Dr Friend Hercm. April 5, 1819
contrary to my expectations I am still in this country, tho just
on the wing, I shall commence loading my Boat tomorrow or next
day, and hope to start on Saturday or Sunday morning—the 150
Dollars I will send you before I stark—
I am in great sperits as to getting the seat of Government at
little Rock— you may rest assured no exertions of mine shall be
wanting, one principle thing however is an order of Survey— I
wrote you on this Subject by R. Andrews, and wish if possible he
could be appointed the deputy— have you heard anything from
T. Rector since his return that will be interesting? have you
seen the law for Arkansaw Territory ? if you have any paper that
has it, please send it to me— do you know who are to be officers
in that Territory &c—
My Father has purchased much Bank Stock and will be up
immediately after my departure, the Bank held him to most unreasonable
bail, such conduct in them is inexplicable to me. my Father and
family have been amongst the firmest supporters the Bank ever had,
and now to be ruined by its oppression I think is ungenerous, if
the money my Father owes was all paid in at once, would it remain
in the vaults? or would it be lent out again?—it certainly would
be loaned out— if then he can make them safe (which he has
already done) why not let the loan stand, or must he be ruined to
satisfy some others who wish to borrow money ?— if the Directors
are governed by that principle they need not calculate to have
Friends long of any kind, but Shavers— one of my first objects
when I get below will be to get a Bank under way which I have good
prospects of expecting, it then may be in our power to befriend and
aid the St Louis Bank most materially in the circulation of its notes—
if however it is to become an instrument of oppression to ruin men
without necessity—I shall wash my hands of it, and endeavor to give
it the Character and Standing in that Country which it will then
merit My Father has nearly Stock enough to cover our debt at Par,
which will be transfered into his name when he comes up and pledged
in addition to his mortgage if required— have you heard from
Price, or Barton, and what are the hopes, We are now more
interested than ever in the fate of the Bank and what you communicate to
me shall be safe—
Compliments to your Mother and Lady and believe me to be your
S. F. Austin
[Addressed:] Mr. W. M. Ohara St Louis