag 'android-10.0.0_r33' of https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/Settings into HEAD ==================== 04-06-2020 ==================== * device/qcom/sepolicy/ a11089f0 Fix broken userdebug_or_eng checks cbc5d28c Revert "Revert "sepolicy: Define key for TimeService apk"" a84beac2 Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.1.r1-14500-sm8150.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/device/qcom/sepolicy into ten 5c6593c8 Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.1.r1-14300-sm8150.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/device/qcom/sepolicy into ten * scripts/ 15a1dfa scripts: aosp-merger: Allow keeping conflicts for later and continue 4d58734 scripts: aosp-merger: Rewrite README.md f7b7320 scripts: aosp-merger: Add a flag to push all remaining staging branches ed1c911 scripts: aosp-merger: Add a flag to remove staging branch 7132a4d scripts: aosp-merger: Put git push in a function 63ecdc0 scripts: aosp-merger: Save local branches to a file before merging 0cda3e2 scripts: aosp-merger: Remove PROJECTOPERATION argument - we always merge bee56fb scripts: aosp-merger: Add and update merge blacklist a337025 scripts: aosp-merger: Reworked the script * vendor/qcom/opensource/interfaces/ 539c17b Regenerate blueprints for LA.UM.8.1.r1-14500-sm8150.0 eb56f3f display: Remove mapper 4.0 and allocator 4.0 c539406 interfaces: Regenerate blueprints f39fff1 Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.1.r1-14500-sm8150.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/vendor/qcom-opensource/interfaces into ten 9a993ed Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.1.r1-14300-sm8150.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/vendor/qcom-opensource/interfaces into ten ==================== 04-05-2020 ==================== * frameworks/base/ 63b9dc8d8f0 Fix for recycling key events when sending global button broadcast 192fa81b4f3 Make sure the right DND config is used 0424040bce0 Don't include the data dir in zygote library paths. 48ef28fb004 SystemUI: QSconfig: Re-distribute tiles on changing orientation * frameworks/opt/telephony/ c5de25600 Restore getSubIdFromNetworkRequest method 2acf944fa When SPN is empty, use PNN in mobile network settings 84bdca11c Revert "Split uicc records loading in two groups." 30ffd7e67 Revert "Fix data call issue due to improper mnc length" f64e2fa81 Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.1.r1-14300-sm8150.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/frameworks/opt/telephony into ten * prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86/clang-proton/ 65f65a0 Update to 20200404 build * system/update_engine/ aff97704 Allow skipping timestamp check in certain debug conditions b54619ad Run backuptool only in debuggable builds ==================== 04-04-2020 ==================== * build/make/ 25c46faa8 build: envsetup: Introduce 'aospremote' function * manifest/ 6447431 manifest: Track scripts repo * scripts/ c65e8c0 scripts: Nuke all unneeded scripts ==================== 04-03-2020 ==================== * frameworks/base/ 1edf46beebf base: SystemUI: Disable junky LS clock & slice transition animations * frameworks/opt/telephony/ f5dddf42e Fix to block data call request for no change in Data RAT 1071e4f84 Use appropriate method to query UiccCard object 486b3173c Reset preferred APN setting after restoring default APNs 7dcc9244b Fix non-roaming overlay not work issue. bc33b4520 Set service class with SERVICE_CLASS_NONE over CS 864739ba2 Fix attach issue due to wrong attach apn 085d2cc0c Add Null check to getIccId. b9f7ad002 MSIM:Fix iccid issue during android upgrade. d6feb02a7 Fix iccid issue during android upgrade. 42c022365 Emergency Number Implementation for SS & DS 543210a38 Telephony: Get SIM card capacity of SMS 904322f01 Fix data deactivate issue due to intermediate network requests 3e6b35bdc Add check for CSIM application presence 7baf27432 Use tcp buffer values for rat LTE_CA 0c8896e27 Fix to release partial wakelock for SRVCC handover. 6648bd79a Refresh SIM operator numeric for multi-mode SIM 524a63cde Delay intialization of subscription listener 26b4902c5 Fix the deregistration which happens soon after registration. 13ea5d3d5 Don't unregister supplementary service notification. * manifest/ c7eb721 manifest: Track proton-clang ==================== 04-02-2020 ====================