Stephen Austin to James Austin, 01-24-1799 Stephen Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 06-21-2011 James Austin Philadelphia, PA Austin Ville, VA Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 45-46 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 01-24-1799 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Purchase of supplies.

Philada 24th Janry 1799.

Dear Sir

your favor of the 14th Inst is Just receivd and observe the Contents—I hear nothing of Frisbie he may Possibly be at the Eastward—unless I soon hear of him shall Send his Acct to have a Suit Brot by Mr Woodward—I am glad to hear that Hall and Harry is safe arivd—you Say nothing of the Horses—the Bay Horse Harry Rode as I sopose him to be old I think you had best Sell unless his Performance out should Convince you of his Usefullness to us— the other is a Tough beast I have no Doubt and will be a Match with Ambrose Little Mare—I hope Hall will do well in the Shop with Ambrose—I shall Send you Some steel or order Mr Pain to Send you Some from Richmond—but the shot not haveing Come on so that I Can get money from it has Quite Distress me—and I See Now its Impossible to Send a Waggon from this as nothing but Cash will Procure Waggon and Horses and My Demands here of a Debt to Wycoff and Harrison I have been obligd to pay here of Moses Austin has at this time of great Scarsity of Cash hurt me Much— I advancd 100 Dollar for Salt in Sept Last which is at Last got to Richmond—Say 25 Sacks there is also a Large Box of Ready Made Cloaths Coats vests and Breeches of the Latter 80 prs I have also sent two Bushels of Red Clover Seed to Mr Pain these things you want Extreemly and part of the Salt you Could Sell for Cash—and the Cloverseed if Possible must be with you to Sow in all March which time I find will answer to Sow it as well as any other in the year Amongst the Rye I expect you must sow it your self or Mr Tanden as it [must] be sowed with the Greatest Care— and one Bushels will sow Ten Acres so that you can sow 20 Acres only and this of the best of the Land which is I Expect Round and next the Barn—if any of the Fields on the East of the Street will answer sow part of that My Intention was to have sent sufficient to have Sowd both Fields and som for Capt Newell but want of Cash to Purchese has Prevented me Sending but two Bushels which Cost 10 Dollar Cash pr Bushel—when you sow it Divide your seed into 20 or 40 parts— you Must sow a Little more than 3 Quarts to one Acre which is 3 half pints to one Quarter of an Acre and to begin Mark out one 4th of an acre and try how you can gage that and by that sow all the other—as to the Hides get them Taned on the best Terms you Can as I see I shall not be able to send out a Tanner at all Cant you Hire a Waggon to go to Lynchbourgh with a load of shot and Bring up the Box of Cloaths the Seed and the Balance in Salt and pay them some goods some Lead and a Little Salt—I wish this to be effected as I shall request Mr Pain to forward all with him to Lynchbourgh which if the Weather is moderate he will do when some Steel may be got we are all well and hope this will find you all the Same with Compt to all I am your

S Austin

if you can Hire one Team I think you Can Man[age] one Team of your own and Send Ellick with it to bring up Salt—

[Addressed:] Mr James Austin Post Master Austin Ville Virginia.