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Lucky Number

Lucky numbers are subset of integers. Rather than going into much theory, let us see the process of arriving at lucky numbers, Take the set of integers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,…… First, delete every second number, we get following reduced set. 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,………… Now, delete every third number, we get 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19,….…. Continue this process indefinitely…… Any number that does NOT get deleted due to above process is called “lucky”. Therefore, set of lucky numbers is 1, 3, 7, 13,……… Now, given an integer ‘n’, write a function to say whether this number is lucky or not.

bool isLucky(int n)


Before every iteration, if we calculate position of the given number, then in a given iteration, we can determine if the number will be deleted. Suppose calculated position for the given number is P before some iteration, and each Ith number is going to be removed in this iteration, if P < I then input number is lucky,

if P is such that P%I == 0 (I is a divisor of P), then input no is not lucky.

How to calculate Next position of the number:

We know that initially the position of the number is nth itself. Now any next position will be equal to the previous position minus the number of elements (or say items) removed.

That is, next_position = current_position – count of numbers removed

For example, take the case of n=13.

We have: Initial position: n, ie. 13 itself.


Now after removing every second elements , we actually removed n/2 elements. So now the position of 13 will be : n-n/2=13-6=7 (n=13), i=2


After that, we remove n/3 items. Note that n now is n=7. So position of 13 : n-n/3 = 7-7/3 = 7-2 = 5 (n=7), i=3


So next it will be : n-n/4 = 5-5/4 = 4 (n=5), i=4


So now i=5, but since position of 13 is 4 only, so it will be saved. Hence a lucky number! n=4, i=5

Recursive Way:

// C++ program for Lucky Numbers

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define bool int

/* Returns 1 if n is a lucky no.

otherwise returns 0*/

bool isLucky(int n)


static int counter = 2;

if(counter > n)

return 1;

if(n % counter == 0)

return 0;

/*calculate next position of input no.

Variable "next_position" is just for

readability of the program we can

remove it and update in "n" only */

int next_position = n - (n/counter);


return isLucky(next_position);


// Driver Code

int main()


int x = 5;

if( isLucky(x) )

cout << x << " is a lucky no.";


cout << x << " is not a lucky no.";



5 is not a lucky no.

Time Complexity


Auxiliary Space:
