Stephen F. Austin to Unknown, 03-29-1819 Stephen F. Austin Project Director and Editor Andrew J. Torget Creation of XML version Debbie Liles Initial TEI Formatting Stephen Mues Programmatic and Manual TEI P5 Compliance Ben W. Brumfield Digital Stephen F. Austin Papers 07-08-2011 Unknown Unknown Unknown Eugene Barker, ed., Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1919: The Austin Papers, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1924), 3 vols., Vol 1, Part 1, pp. 338-339 Eugene Barker's summaries and footnotes Memoranda 03-29-1819 Programmatic restructuring and manual clean-up to comply with TEI P5 2.3.0 Restructured to meet TEI P5 standards Digital creation of XML file


1819 Mch 23 Lyman Chadwick Dr for Horse 40 paid T. H. Ficklin 27.75__________________ 67. 75 Drury Green Dr To paid S. Perry and Co 30.15 James Bryan Dr for the hire of Ormond and Allen for 9 months @ 15 Cash pd R. Andrews_____________________________________ 10. 00 paid H. D. Tripp_______________________________________ 25. 00

1819 March 29 Settled with S. Perry and Co and gave my note for bal. due_____________________________________________ 63. 60 Also gave my [note?] to S and J. Perry for_____________ 7. 25 _______ $70. 85 James Bryan To S. F. Austin Dr To pd. T. N. Wilkins your note_________________________ 275. 00 " Interest to Novr_____________________________________ 33. 00—308. " Double barrel Whiskey delivd at Saline landing on Red River 67 gal. @ 150 _____________________________ 100. 50 " 1 Barrel bounce at Long Prairie 30 G @ 2_____________ 60. 00 " 30 do Flour sold at Long Prairie etc for you @ 15____ 450. 00 " 10 do Midlin used by you ____________________10______ 100. 00 " Freight on 20 barrels Goods from Alexandria on Red River to Long Prairie etc @ 5________________________ 100. 00 " Freight on 1 Box Goods 1 Box Guns 1 Barrel Whiskey 1 Barrel bounce 1 do Brandy and a quantity of cut and whip saws from Nachitoches to Long Prairie etc 8 barrels @ 4________________________________________ 32. 00 4 silk bonnets sold at Mount P in your store for_______ 28. 00 Freight on 1 duble barrel Whiskey 2 barrels flour 6 of Beef 4 of Pork 14 Barrels in all from Herculaneum to long P. etc__________________________________________________ $4. 00 To negro man Ralph sold by you without my consent______ 800. 00 paid Jese Porton for you in eattle__________________200 in Hogs___________________________________________150 350. 00 pd Silas Rawls your note_______________________________ 125. 00 Pd Bradley for freight_________________________________ 64. 00 do J. Barkman for money recd of him for you____________ 600. 00 Recd by R. O. Porten and others out of the cargo lost by Phelps for which they accounted to you_________________ 700. 00 pd Mably in advance for the hire of his negro Nace 1 year for you______________________________________________ 100. 00 My expences from the Port of Arkansas in May 1820 to Hempstead co. for you _______________________________ 50. 00

1819 March 29 hire of Richmond and Damond 3 months at Saline 18______ 108. 00 pd Nat. a boatman for you 25 also Gordons time and ex- pences in attending to your business_________________ 50. 00 __________ 4490. 50 Tripp and Andrews—31 (other page)______________________ 35. 00 ___________ 4525. 00

besides this a/c there is an a/c on my old black Smith books at the Mines and sundry other credits and also J. Bryan engaged to pay G. Terinelle 7400 for the new Madrid claims I sold to said Bryan.