St Louis Dec 31 1818
Dr Brother.
Col. Hammond has made a contract with a man for a New
Madred claim but you must pay Six hundred Dolls of the money
in order to do which you must send up your note as quick as
possible to have it discounted have it endorced at the Mines and
I will endorce it here Gibson has given Hammond instructions
how to locate the claim So that as soon as it is procured all you
have to do is to send for the Negros. . .
I hope you will come up with Emily Flower is high also
whiskey— . . . any hopes of getting clear of Debt—when the day
arrives that the whole family are out of Debt I mean to celibrate it
as my wedding day—which never will come untill then Love to
EmilyMrs Carr is getting well
S. F. Austin
[Addressed:] James Bryan Esqr. Potosi Washington County