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Max Number By Swapping

In this problem, one positive integer string is given, we have to find the permutation whose value is maximum by swapping digits’ k times, into different places.

We will solve this problem by choosing a digit and swap it with digits following it one at a time to find a maximum number. We repeat the process k times. The backtracking strategy is working here because when we find a number which is not greater than the previous value, we backtrack to old value and check again.

Input and Output


A number of multiple digits.

The input is: 129814999


The maximum value from these digits by swapping them.

The output is: 999984211


maxNum(number, swaps, maxNumber)

Input − The number as a string, the number of swaps and the maxNumber string.

Output − Update the maxNumber to get the largest value.


if swaps = 0, then


n := number of digits in the number

for i := 0 to n-2, do

for j := i+1 to n-1, do

if number[i] < number[j], then

exchange number[i] and number[j]

if number is greater than maxNumber, then

maxNumber := number

maxNum(number, swaps-1, maxNumber)

exchange number[i] and number[j] again for backtrack





#include < iostream >

using namespace std;

void maxNum(string str, int swaps, string &max) {

if(swaps == 0) //when no swaps are left


int n = str.length();

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { //for every digits og given number

for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {

if (str[i] < str[j]) { //when ith number smaller than jth number

swap(str[i], str[j]);

if (str.compare(max) > 0) //when current number is greater, make it maximum

max = str;

maxNum(str, swaps - 1, max); //go for next swaps

swap(str[i], str[j]); //when it fails, reverse the swapping





int main() {

string str = "129814999";

int swapNumber = 4;

string max = str;

maxNum(str, swapNumber, max);

cout <<"The given number is: " << str << endl;

cout <<"The maximum number is: "<< max << endl;



The given number is: 129814999

The maximum number is: 999984211