# Interface Here all the ProfileBar and Toolbar public fields and methods are described ## `ProfileBar` * `photo: Drawable?` - photo image drawable * `wallpaper: Drawable?` - wallpaper image drawable * `title: String?` - larger text in the view * `subtitle: String?` - smaller text in the view #### Preset fields `value: Type = DEFAULT` here means that `value` of type `Type` has a default value equal to `DEFAULT` * `titleSize: Int = 20sp` - title text size in sp * `subtitleSize: Int = 12sp` - subtitle text size in sp * `fontColor: Int = 0xFFFFFF` - title and subtitle text color * `tabsEnabled: Boolean = true` - displays whether `profileBar` needs to hook up `tabPager` * `tabsIndicatorColor: Int = 0xFFFFFF` - color of the tab selection indicator below the title * `tabsSelectedColor: Int = 0xFFFFFF` - color of the selected tab's title * `tabsUnselectedColor: Int = 0x99FFFFFF` color of the unselected tab's title * `photoFrameDrawable: Drawable = DEFAULT_FRAME_DRAWABLE` - drawable the layer below the profile photo * `photoFrameColor: Int = 0xCCFFFFFF` - photo frame color * `dimDrawable: Drawable = DEFAULT_DIM_DRAWABLE` - semi-transparent rectangular view that occupies half of `profileBar` * `bottomGlowDrawable: Drawable = DEFAULT_BOTTOM_GLOW` - glowing strip on the border between `tabPager` and `profileBar` #### Methods * `setupWithViewPager(ViewPager)` - link up `profileBar` and the ViewPager in the arguments` #### Access option buttons * **To set a listener to an option button, navigate to `profileBar.optionWindow.NEEDED_BUTTON.setOnClick...`** ## `TabPager` * `fragments: List` - the list of TabFragments to be displayed #### TabAdapter fields and properies _access TabAdapter this way: `tabPager.adapter`_ * `setPageTitle(Int, String)` - sets the String value to the title of the fragment with index Int * `getPageTitle(Int)` - gets the String value to the title of the fragment with index Int * `addTab(TabFragment)` - adds a TabFragment * `removeTab(TabFragment)` - removes a TabFragment