June 20 1807
Mr John Francis Merieult
The political situation of this Country has delayed me desending
the Mississippi for many months and of consequence has prevented
the adjustment of our accounts however I trust Mr. Elias Austin
Elliott my nephew with your help will be able to make such
arrangement as will finally Close our transactions. I found on an
Examination of your Sales and Accounts a number of mistakes
which I have examined with care and attention and have stated as
Clearly as the situation of the account will allow. I have made to
Mr Elliott all the observations on the different statement, which are
necessary to explain my Ideas of the business. You will find many
overcharges—and some Omissions, the amount of Shott accounted
for is not equel to the quantity deliver.d also a small difference in
the small barr lead which I have note.d. I am of opinion that
when you reexamin the state of our account you will readily admitt
that some large mistakes, have been made, by your Clerk against
M A & Co. and some to your disadvantage I have so farr as the
nature of the business would admitt corrected all the mistake and
send them to you for final settlements
[M. Austin.]