Sam Perry and Company to Stephen F. Austin, 02-19-1817 Sam Perry and Company Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-02-2011 Stephen F. Austin Unknown Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 301-303 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Bill and Price List 02-19-1817 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file

Stephen F. Austin in account with Samuel Perry & Co.

Mr. Stephen F. Austin To Saml Perry and Co Dr


June 7th To 6 lb white Sugar__________Pr Father @ 56 1/4________ 3. 37 1/2 18 1 " Nails________pr Danly______________________________ . 37 1/2

July 15 1 Venison Ham__________________________________________ . 25 " " 1 Chamber______________________________________________ . 75 " 16 Ballance on Brandy_____________________________________ . 50 " 20 1 pt Tar_______________________________________________ . 12 1/2 " 21 1 pr Shoes____________________________________________ 2. 75 " 23 2 Qts Tar________pr Danly____________________________ . 50

Augst 6 4 Shovels________pr Dozier 75_________________________ 3. 00 " 15 3 Lead ballance on borrowed Lead______________________ . 15 " 19 1100 lbs Mineral delivered @ 20$ pr thousd_____________ 22. 00 " 29 1 Gall. Tar pr order___________________________________ 1. 00

Sept 11 6 lb White Sugar________@ 56 1/4_______________________ 3. 37 1/2

Octr 5 1/2 lb Tea________@ 350_______________________________ 1. 75 " 30 5 lb 14 ozs. Loaf Sugar_______________________________ 3. 62 1/2

Nov 22 6lbs Sugar________pr Order 40__________________________ 2. 40 " " 2 " Coffee_______ do 62 1/2_____________ 1. 25 47. 17 1/2 __________ The above is charged to you Father

To amounts of your old accts rendered__________________ 45. 50

April 25 " 1 pr Shoes__________________________________________ 2. 50

May 10 " 1 Otter skin _______________________________________ 2. 00 " " " 1 Cub Skin 25cts 1 Hank Shoe Thread 37 1/2___________ . 62 1/2 " 27 " l lb Powder 100cts 2 Hanks Thread 100cts 1 pr Shoes 2.50________________________________________ 4. 50

June 5 " 1 Bottle Wine______________________________________ 1. 25 " 4 " 2 Bottles Wine______________________________________ 2. 50 " 15 Whiskey 25cts. 1 Bottle wine 125_______________________ 1. 50 " " 1/2 Bottle Wine________________________________________ . 62 1/2 " 21 1 do do _______________________________________________ 1. 25

July 6 6 do do _______ @ 125__________________________________ 7. 50

Nov 12 5lbs Coffee _______ 62 1/2 ____________________________ 3. 12 1/2 " 17 Shoe Thread ___________________ pr Father _____________ 1. 12 1/2 74. 00 __________

Novr 28 1 Trunk pr McCormick __________________________________ 6. 00 " 5lbs Coffee___________ 50 ___________________________ 2. 50 " " / 53 Volembers [sic] of Reeces Cyclo- | pedia @ 4$._____________________ 212. | Carriage 156 lbs @ 11 cts_______ 17.16 | _______ | 229.16 \ Advance 10 pr Cent 22.91 1/2 252.07 1/2 " 1 Vest Pattern 375 Silk Buttons 50 cts ________________ 4. 25 " 1 Cross Bard Handkf 150 1/2 yd Linnen Camd 950-475________________________________________ 6. 25


Decr 6 To Merchandise pr Father as pr Bill rendered___________ 15. 62 1/2 " 7 " 49 lbs Sugar pr Do_________________@ 40_____________ 19. 60 " 7 " 2 Qts Tar pr Jas. Danly_____________________________ . 50 " 8 " 124 lbs Iron @ 18 3/4 cts and 39 lbs do @ 20cts____ 31. 05 " 9 " 1 pr Boottees sent by Jas. Dozer to St. Louis_______ 11. 00 " 10 " 2 Qts. Linseed oile 2$ 1 Skean Silk 12 1/2 pr Father 2. 12 1/2 " 12 " 2 yds Blk Flannell_____@ 1.25 pr__Mrs. Weber________ 2. 50 " " " 1 Doz Needles 25 cts 1 pr Wco. Worsted Hose 175 pr Do [Mrs. Weber]___________________________ 2. 00 355. 47 1/2 Amt carried over______________________________ $476. 65

