Your note of this day I rec'd from the hand of Mr. Brown in answer
to which I have to observe that what I said to Perry I will say every
Day of my life and that is that the unbounded and unprovoked abuse,
I had rec'd from you could not be justified on any grounds what Ever,
the attempt to ruin myself and famely which was reported by
yourself and Maxwell have not to this day been sattesfactory Explained
Your unwarrantable assault on the 4 of July and the report by you
that I am depriv'd of my lands and that I had not a tittle to an Acre
are all things calculated to produce the same consequences, ruin. If
in you[r] power, to ruin me, and which you told me in presents of
sundry Gentlm. was your object, all of which are well remember'd
by Other Gentl. are proofs of your Determenation to continue the
same line of conduct towards me. The Charge of Murder If
mention'd by Perry Is false your conduct to others I speak not of, its
your conduct toward me which I now say is and has been Such as no
man can Justify. I did mention that the affair of the 4 and say it
was Equally improper and I think so still a Gentlm. who heard what
I said to Perry can any time you please informe you whether he heard
any such expressions as Murder or not
I do consider my self more enjur'd by you then I have been by any
man in my life and that without the least cause. I was in hopes that
the Meeting we had in presents of Mr. Henry would have end'd all
difficultys and cause of future disagreement on my part I have don
What Every man of Honor ought to have don on such an occation
I have manaf est'd a wish by my treatment to you that no remembrance
of the past should ever be recalled, but has that been your conduct
toward me No unless one fourth of the reports are incorrect, you
take Every Oppertunity to do me Injury—, I now say that my
conversation to Perry can be told by a Gentlm. who will I believe tell
truths as well as Perry. Whether you can or cannot Justify your
conduct towards me will be told-ere long— I have Orderd suit
against you and the Laws of our country will determen whether you
are Justified or not, you will then have an oppertunety to prove
the many things you have said to Wescott Spencer Folkner and
Others—which they will be called on to Declare—
Mr Moses Austin [Rubric]
Mine a Burton
Augt. 7, 1806
N B If I could suppose an interview with you Could produce any
good effects, I should have no objection but I can see no good that
can result from such a meeting we have had one already no good has
result'd from that Meeting it is at the Bar of Justice I shall be
ready to meet you and justify all I have said but at the same time,
I hold it proper for all men to do Justice towards each other and in
Doing so a man cannot do himself a dishonor. If you can convince
me that I have said a word about you which I am not Justified in
saying I shall in that case only make such reperation as is proper
for a Gentlm to make
[Endorsed:] Copy to John Smith