Moses Austin to John S Brickley, 02-22-1815 Moses Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-02-2011 John S Brickley Burton Mine, MO Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 247-250 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Memo 02-22-1815 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Memorandum concerning provisions for negroes. Furnace regulations.

Mine a Burton Feby the 22nd 1815

Copy of a memorandum of Mr Austin

Mr John S. Brickey

I give you the following Memorandum by which you will fully understand, what wish you to take under your Charge; and to which your attention will be Directed.

1st You will make a mess Book in which you will enter this memorandum as a standing order and in which you will enter the names of each Negroe, in the Mess. The Messes you will number. You will see that provisions are delivered to each mess both of meat, and meal, you will see that meal is procured—

2 The regular allowance to each hand is 3/4 of a pound of meat pr Day and at the rate of a peck of sifted Indian meal pr week. Or half meal, and half Hominy, potatoes and beans will be given in lieu of hominy-

3rd You will take charge of the Keys of the Meat, and Corn House, also, the waggon Yard, and see that the corn is properly divided out, also see that the work oxen, and milk cows are properly attended to and salted, and that all strange horses, and Cattle are kept from the wagon and stable yards, and they secured.

4th You will examine each morning and see, that all the hands not engaged at the mine hill, are at work by sun rise and that they do their duty; and never suffer your orders to be neglected, or set aside.

5th You will see that the Cook in the negroe Kitchen keeps it in proper order, and has her meals in due time, that Homony is made ready, and duly provided

6th It has been always my rule to have as much homony made ready the evening as may be wanted the next day—Each in turn to pound a mortar of Homony. This must be the rule and the Homony delivered each morning.

7th You will each night before you go to rest examine and see that all strange negroes are ordered away, and the yards closed, and the Cooks Kitchen lock'd. The key may be lodged with Old Jack who will be accountable for the same

Furnace Regulations

8th When the Furnace is out of Blast you will see that the Lead is removed, and the house cleaned out, and made fast, both Doors and windows, and all the Tools collected and placed in a corner of the Furnace. Its the duty of the hands not in the Last Charge to clean up and secure the furnace

9th When the Furnace is in Blast you will see that no strange negroes are suffered to lounge about, but order them away, and make them off. The proper time to Smelt a charge is 18 hours and 20 hours the longest time and for each 2000 pounds of mineral ought to produce 30 to 31 & 32 bars of Lead of 42lb. each. You will observe that proper wood is of the first consequences to Smelt well. You will therefore cause the back door hand to bring in his wood, that is to furnish his Charge, and place it over the furnace, and at the furnace ash hole to be made as dry as possible, and this ought to [be] done as soon as the Charge goes into the furnace, and so remain untill the Charge is nearly finished when it may be used. You will also understand that dry wood is necessary for smelting Lead Ore, Negroes and Whites aught to be prevented, Visiting the furnace nor suffered to remain about the furnace, they draw off the attention of the hands, the furnace tools should be always kept in order and the master of each charge should and must be made accountable for any damage done the furnace and Tools to him you will give any orders you may receive respecting the furnace—

10th You will see that mineral is cleaned and Buckd down to charge the furnace in due time, and also that both the furnace and mineral house are kept clean and nothing wasted, the Charge for the furnace will be 2000Ib mineral and aught to be weighed up in time not to detain the work.

11th You will see that all the Tools, such as axes, hoes, plows, and every kind of Tools is taken good care of, and each person that uses them must account for them, and you will remember, that not a Tool can be lent out to any man, on any account whatever. The waggon and carts must be considered under your care, and each waggoner must be accountable for every thing belonging to his waggon. Every thing that may be wanting to keep the waggons in order, and horses also, you will consider under your charge.

12th. If any are sick you will let me know, and you will at all times take the utmost care that they be provided for, and treated with Humanity.

13th. You will suffer no Drinking or fighting among the negroes without letting me know of it, if you can not stop it yourself, report it to me.

14th. You will report to me should it be necessary in time that I may provide such things as may be needed to carry the above regulations into Execution, which I request may be most strictly executed to the utmost of your power,

I am respt Yrs-

Moses Austin

Memorandum of the Negroes Names and Messes

Ellicks House Manuel 1 May 1 Rose 1 Jone 1 Arnold 1 Siller 1 2 Children 2 __ Wilson 8 5 pounds meat 1 peck meal

Bill C. House Juba 1 Charls 1 Hannah 1 Hannah 1 Sue 1 Amey 1 Melina 1 Children 4 __ 8

Nance's Kitchen Jacob 1 Charles 1 Quash 1 Osmond 1 Allen 1 Sam 1 Tom 1 Bill Cannon 1 Richmond 1 Little Bill 1 Nance 1 Elleck 1 ___ 13

10 pound Meat— 11 pecks meal—

6 pounds meat 1 peek meal Jesse 1 peck pr. week Ralph one peck pr. week

Moses Austin Mrs. Austin S. Austin S. Hynes R. Bruffee Mrs. Bruffee Henry and John J S. Brickey H Luty H Luty 10 12lb pounds meat 1 Bushell meal

Lucy Aggy Jack Poll ________ 5 ___ 15 3 ___ 4) 45 ___ 11 1/4 pounds pork Half Bushell meal pr. Day