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Square root algorithm

The process of finding square root of a number can be divided into two steps. One step is to find integer part and second one is for fraction part.


We derive an algorithm for finding square root here −


Step 1 → Define value n to find square root of

Step 2 → Define variable i and set it to 1 (For integer part)

Step 3 → Define variable p and set it to 0.00001 (For fraction part)

Step 4 → While i*i is less than n, increment i

Step 5 → Step 4 should produce the integer part so far

Step 6 → While i*i is less than n, add p to i

Step 7 → Now i has the square root value of n



The pseudocode of this algorithm can be derived as follows −

procedure square_root( n )

SET precision TO 0.00001

FOR i = 1 TO i*i < n DO

i = i + 1


FOR i = i - 1 TO i*i < n DO

i = i + precision


DISPLAY i AS square root

end procedure


Implementation of this algorithm is given below −

#include <stdio.h>

double squareRoot(double n) {

double i, precision = 0.00001;

for(i = 1; i*i <=n; ++i); //Integer part

for(--i; i*i < n; i += precision); //Fractional part

return i;


int main() {

int n = 24;

printf("Square root of %d = %lf", n, squareRoot(n));

return 0;



Output of the program should be −

Square root of 24 = 4.898980