Augt 24th [1807]
I yesterday received your letter by Mr Ruggles—yours which you
mention as having sent by Mail, has not yet come to hand—
I have not yet heard anything from Austin Elliot— I shall
expect him daily—Aunt has not yet arrived here— I hope to see her
very soon. When Austin arrives, it will take but a short time for me
to get ready to go on—I should have been ready before this time, if
I had had anything to do with. I shall endeavour to procure the
articles you mentioned—I think I shall be able to get them all, and
shall have them [put up in] the best manner possible—
I have written to Stephen this day, and requested him to write you
immediately.—I have been cautious not to mention to anyone,
(except Mrs A. Mrs Richard, and her Son,) what my expectations are in
moving to Louisiana.— Charles appears very friendly, but it is
possible (as you mention) that he may endeavour to stop any funds
he may know came from you—I shall endeaveour that he shall know
nothing about it— He is at present in very ill health, and has gone
in the Country to recruit— I dont think he will trouble anybody
much longer—I received a letter some time since from Capt. Bissel,—
He had not been able to obtain a furlough, and did not expect to come
on this Summer with Mrs B— He informed me that Capt Smith
had sold his claims at the Mines, for Ten thousand Dollars— If
so, ho did not make so much disturbance last Winter for nothing
he got well paid for it— I shall inform you from time to time, of
our progress in getting away
H. Austin [Rubric]
Mrs Richards desires to be particularly remem'd to you.—
We shall undoubtedly have a War with England.— They are
fortifying the Harbour of New York, and putting all the Sea Ports
in the best state of defense
The British in Canada, are Sending all their Artillery and sloops
to Quebec, and are determined to defend it to the last, expecting that
the first attack from the United States will be in that Quarter— It
is unnecessary for me to say more, as you will probably get all the
newes through the Papers.— I see by the Papers that Major Wescot
is arrested as a Burrite.—