Maria Austin to Moses Austin, 06-21-1812 Maria Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 06-30-2011 Moses Austin Philadelphia, PA Burton Mine, LA Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 211-213 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Letter 06-21-1812 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Declaration of War with England. Anxiety.

Philadelphia, June the 21-1812

it tis with heart felt sorrow I take up my pen to Inform my dear Husband that, War, is Absolutely declared, the Express arrived from Washington last Evening, and in a little time all will be in bussel and Confusion—I have always dreaded a war so much, I could not allow myself to think their would be Declaration of it— but it tis two true—and my fears for my Dr friends in Louisianna is now greater than theay ever have beene—it, will now be the Interest of the British to Urge on the Savages and O I greatly fear the Consequences will be dreadfull—I am also Extreamly Unhappy on our Sons account—least he should be taken on his Voyage and should this Unfortunately happen, your famaly here will be in a very Unpleasant Situation, in short we shall be holy Dependent on our friends, who Sertinly are very good and kind at present, but was I to be deprived of those Remittances you are Sending on, I know not what Change might take place, however I will not Anticipate so great a Misfortune, but Indeed my dear it gives me Inexpressable Uneasiness—I wrote you a long letter which I Expected to have sent by Major Penrose, he being detained I sent it by post also a letter to Sister Peggy—I gave up all hope of Seeing Sister Becca in the City—and after waiting for hur two weeks—I went to Jersey where I meant to stay till Stephen arrived—but two days ago, Sister came up, and as soon as I got word of her arrival I Came to town, and had the pleasure to find hur in perty good health—if any misfortune should befal our dr Son—I should go to Dellaware with hur and run the Chance of my health—for I should fell better sattisfyd with a Sister in the Situation I should be placed in, than with any other person—I received a letter from Mr Whittlesey a few days past—he Informs me my dear little B [Brown Austin] is in good Health but that a verry dangerous disease had raged with great violence in that part of the Country and that Mrs W— had been at deaths dore with the fatal disorder—which was the cause of hur not answering my letter I wrote from N York—at the same time he beges me not to be alarmed on James [i. e., James Brown Austin] Account, that he is in perfect health, grows and improves verry fast, and that the fever is now Subsiding—Notwithstanding this I am very unhappy least our dear boy should be taken ill, was it in my power I think I would go on—but that is Imposably till I get money to bare my Expences—I have many things to distress my mind my dear Husband, in short I shall not know what happyniss or Comfort is, till I am Restord to the Society of my Husband and famaly—which, may the god of all goodness, Speadily grant and in the Interam, may theay all be preserved in his holy keeping—I am spending the day with Mrs Darah and withdrew from the Company to write this hasty scrall, that it might go by the Mail tomorrow, I thought you ought to know that war was declard Sister Joines me in love to you and peggy—I am my dear Husband with every sentiment of love and Anxiety your loveing Wife

Maria Austin.

I had a letter from Emily Yesterday. She is well and in good Spirits at the Idea of soon seeing her dear Brother, god grant she may not be disappointed is my prayr

[Address:] Mr. Moses Austin P. M. Mine a Burton Upper Louisianna