Peter Le Croix to Moses Austin, 04-07-1802 Peter Le Croix Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 06-23-2011 Moses Austin Unknown Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 81-82 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Price List 04-07-1802 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Price list. Commerce.

Peter Le Croix to M. Austin D


Nov 30 to 1 doz Large Buttons 75___________________________ 0. 75 1 D° Small D° 25____________________________________ 0. 25


Febry l2 1 lb Coffee 3$_______________________________________ 1. 0 5 lb Sugar $.50______________________________________ 2. 50 1 Handkf 1$50________________________________________ 1. 50 to paid Alexd Dillen_________________________________ 1. 0 21 1 lb Sugar 50________________________________________ 0. 50 1 knife 50___________________________________________ 0. 50 29 1 skein thread 12_____________________________________ 0. 12 8. 12

March 1 1 1/2 Ells Calico 2$__________________________________ 3. 0 1 skein thread________________________________________ 0. 12 4 1 lb tobacco 35_______________________________________ 0. 35 1 lb Sugar 50_________________________________________ 0. 50 13 1 pint Whiskey 50_____________________________________ 0. 50 1/2 lb powder_________________________________________ 1. 25 1 lb shott___________________________________________ 0. 12 14 1 pint Whiskey________________________________________ 0. 50 16 1 skein thread________________________________________ 0. 10 25 1 pint Whiskey________________________________________ 0. 50

April 2 1 Handkf 1$50_________________________________________ 1. 50 8. 44 2 1/2 Ells Linnen 2$50_______________________________ 6. 25 1 Brich Clout 1$______________________________________ 1. 0 4 to making shirt 1$____________________________________ 1. 0 to Whiskey 4$87 1/2___________________________________ 4. 87 1/2 to paid J. Gelaspey___________________________________ 2. 25 6 to paid Madam Papa____________________________________ 3. 0 to paid Boston Morris_________________________________ 4. 0 1 Muzlin Handkf_______________________________________ 3. 0 25.37 1/2

Carried forward__________________________________________________ $41. 93 1/2

1802 To amount brought forward__________________ $41. 93 1/2

April 7 to paid Morel_________________________________________ 2. 0 to paid Bill Cannon___________________________________ 0. 50 1 knife $50__________________________________________ 0. 50 8 1/2 lb Coffee 1$______________________________________ 0. 50 2 lb Sugar $50______________________________________ 1. 0 4.50

$ 46. 43 1/2


April 4 Contra Cr By 1 month and 9 days work 19.50______________________ 19.50

Due_______________________________________________________________ 28. 93 1/2

Balence Due M Austin

[Endorsed:] Peter Le Croix Accnt $26.93 this fellow is on board of Mr Tropes (?) Boat