John M. Arthur to Moses Austin, 09-26-1810 John M. Arthur Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 06-30-2011 Moses Austin Unknown Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 180-182 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Bill and Price List 09-26-1810 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Moses Austin in account with John M. Arthur.


March To Ballance due per Bill Rend_______________ $170. 63

July 29th To 4 Bottles for Dr Ellis @ 50 cts__________ 2. 00 " To 8 Do Do 25 _____________ 2. 00 " 31st To 1000 lb Lead Lent pr H Austin ___________ 50. 00

Nov. 16th To 1 Doz. Gun Flints pr Butler _____________ 37 1/2

Dec. 17 To paid Manuel for bawling Lead____________ 8. 00 30 To 1 Bushel Corn __________________________ 50 _________ 233. 50 1/2


Jan 7 2 To 1 1/4 eys Mix'd Cotton @ 1_____________ 1. 25 9 To 3 Butt Hinges____________________________ . 37 1/2 10 To 5 Bushels corn @ 50______________________ 2. 50 " 11 To 5 lb Coffee 62 1/2_______________________ 3. 12 1/2 " " To 1 Bus. Corn______________________________ . 50

March 2 To 1 Bb1 Salt 328 Tare 25 nett 303lb @ 6____ 18. 18 " " To Barrel containing Do_____________________ 1. 00 3 To 5 1/4 yds Surcingle Webb 37 1/2__________ 2. 03 1/2 " " To 21 lbs Steel 50 cts______________________ 1. 25 ___________ 30. 21 1/2 " 21 To 7 1/4 Yds White Cotton Cloth pr Lady @62 1/2 4. 52 1/2 " " To 231 yd Striped Ditto @ 75 ________________ 17. 62 1/2 To 4 Tin pans 621____________________________ 2. 50 To 2 Large Do 1______________________________ 2. 00 To 2 Coffee pots (damagd) 75________________ 1. 50 To 1 Drawing Knife pr H Austin_______________ 1. 25 To 1 Doz Tin cups—___________________________ 2. 00 To 4 Tin pans @ 62 1/2_______________________ 2. 50 ____________ 33. 90 " 23 To l lb cotton_______________________________ 25 " " To 13 yds Cotton Cloth pr Lady 62 1/2________ 8. 12 1/2 " 24 To 1 Canister 225 1 Stone Jug 1 _____________ 3. 25 " 31 To 10 Bushels corn at Sundry times to this date @ 50 cts—______________________________ 5. 00

Apl 3 To 1 pen Knife pr Son________________________ 37 1/2

May 9 To 497 lb Lead Lent__________________________ 24. 85 " " To 51 Bus corn from 31st March to 22d Apl____ 2. 75 " 11 To 2 1/4 lb. Steel___________________________ 87 1/2 " " To 1 Chizel pr Horis Austin _________________ 62 1/2 To Butts and Screws for Garden gates_________ 62 1/2 __________ 46. 72 1/2 To Amt Brought Forwd_________________________ $344. 34 1/2 To your Acceptance for Newberry______________ 25 To " Ditto Shields and Evans______________ 34. 31 To " Ditto Wm Cabean______________________ 13. 50

July 11 To 2 Bushls Salt @ 3 00 _____________________ 6. 00

Aug 27 To 6 lb Alspice @ 75_________________________ 4. 50

Sept 12th To 1 Box Wafers______________________________ 25

Novr 16 To 1 Sett Smith Tools________________________ 80. 00


507. 90 1/2


Novr 17 To 24lb Cotton @ 25__________________________ 6. 00 " 20 To Pad Locks 50 cts__________________________ 1. 00 " 30 To 1 pair Spectacles pr Lady_________________ 1. 00 " " To 2 Skeins Silk pr Lady 12$_________________ 25

Dec 8 To 3 yds Plain pr Do. @______________________ 3. 00 " To pins " " " ___________________ 3. 00


Jany 4 To 1 pr Cotton Hose__________________________ 1. 50 6 To 1 Almanack________________________________ 12 1/2 8 To paid Martin pr Order______________________ 75 " " To Cash Lent_________________________________ 50. 64 " 22 To paid Scott pr order_______________________ 48. 46

Feby 14 To paid your Order to Treat__________________ 20. 00 " " To paid Caldwell_____________________________ 77. 48 21 To 31 1/4 Yds Course Linnin________45 cts____ 14. 06 1/2

March 13 To 1 Gal" Whiskey____________________________ 50 16 To $ a Ditto_________________________________ 50 __________ 161. 00 1/4 19 To 16 lb Sugar_________________@ 25 cts______ 4. 00 " " To 4 lb Coffee_______________________50______ 2. 00 " " To 1 Bucket______50 cts 1 Ditto 150 cts______ 2. 00 " " To 1 Drawing Knife___________________________ 1. 00 To 5 G screws adze___________________________ 87 1/2 To 1 Kettle 22lb_______________________ 2. 75 To 1 Tin Pan_________________________________ 75 To 2 lb Nails_______________________37$______ 75 To Paid Truesdel for Lead Dld you at Mine A Burton_______________ 68. 58 To 3114 lb Lead___________________@ 51_______ 163. 48 1/2 ___________ 411.99 To Judgement VS Shaw & cost__________________ 147. 80 To Amt Brough Forwd__________________________ $1144. 89 3/4


March 19 To Cash to pay postage_______________________ 8. 81 " " To 1 Stone Jar_______________________________ 75

Apl 15 To 85$ yds Tow cloth_________@ 46 cts________ 39. 22 " " To paid L Trudo for carrying Same to Mines-, 37 1/2 " 15 To Cash to C A Austin________________________ 68. 39

Augt 4 To $ quire paper pr son______________________ 25

Sepr 26 To 3lb Tobacco____________________37$________ 1. 12 1/2 ____________ $1263. 81 3/4

1808 Contra CT

July 11 By 150 lb Lead to Elias Bates________________ 7. 50

Sepr 30 By 100 lb Do returned__________@ 5 cts_______ 50. 15


March 16 By 7 lb Do______________________ 5 cts____ 35

May 4 By 1146 lb Small Bar Lead______ 6 ets_____ 68. 76 " 9 By 260 lb Shot___________________10 cts______ 26. 00

June 8 By 509 lb Lead retd_____________ 5 cts_____ 25. 45 " 17 By 791 Ib Ditto__________________ 5 cts____ 39. 55


Jany 22d By post Note pr Letter______________________ 100. 00

Feby 14 By Ditto pr H Austin Some time Since________ 100. 00

March 19 By 3 post Notes pr Truesdel_________________ 300. 00 " " By 1 Ditto Pr W O Allen_____________________ 100. By Lead Dld E Bates at mine say Augt 6th 1808 — 931 lb Novr 24 " —1016 Novr 24 " —1010 ________ 1947 lbs____________ 97. 35 By 5 Boxes for Lead etc_____________________ 2. 75 By Ballance of Boarding_____________________ 4. 00

May 12 By 1013 lb Lead________________@ 5J cts_____ 55. 71 1/2

Sept 21 By Cash pr Mr Treat_________________________ 7. 12 1/2 ___________ $984.70 ________ $279. ll 3/4 Ballance due J Mc A By 1 pair Looking Glasses__________________________________________ 24. _________ $255. ll 3/4