1816 To amt brought over____________________________________ 476. 65

Dec 12 " 4yds Ribbon 100cts lyd Do 18 3/4____pr Mrs Weber___ 1. 18 3/4 " " " 6 Skeans Silk 75cts 2 Stran Beeds 25cts_______________pr Do _______________ 1. 00 " 13 " 1 pr Wco. Worsted Hose__________pr do________________ 1. 75 " " " 1 Needle Case____________________pr Do_______________ 2. 50 " " " 11 1/2 lbs Cordage pr @ 31 1/4_______Jas. Danly.___ 3. 59 1/2 " 16 " 1 Doz Silk Vest Buttons pr order of Father_________ . 75 " 17 " 1 Stick Twist __________________do___________________ . 12 1/2 " 19 " 1/2 Gall Lintseed Oile_________pr Do___________ 2. 00 " " " 1 Paper Ink Powder______________pr Ball______________ . 25 " 20 " 28 3/4 lbs Iron p @ 18 3/4_______________Bruffy______ 5. 39 " 21 " 2lbs Nails_________________________Ball______________ . 75 " 23 " 2 yds Leventine Silk pr order of Father______________ 4. 50 " 24 " 6 lbs Best Coffee__________________pr Do__________ 3. 75 " 26 " 28 1/4 lbs Iron__18 1/2________________Bruffy________ 5. 30 " 27 " 1 yd Ribbon_______________________pr Mother__________ . 25 " " " 3 " Shenneal 56 1/2 ct 1 Pocket Book 150________________pr Do_________________ 2. 06 1/4 " " " 1 Silk Handkf____________________D°__________________ 2. 50 " " " 1 pt Madarie Wine________________pr negro Girl_______ 1. 00


Jany 9 " 1 Cotton Shawl_________________pr Mrs Weber______ 1. 00 " 11 " 1 Sett Silk coat Buttons___________" Father _________ 1. 75 41. 41 _______ " " 5 Skeans Silk and Twist 62 1/2 cts 1 1/2 yd B Hol- land 75_________________________prD°___________ 1. 37 1/2 " 17 6 yds Velvet Ribbon 75cts 1/2 Doz Hooks and Eyes 25cts____________________pr D°______________ 1. 00 " 25 " llb Coffee______________________pr nephew__________ . 50 " " 8 Skeans Silk 100 1/2 cts Brimstone 25cts___________________pr mother___________ 1. 25 " " 1 Flossy Cape______________________pr D°_______________ 1. 00 " 30 5 1/2 lbs Crowley Steel @ 62 1/2 _______pr Danly_______ 3. 43 3/4

Feby 1 1/2 Doz Flints______________________Do_________________ . 18 3/4 " 5 3 lbs White Havanna Sugar 62 1/2_____pr mother_________ 1. 87 1/2 " 6 3 " Orlean do_____________prDo_____________ 1. 50 " 7 1 1/2 yds. Silk lace @ 87____________pr Miss Austin____ 1. 43 3/4 " 8 1 Double Bladed Knife__________________________________ 1. 00 " " 1 pr Morocco Slippers_____________pr Mrs Weber ________ 2. 37 1/2


Feby 8 To 1 Comb_________1_____________pr Do___________________ . 43 3/4 " " " 1 pr Fine Shoes_________________pr Hammond ___________ 2. 50 " " " 1 " Coars do _________________" Danly_______________ 2. 50 " " " 1 Quire paper__________________pr order_______________ . 50 " 10 " 1 Blank Day Book______________________________________ 4. 50 " 11 " 29 lbs Iron_____________________18 3/4 _______________ 5. 43 3/4 " " " 1 Quire Letter Paper__________________________________ . 50 33.56 1/4 " " 11 lbs 14 oz Crowley Steel 62 1/2____pr Bruffy__________ 7. 42 1/2 " 15 " Merchandise_________________pr Saml Patterson_________ 6. 00 " 17 " Your Order in favr of S. Swaringin___________________ 5. 82 " 18 " 6 lbs Coffee____pr order in favr of Wm Ficklin________ 3. 75 " 19 " 1 pr Coars Shoes_____________________________________ 2. 75 ________ 25. 74 " " 3/4 yd Gauze 1.50cts____________________________________ " " " 2 yd Silk Lace 50cts____________pr Mrs Weber__________ 2. 00 " " 1 1/2 Sheneal 28 cts 2 yds Ribbon 75 cts __________pr do_______________ 1. 03 Jany 31 " 4 lbs Sugar and 2 lbs Coffee (overlook, d)____________ 3. 00 Feby. 19 " 1 Quire paper_____________pr Mr. Ball_________________ . 50 6. 53 ___________________ $583. 89 1/4

Contra C 1816 Augst 2d By 761 lbs Lead___________@ 5.30 pr cwt_________________ 40. 33 1/2 Novr 22 By 25 Bars Lead 968 lbs @ 5.00 which was credited to you Father act_________________________________ 48. 40 1817 Feby 11 By 15 3/4 lbs Powder____________________________________