Mine a Burton Octbr 22 [1813?]
Dear Son
We expected you two days past I am in hopes this may find you
on the road Mr Todd called last evening and requested me to make
a statement of the quantity of Mineral I told him I ha'd done so
that is that what was hawled Over would make from 12 to 15
thousand he says that he can make up 4 loads more which he thinks will
make up twenty thousand but I cannot hawl untill my Waggon is
mended and Logan has forbid Mr Wheeler to work in the shop so
that I am compleatly stop'd in my business Such treatment I can
assure you I have Never recd from any man Such shamefull
treatment, in my life, Tripp and Logan are Cutting tool(?) Wood and
have purchased Wheelers Blacksmith Tools—Todd wish to obtain
my approbation to draw an order on you for 160 Dollars this I
could not do on any Account I expect he will Visit you this day
Moses Austin
N B the object of Logan and Tripp was to have taken of the Iron
in the Shop to Commence business with and lett you and Stephen
get it back as you could this I have stopd- by removing the Iron from
the shop this day he claims all half the Iron at Herculaneum
[Addressed] : Mr James Bryan Herculaneum