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Efficient way to multiply with 7

Let's derive an expression to multiply a number with 7 using bitwise operator. Let N be the number that we want to multiply with 7.

N x 7 = N + N + N + N + N + N + N

N x 7 = N + N + N + N + N + N + N + (N - N)

N x 7 = (N + N + N + N + N + N + N + N) - N

N x 7 = 8xN - N

As we know that, left shifting any number by one bit multiply it by 2. Hence, multiplying any number with 8 is equivalent to right shifting it by 3 bits(For Example : NX3 = N << 3). Replacing 8xN in above statement by 8 << 3.

N x 7 = (N << 3) - N


This approach can only be used to multiply integers or char by 7 because bitwise Operators can only be applied on char and integer operands. We cannot use bitwise operators with float, double, long double, void and other user define complex data types.


# include < bits/stdc++.h >

using namespace std;

//c++ implementation

long multiplyBySeven(long n)


/* Note the inner bracket here. This is needed

because precedence of '-' operator is higher

than '<<' */

return ((n<<3) - n);


/* Driver program to test above function */

int main()


long n = 4;

return 0;




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