Stephen F. Austin to Moses Austin, 03-25-1815 Stephen F. Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-02-2011 Moses Austin Unknown Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 251-252 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Memo 03-25-1815 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file


Memorandum of Money to be sent on to Kentucky

To John Postlethwait of Lexington for which my due Bill is given___________ $28. 00

To Amos Edwards of Russellsville for which my due Bill is given

This had better be sent to Jos Ficklin with a request to take it up__ $46. 00

To Charles Bradford of Lexington This due Bill has been sent on to

Geo. Wilson of St Louis to whom I have written on the subject________$153. 33 1/3


$227. 33 1/3

When I purchaced the waggon I gave my note to Doct B. Roberts for Five Hundred Dollars payable in Six Months after date and at the same time made a written contract with Messrs Geo. W. and W. H. Whitakers of Russellville for Five thousand pounds of Small Bar Lead to be deliver'd at Clarksville and Nashville by the 1st day of May. at Ten Dollars pr Hundred, payable on the same day that my Note to Doct Roberts becomes [due] I also was to deliver him at the same time Six Hundred pounds of Shot. (See the Memorandum in the contract for the numbers) at 15$ pr Cwt to pay for Sundry articles I got principaly for Mr Brickey

I also promised (verbally) that I would Send on 100 pounds of Shot assorted to Col. Bailor near Russellsville for which he was to pay the market price It would be best to get Mr J. Ficklin to attend to this business and take up my notes from Roberts and contract from the Whitakers after the Lead and Shot is delivered. Since Lead has fallen if the 5000 is not delivered by the day it is more than probable it will not be recd- so that Lead that is [on hand?] ought to be [made?] into pound Bars and appropriated to this use, My Credit stands very fair now at Russelsville and if this Contract is complied with it will continue to stand high which may be of much use to me hereafter it therefore is of great importance to me as well as yourself that the Lead should be sent on in time This I believe is all the unsettled business I have in Ky.

At Herculanium I purchased 200 Baskets of Corn from Doct. Cairns at 37 1/2 cents payable the first of June and Horine I am fearful will not deliver much more meal untill he is paid for what we have got

I subscribed 5 Lots and 100 Dolrs for the Hercun Bridge in your name subject to your confirmation.

I this day purchase 101 yards of Linnen from C Patterson at 40. cts. for which I gave a due Bill in your name payable the fifteenth day of May

March 25th 1815

Stephen F Austin [Rubric]

M Austin Esq

You had better write to Henry Elliott to try to engage Freight to Clarksville or Nashville for the 5000 of Lead and Shot and also to E Bates for it may be difficult to meet with an opportunity unless it is attended to in time